

  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Maternal Sacrifice in Jewish Culture

    Rethinking Sacrifice from a Maternal Perspective in Religion, Art, and Culture

    Rethinking Nancy Jay’s opposition between sacrifice and childbirth in what she defines a “remedy for having been born of woman”, the conference aims to explore new approaches to the maternal sacrifice as a ritual, as a narrative, and as a metaphor in the context of Jewish culture.

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  • Colloque - Langage

    Language contact and translation in religious context

    Comparative approaches

    This conference brings together anthropologists and linguists working on conversion, cultural transmission and translation theory, as well as on various case studies, whose geography comprises Oceania, Amazonia, Yucatan, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, Europe, Alaska and Chukotka (Russia), and whose temporal frame spreads from the Hellenistic era to the Spanish colonization of the Americas and to the present time. The main questions of the conference are the modalities of the ethnolinguistic encounter and translation accompanying religious conversion, whether, and how, the language gets altered as a result of these processes, and what are the broader cognitive and sociocultural consequences that accompany the linguistic transformation.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Legacies of Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt

    From Philology to Sociology

    This conference is dedicated to the study of the system of thinking of sociologist Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt, especially focusing on his capacity to understand how plurality has been a major constitutive driving force at the basis of societies.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Worship Sound Spaces

    Perception sonore des lieux de culte (dans différentes religions) par une approche multidisciplinaire anthropologique et acoustique

    The aim of this workshop is to explore, with a trans-disciplinary perspective, the various sonic issues project managers encounter when building or rehabilitating worship spaces in different cultural contexts. Building or rehabilitating such spaces should not only answer to requirements dictated by the building but should also take into account the practices, perceptions and expectations of the various actors and users of those spaces (religious officiants and practitioners, etc.).

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  • Lublin

    Colloque - Religions

    La religion dans les territoires mouvants

    Le colloque de 2014 s’inscrit dans la suite de celui de 2012 qui portait sur religion et territoire. Actuellement, l’Europe fait l’expérience d’une diversité religieuse croissante ainsi qu’un changement important dans la place et le rôle occupés par les religions. De plus, les dynamiques de sécularisation, d’immigration et de croissance de certains groupes religieux, se combinent pour créer une situation nouvelle. Celle-ci suscite des défis sociaux et institutionnels importants, auxquels les réponses apportées diffèrent sensiblement selon les pays et les niveaux d’intervention. Les nations deviennent également des références changeantes, suscitant diverses modalités d’appartenance. Ainsi, le concept de  « territoire »  semble être un angle d’approche fertile pour bien des questions rencontrées lorsque l’on traite de religions.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Asie

    Islam and Regional Cultures in Pakistan

    Journée du CEIAS

    With the hope of throwing new light on the transformations of Pakistani society, this one-day conference intends to move the focus away from two dominant discourses on Pakistan : that is, on the one hand, the security discourse of political and media circles that reduces Pakistan to a state on the fringe of failure, trying to cope with radical Islam and terrorism; and, on the other hand, Pakistan’s official nationalism, which rests on a unitary conception of the nation that disregards the cultural and religious diversity of the country, stressing instead Islam and Urdu as national unifiers while relegating regional cultures to folklore. This conference hopes to partly fill this gap by inviting participants to illustrate the complex, lived experience of Islam in Pakistan, the identity component of religious practices that do not fit in the dominant norm, and their inscription in local political and ethnic relations. Papers would ideally use first-hand observation and/or analyses of cultural productions to examine circumscribed case studies.

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  • Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

    Colloque - Histoire

    James Zebedee, the "translatio" and the Jacobean pilgrimages

    7th International Colloquium Compostela

    The 7th International Colloquium Compostela aims at analysing the myth of the "translatio" of the body of Saint James from Palestina to Santiago de Compostela and its impact in the historical construction of the Jacobean pilgrimages.  As in the former editions, focusing on an interdisciplinary approach, the Colloquium analyzes the state of the art in the archeological research of Palestinian and Compostela in the early centuries, the studies about the traditions of the translatio, the iconography and the literary and social impact of the "translatio" and the current reality of pilgrimages to Compostella.

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  • Colloque - Religions

    Minhagim: custom and practice in jewish life

    International Conference about Minhagim: custom and practice in jewish life, in Tel Aviv.

