

  • Lisbonne

    Séminaire - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Interarts and Intermedia studies seminars

    The Interarts and Intermedia seminars is organized by the THELEME research group (CEC-FLUL) and will be held online. 

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  • Séminaire - Europe

    The New Shape of Sharing: Networks, Expertise, Information

    Online series on key issues facing Western European collections and public services will encourage debate and surface new ideas. The sessions will focus on three areas: new models for collaborative collection development and services; the growing range of content and format types and their significance for libraries and researchers; and the evolving role of libraries and librarians in the research process. The multiple effects of the pandemic on libraries and academic institutions clearly demonstrate that the topics chosen for the forum—cooperation and sharing of collections, services, and technology among libraries, scholars, and members of the book and publishing communities—are particularly pertinent in today’s library environment.

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  • Milan

    Séminaire - Représentations

    Thresholds III – “Avatar”

    Seminar of philosophy of image

    Recent evolutions in the contemporary iconoscape have enabled the production of pictures that elicit in the perceiver a strong feeling of “being there”, namely of being incorporated into new and autonomous environments. Subjects relating to such environments are no longer visual observers in front of images isolated from the real world by a framing device; they are experiencers living in quasi-worlds that offer multisensory stimuli and allow interactive sensorimotor affordances. In relation to such quasi-worlds, a key role is played by the avatar, a digital proxy through which subjects interact with synthetic objects or other avatars. The notion and the uses of the avatar are becoming crucial in a variety of disciplines, ranging from philosophy to visual culture studies, anthropology, sociology, cognitive psychology, and neurosciences. Also, they are raising relevant issues in the fields of ethics and politics.

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  • Helsinki

    Séminaire - Éducation

    Do what you can with what you have

    How to build capacity and community for Digital Humanities teaching and research

    In this two-day workshop, we will share what we have done at UCLA to build real capacity and community for digital humanities teaching and research. Drawing from our experience creating the Scholarly Innovation Lab (SIL), on Day 1 we will share our story and offer guidance and best practices for building a DH lab with modest investment. On Day 2 we will introduce and discuss two of our more successful areas of practice – 3-D modelling for cultural heritage, and Zoom pedagogy for course sharing. The format will be conversational. Our goal is to help cultivate practical approaches for next steps at the University of Helsinki.

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  • Zagreb

    Séminaire - Information

    Opportunities and Needs in Case of Material Concerning Famous People in Science and Culture

    Cooperation Framework of Digital Infrastructure in the Region

    Introduction and collaboration methods between scientific and cultural institutions participating in this project: about the collaboration of institutions in the region, defining the topics to be included in the recommendations (general information, records and plans for digitization, standardization of practice - processing, use, copyright, etc., projects); examples of good practices from the region and the world (exposure to digital repositories, their own practices, projects etc.)

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  • Dacke

    Séminaire - Information

    Digital Humanities seminar

    The Digital Humanities seminar series is aimed at providing a forum for relevant Digital Humanities discussion in the region and beyond, inspiring collaboration with wider audiences about the emerging field of Digital Humanities field and University’s Digital Humanities Initiative, thus both strengthening the Digital Humanities Initiative’s established network, as well as creating a space for collaboration between universities and cross-sectoral partners at national and international levels.

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  • Oxford

    Séminaire - Représentations

    Towards a Social History of Photoliterature and the Photobook

    (Séminaire, Maison Française d'Oxford, 2017-2018)

    This international seminar brings together researchers working on photography and the book with interdisciplinary approaches, connecting the aesthetic and material dimensions of the photobook with social, economic and political perspectives.

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  • Séminaire - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Journal transition from subscription model to open access

    De Gruyter webinar

    Serial crisis, sky-rocketing subscription prices as well as more and more widespread and powerful OA mandates have pushed many publishers to rethink the finance of publishing the journals. Considering a switch calls out numerous challenges but it is a path more and more travelled – and importantly so an economically – sustainable and one with long-term benefits – not only for readers, but also for authors and the journal owners, too. In 2014 De Gruyter converted 14 journals to OA – this webinar looks at overarching strategies for journal transition from subs to OA – including current OA publishing landscape and single factors (like managing submissions, citations and funding) that play a role during the process.  Is it worth it? Who will foot the bill? What to expect? And how to bring the EAB on board? The introductory one-hour webinar is built around three sections to allow participants to work out the flipping strategy for their publication and to timely and reasonably plan  the change.

