

  • Aubervilliers

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Armenian Diaspora(s) in Motion

    Places, Stakeholders and Practices in the 21st Century

    This 2-day international colloquium which will take place at Campus Condorcet (Aubervilliers) will bring together scholars, from a variety of disciplines and perspectives, who observe Armenian diasporic dynamics in the 21st century. The event will provide an opportunity to compare views and examine the contemporary reshapings of the Armenian dispersion, which, 40 years after the emergence of diaspora studies, has undergone numerous spatial, structural, social, political, economic and cultural changes.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Histoire

    Police Intelligence, from Local to Global. From 1750 to the Present-Day

    The aim of this conference is to take a look at police intelligence, to highlight its specific characteristics and its role in the work of law enforcement agencies. It will thus aim to present new developments and consider new approaches in the history of the administrative management of information and, above all, in the history of the police. The conference will also aim to address the questions of the production and use of police intelligence, of the parties and tools involved in its development, and of the content that feeds it. To highlight these changes in the contexts and uses of intelligence, the conference will consider a lengthy timeline, from the middle of the eighteenth century to the present day. Finally, it will take a resolutely comparative and transnational approach.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Care-led innovation: The case of elderly care in France and Japan

    INNOVCARE 3rd Annual Forum

    This third annual forum represents the beginning of a new step for the project following the selection of INNOVCARE for a funding by the Priority Research Programme (France 2030) “Autonomy” (2024-2028). It will focus on Japanese partners and early career researchers affiliated to the project. We will also further discuss the research agenda of INNOVCARE for the next five years.

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  • Zagreb

    Colloque - Europe

    Digital Humanities and Heritage

    Heritage Matters: Fostering Collaborative Infrastructure

    The DARIAH-HR conference “Digital Humanities and Heritage” endeavors to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among scholars, humanities experts, and professionals specializing in library and information science, archival studies, and museum cultural resource management. By highlighting the interdependent relationship between digital humanities and heritage, this conference aims to promote the adoption of digital technologies as both a methodological approach and a powerful tool within the realms of heritage, humanities, social sciences, and arts.

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  • Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Préserver la santé et la sécurité des enfants en agriculture

    Webinaire 2023

    Au niveau mondial, l’agriculture est l’une des industries les plus dangereuses et aussi l’une des rares qui implique constamment des enfants. Que les enfants travaillent ou soient simplement présents sur l’exploitation agricole, ils sont exposés à un large éventail de risques liés à l’agriculture. De ce fait, ces enfants connaissent des taux élevés de blessures et de décès par rapport aux enfants de la population générale. Comprendre et résoudre les problèmes de santé et de sécurité des enfants du milieu agricole est important du point de vue de la santé publique et de la défense des droits des enfants. La protection des enfants dans l’agriculture est également liée à la durabilité sociale et économique des systèmes agricoles. Ce séminaire invite à faire la lumière sur la santé et la sécurité des enfants dans l’agriculture dans les pays du Nord et du Sud, en mettant l’accent sur les systèmes d’exploitation familiale et à soutenir le développement d’un réseau de chercheurs et de praticiens travaillant sur ces sujets.

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  • Budapest

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Exploring Racial Capitalism

    Critical Romani Studies in Central and Eastern Europe

    “Exploring Racial Capitalism: Critical Romani Studies in Central and Eastern Europe” is the closing conference of the research project ‘Precarious labor and peripheral housing. The socio-economic practices of Romanian Roma in the context of changing industrial relations and uneven territorial development’ conducted at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, between 2020-2023. Embracing PRECWORK’s approach, the conference opens up a dialogue about the condition of impoverished Roma in the field of housing, labor and migration, viewed in the wider political economy context that affected them through deindustrialization, uneven development and racialization processes.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Governing through counter-terrorism in the Arab World

    Production, circulation and (mis)uses of counter-terrorism policies from the Maghreb to the Gulf

    Since September 11, 2001, the fight against terrorism has been at the heart of global governance. The ambition of this conference is to bring historical and sociological dimensions back into the debate on counter-terrorism by critically assessing the circulation and reappropriation of counter-terrorism measures, discourses and practices. Panels will focus on the different narratives produced by governments, the media and experts, and their practices. The conference will facilitate the emergence of comparative perspectives by looking at similar practices in Western contexts and also in China.