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  • Lyon

    Colloque - Histoire

    Anthropologie historique du protestantisme à l’époque moderne

    L’approche anthropologique de l’histoire du protestantisme de l’époque moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) est assez courante en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas ou dans les pays anglo-saxons, mais elle a été peu pratiquée en France. Ce colloque international entend montrer tout l’intérêt de cette démarche, en présentant des études portant sur les pays francophones, le Saint-Empire et les Provinces-Unies, dans trois domaines : la culture matérielle ; l’espace public et l’espace privé ; le temps. L’enjeu est de renouveler l’histoire traditionnelle du protestantisme en cherchant à rendre compte des actions, des représentations, des sentiments et des émotions des réformés d’autrefois.

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  • Münster

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Corps dévots ou grands spectacles ? S'enrichir en territoire sacré

    Cinquième symposium international de CORPUS

    Les 7 et 8 septembre 2011, le cinquième symposium international de CORPUS, Groupe international d’études culturelles sur le corps rassemblera à Munster des chercheurs venus d'une grosse demi-douzaine de pays autour du thème: « Corps dévots ou grands spectacles ? S'enrichir en territoire sacré ».

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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Sacred Tourism, Secular Pilgrimage

    Travel and Transformation in the 21st century

    O colóquio internacional "Sacred Tourism, Secular Pilgrimage. Travel and Transformation in the 21st century" irá decorrer no ISCTE-IUL, em Lisboa, de 7 a 11 de Julho de 2011.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Religion et économie dans un monde globalisé

    Le congrès de la Société internationale de sociologie des religions (SISR), organisé par l’Institut d’études politiques d’Aix-en-Provence, réunira quatre cent participants à l’occasion d’une quarantaine de sessions thématiques pour interroger les relations entre religion et économie. Au-delà même de l’occasion conjoncturelle, il est indéniable que les croyances et appartenances religieuses permettent de mieux appréhender les comportements économiques. La variable économique est tout aussi pertinente en amont : le niveau de vie, qu’il soit individuel, relatif à des groupes d’individus ou encore à une société entière, s’avère déterminant dans le choix d’une adhésion religieuse spécifique.

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  • Bethléem

    Colloque - Religions

    Violence, non-violence et religion

    Troisième conférence sur les relations chrétiens-musulmans

    Bethlehem University, with its tradition of building better relations between Christians and Muslims, according to its values as a Catholic LaSallian Palestinian University, is proposing a conference on Violence and Religion (9-11 February 2011) as a chance to discuss this difficult topic of the relationship between religion and violence. Although the topic may seem vast and complex, the multidisci-plinary approach allows for a better understanding of the topic and an informative exchange among scholars and interested people from all faiths.

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  • Addis-Abeba

    Colloque - Religions

    Rôles et valeurs du Menzuma : panégyriques islamiques en Éthiopie et dans la Corne de l'Afrique

    The songs of praise called menzuma, sung by a soloist accompanied by a choir and percussion are popular all over the Muslim areas of Ethiopia where the practice of Sufi Islam is still well rooted. The purposes of this workshop are many : to study Menzuma genre from different perspectives and in the different languages in which it is performed ; to study the role of Menzuma as a social performance in public or private spheres ; to understand the relations between the oral performance and the written text of Menzuma ; to explore the different levels of significance of Menzuma texts, i.e. Religious, moral, historical, artistic, etc. ; to observe the circulation, exchange and transformations of Menzuma among different societies of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    "African Churches" in Europe. Mediating Imaginations

    "African Churches" have been present in Europe for some decades now, but their developments have taken a new dimension with the intensification of African migrations to Europe in the 80s and 90s. Beyond their doctrinal and institutional diversity and divergences, these churches have in common to be carried by African populations who all too often remain stigmatized and marginalized at the social, political and juridical levels. From the diverse issues of identity, networks and circulations of religious actors, relations to the public sphere, and gender, contributions to the conference will seek to show how African Christian worlds of Europe are now situated at the very heart of dynamics of reconfiguration of African imaginations of Europe, but also of European imaginations of Africa.

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  • Copenhague

    Colloque - Religions

    Les musulmans et la participation politique en Europe

    Conférence internationale sur les musulmans et la participation politique en Europe, qui prendra en compte la triple dimension de participation politique effective des musulmans ainsi que du débat religieux interne et du discours public que cette participation suscite.

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  • Sheffield

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Situer la voix : expressions de l'identité au Moyen Âge

    Locating the Voice: Expressions of Identity in the Middle Ages

    « Situer la voix : expressions de l'identité au Moyen Âge » est un colloque interdisciplinaire destiné à promouvoir et encourager discussions et échanges entre disciplines dans le domaine des études médiévales. Il entend constituer un forum pour des débats méthodologiques, des études de cas et des interprétations autour de l'expression de l'identité dans la culture médiévale.

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