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  • Oxford

    Séminaire - Représentations

    Towards a social history of photoliterature and the photobook

    This international seminar brings together researchers working on photography and the book with interdisciplinary approaches, connecting the aesthetic and material dimensions of the photobook with social, economic and political perspectives.

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  • Zagreb

    Séminaire - Éducation

    Sustainable access to digital cultural and scientific heritage

    Ethical and legal issues

    The international workshop Sustainable access to digital cultural and scientific heritage: Ethical and legal issues is organized in the framework of DARIAH's Humanities at Scale project, as a cooperation between The Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research and University of Zagreb University Computing Centre - SRCE. Presenters and workshop managers will be prominent experts from a variety of educational, scientific and heritage institutions, as well as lawyers. The workshop will address the ethical and legal issues related to open access to archival material and scientific works.

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  • Osijek

    Séminaire - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Digitization of Heritage Librarian Funds: Our Necessity and Obligation

    Digitalizacija baštinskih knjižničarskih fondova: naša nužnost i obveza

    A collaboration with the Institute for the Culture of Vojvodina Croats and the Saint Michael’s Franciscan Monastery in Subotica during the months of July and August of 2015 has resulted in a practicum for the senior students of the University Interdisciplinary Graduate Study Program in Librarianship. The students have opened a gateway to one of the richest heritage librarian funds, and the four weeks of their life with the books and socialization in a multicultural and multiethnic city, which is twinned with their hometown of Osijek, have produced valuable experiences, as well as a successfully initiated and professional processing of library materials. Established are the possibilities for an acquaintance with the valuable (monumental) library collections and the acquisition of a hands-on librarian habituation subsequent to a theoretical universitarian instruction, whereby a pathway has been paved for the next generations to become a part of this unique cultural initiative. By virtue of the prospective assets allocated by this international project, it could be possible to devise a follow-up to this endeavor. Thus, in addition to an academic knowledge, the students would repeatedly have an opportunity to be practically involved in the conservation, processing, and valorization of the heritage librarian funds.

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  • Issy-les-Moulineaux

    Séminaire - Information

    Structure and Dynamics of Media Flows

    This workshop is the closing event of the ANR Corpus Géomédia project, which has had geographs, media specialists and computer scientists working together since the end of 2012. It reflects the aims of the project, ie. to create a tool to capture RSS feeds concerned with international news for a number of newspapers in the world (French-, English- and Spanish-speaking), before using it to answer some research issues: what is an event? how to explain the sub/over-representation of some spaces or actors? can the flow of information be modelised at global scale?

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  • Lisbonne

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Networks over space and time: modelling, analyzing, and representing complex data in the digital humanities

    This workshop is about interconnections between, and in space and time. But it also sees interconnections at other levels: between modelling and analysing, between theory and practice, as well as between humanities and computing.

    In the humanities, a close look at networks and relationships, whether formal or informal, personal or social, of information or of knowledge, of transportation or of communication, has always been an important subject of study and, at the same time, a powerful analytical process. In computer science, the study of networks and of methodologies for analysis and visualization of these relationships is nowadays an increasingly well understood and practiced area of knowledge. In both the humanities and computer science, researchers are well aware of the dynamic nature of data and knowledge when viewed through the lenses of space and time.

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  • Milan

    Séminaire - Études des sciences

    Normativité technique et gouvernance d’internet : dimensions socio-technique et socio-éthique

    Troisième séance du séminaire IG3T (Internet Governance: Transparency, Trust and Tools)

    La normativité technique d’Internet pose un problème d’autant plus aigu que ses dimensions socio-technique et socio-éthique sous-jacentes demeurent le plus souvent soustraites à toute forme de critique réflexive. Les dispositifs techniques (supports, systèmes, réseaux) sont souvent représentés comme des objets complexes, mais qui, du point de vue de la normativité, relèvent d’une sorte de neutralité structurelle et fonctionnelle. Or, il importe d'ouvrir la « boîte noire » de la technique afin d’identifier et de discuter les formes de normativité que ces dispositifs véhiculent, avec ou sans volonté délibérée de la part de leurs concepteurs. Il s’agit en particulier de déterminer jusqu’à quels degrés et selon quelles modalités les systèmes de décision et de régulation qui ont à gérer les normes techniques d’Internet (a) peuvent intégrer des conceptions socio-techniques et socio-éthiques dans leur développement, (b) peuvent s’ouvrir à des contre-pouvoirs politiques.

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