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  • Vienne

    Colloque - Europe

    Racism, Justice, Environment

    Critical Approaches in Romani Studies and Beyond

    The conference Racism, Justice, Environment : Critical Approaches in Romani Studies and Beyond is dedicated to the topic of environmental justice. People in Eastern Europe have higher chances of dying as a result of pollution than those in Western Europe. The highest rates of pollution-related deaths are in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, and Romania, all countries with significant Roma communities. Across Europe, numerous Roma communities live in environmentally hazardous areas. Critical Romani Studies therfore proposes a paradigm shift and challenges the dominant academic and policy discourses and suggests inquiries into forms of oppressions Roma are facing, highlighting the importance of structural forms of injustice.

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  • Toulouse

    Colloque - Droit

    Empirical Legal Research: a state of knowledge across Europe

    L’objectif de ce colloque est de produire un état des connaissances sur le développement de la recherche juridique empirique à l’échelle européenne. Il s’agit d’abord de retracer les premiers éléments du développement de ces méthodes, de souligner ses principales tendances et d’en élucider les possibles fondements théoriques. Le colloque permettra ensuite de cartographier le recours aux méthodes empiriques dans les différentes disciplines juridiques à travers l’Europe avant d’approfondir cette analyse dans le domaine du droit de l’environnement.

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  • São Paulo

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    Urban Injustices: Normative Ideas and Practices

    Hosted by the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) at the University of São Paulo (USP), this event aims to create a forum for novel academic debates by combining reflections on concepts and theories in contemporary political philosophy with empirical claims by groups that suffer from such injustices, along with normative justifications that support fairer and more egalitarian cities.

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  • Colloque - Information

    Live Performance and Video games

    Appropriations, Inspirations and Mutual Transfers

    Narrative strategies, immersion, interaction, identification, multimodality, characters and the relationship between physical and virtual worlds: the fields of investigation concerning the complex relationship between live performance and video games are numerous and compound. This symposium will bring together specialists in the field and will provide an overview of research into this relationship.

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  • Montréal

    Colloque - Sociologie

    At the convergence of applied musicology and social action

    The 2022 international Meetings on Music Mediations

    This international forum aims to propose a transnational overview of the current state of research on music mediation and to share the various outlooks on these practices. In addition to its theoretical impact that aims to systematize the observations, this forum will offer multiple opportunities for meetings between practitioners and for networking between practice and research communities. This will be as much about highlighting the professional knowledge of actors in the chain of mediation professions as about giving visibility to the most recent research findings in the field.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Colloque - Études des sciences

    Intelligence augmentation and amplification plus society (2022)

    2022 IAASOC International Forum

    Our international forum aims at creating an innovative dialogue to explore new research issues and methodology for future symbiotic society with artificial intelligence. It involves researchers working on a wide array of topics and disciplines, in particular in the field of social sciences and humanity (SSH) and of computer/engineering sciences (CS/ES), revolving around artificial intelligence. The 35 participants, coming from Japan, Germany and France, will be divided into three theme panels to discuss the designated topics and draw the goals and its roadmaps for future society with scientific, technical, ethical and humanity challenges.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Hongrie, folklore et modernité


