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  • Paris

    Miscellaneous information - Modern

    Sistemas teatrais complexos: a cena performativa de Enrique Diaz | Teatro e revolução: os desafios diante da crise da democracia liberal

    Marcilene LOPEZ DE MOURA propõe um estudo sistêmico da prática do encenador Enrique Diaz, tendo como referência metodológica transdisciplinar os sistemas informáticos chamados de sistemas nebulosos (systèmes flous).Thiago ARRAIS propõe discutir o lugar de criação e presença contextual do teatro em meio à crise das democracias liberais e os acirramentos da disputa pelo controle narrativo e o teatro como território alternativo à realidade liberal. A conferência é moderada por Katherine NAKAD CHUFFI.

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  • Coimbra | Lisbon

    Miscellaneous information - Sociology

    Digital Scholarship Workshop

    Call for participation

    The Digital Scholarship Workshop (DSW) aims at offering to early stage researchers and tenured faculty the opportunity to learn how to use in a more effective way digital media to produce and disseminate research. The DSW will help participants in identifying an online repertoire suited for their specific needs and goals and at enabling researchers of different backgrounds to effectively integrate social media applications into their research activities and professional development strategies.

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  • Paris

    Miscellaneous information - Geography

    Language, diffusion and scientific production in the context of globalization

    A question for geographies and geographers

    The CNFG (French National Committee for Geographers) in collaboration with IGUorganizes a two-day forum to discuss the relationship between languages, social contexts ofscientific production, and the overtly admitted language of scientific exchange, that is,English. It invites all French-speaking geographers, from different “national” and “linguistic”contexts, but also all geographers and geographies interested in sharing their views andexperience on the diffusion and production of knowledge in the global context.

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  • Miscellaneous information - Information

    Who are you, OpenEdition readers?

    With over three million visits per month to its platforms, OpenEdition has become an important actor in humanities and social sciences publishing portal, all thanks to you. In 2009, our first survey gave us a chance to identify the Revues.org readership, and you shared your ideas and expectations with us. Today, we have a new survey for you, covering the full range of our academic communication platforms, which will enable us to find out more about you and improve our services.

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