    Le colloque a pour but d’étudier le mouvement folklorique hongrois nommé “táncházmozgalom” (« mouvement de la maison de danse »). Ce mouvement fête en 2022 le cinquantième anniversaire de la première « táncház » (« maison de danse », type de soirée dansante traditionnelle) qui s’est tenue à Budapest le 6 mai 1972. Le processus « d’apprentissage par la pratique » est une dynamique centrale pour l’investissement personnel des plus jeunes dans ce mouvement, lors des cours de musique et de danse mais également pendant les táncházak (maisons de danse), koncertek (concerts) and táborok (camps). Le mouvement « táncház » est également profondément marqué par l’ethnographie hongroise du XXe siècle. Les pratiques de la danse et de la musique s’ancrent dans la consultation des nombreux ouvrages et archives des collections ethnographiques du siècle passé. Ainsi, le « táncházmozgalom » est souvent qualifié de « revival movement », puisqu’il remet au goût du jour les musiques et danses folkloriques rurales dans le contexte moderne et urbain de Budapest.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Photography of Persecution. Pictures of the Holocaust

    Rather than treating photographic images taken under Nazi rule as self-explanatory, immediate, and self-contained, this conference invites interested scholars to approach photographs as they would other documents – by treating photographs as objects of historical inquiry and interrogating the political interests authorizing their creation, the material conditions under which they were produced, the editing process out of which they emerged and were displayed, and the uses to which they were put. The conference will focus on the photographic record of the persecution of Jews in Nazi-dominated Europe, including its overseas possessions from 1933 to 1945.

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  • Houston

    Colloque - Amériques

    Staying Balanced in the Pivot: Legal Challenges of the Carbon Transition

    6th Annual North American Environment, Energy, & Natural Resources Conference

    As the world moves to decarbonize, the North American energy sector faces major structural changes. Throughout this transition to sustainability, energy production and usage must also remain stable. Join University of Houston energy and climate law experts, energy general counsel, and Blank Rome attorneys as we examine the complex legal uncertainties and economic opportunities from the low-carbon transition at our 2022 North American Environment, Energy, & Natural Resources Conference.

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  • Aubervilliers | Delhi

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Engaging with categories in South Asia: processes, challenges and implications

    22nd International Workshop by the Youth Association for Indian Studies

    As researchers in social sciences, we are constantly confronting categories. While categorization is an inevitable process, the division and classification of the social world is not neutral. It entails choices and has implications. Some of these choices may be determined by institutions, others informally emerge within society, and still others are made by researchers for analytical purposes. In any case, categorisation can leave a lasting imprint on social and political structures, as in the South Asian context.

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Histoire

    Pierre Bourdieu et l’histoire

    Influences, inspirations, interactions

    Le sociologue français Pierre Bourdieu est décédé en 2002. Son œuvre continue d’être très influente, comme en témoignent une activité éditoriale continue et la diffusion internationale de ses écrits. Si Bourdieu a marqué de nombreux domaines intellectuels par l’ampleur de ses théories, il a établi un dialogue privilégié avec l’histoire en tant que discipline. Vingt ans après, cette conférence vise à éclairer davantage les liens entre l’histoire, les historiens et l’héritage scientifique de Bourdieu.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Gaits, dis-continuities, scansions. Forms of life in a situation of chronic illness/disability

    La place que prennent la maladie chronique ou certaines situations de handicap dans la vie quotidienne et la manière dont elles semblent s’entrelacer avec l’existence, dans ses dimensions biologique, sociale et existentielle ont conduit certains chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales à parler de « vécu chronique » ou encore « chronic living » pour tenter de saisir dans leur spécificité la vie et le vécu des personnes atteintes d’une ou plusieurs maladies de longue durée et non guérissables ou dans certaines situations de handicap.Ce colloque vise à discuter l’apport de la réflexion en termes de formes de vie, et à comprendre dans quelle mesure elles constituent des cadres conceptuels et normatifs appropriés pour comprendre la condition chronique et l'aspiration à une « vie normale », une « vie comme avant », une « vie ordinaire » parfois exprimée dans ce contexte.

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  • Colloque - Sociologie

    The role of art in advanced technology

    In this symposium, we will have presentations and discussions by artists creating artworks using advanced technology and by researchers who are thinking about the relationship between advanced technology and art.

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