AccueilTypesJournée d'étude

AccueilTypesJournée d'étude

  • Nice

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Venice, a Mediterranean regional power

    Economic, maritime and political perspectives, 1669 – 1797

    The Mediterranean has always been at the heart of Venice’s interests during the Early Modern Period. A main source of its prosperity, the Inner Sea maintained its vital role even after the “northern invasions”, the battle of Lepanto and the “downturn” of the 17th century. This seminar aims to explore the relationship between Venice and the Mediterranean between the loss of Crete, the last major dominion of Venetian maritime empire in 1669, and the end of the Republic in 1797.

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  • Boulogne

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Judas the Galilean: the Man and his Significance

    In 6 CE, while Quirinius was taking the census of Judea, the first Jewish opposition aroused against Roman presence in the region, led by a man known as Judas the Galilean (or the Gaulanite). According to Josephus, all subsequent troubles were the fact of this man. But who was Judas? Was he so important in the history? Was he even challenging Roman authorities? As usual in similar cases, the scholarly debates are endless about the man and his significance. This conference aims to survey all of the many faces of Judas in recent historiography and to discuss each evidence in order to estimate the true place of Judas in history.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Économie

    China-EU economic relations

    University Shanghai Fudan-Paris IAS workshop

    Over the last decades, China has become a major player in the world trade and the European Union's second largest trade partner after the United States. Economic relations between the European Union and China now take up a variety of forms, including technological collaboration in new high tech ventures.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    The European electricity market and national energy policies

    This workshop has the ambition to put together a group of researchers in political science, economic sociology and institutional economics who are interested in these interactions between the wholesale market and energy policies. The scientific challenge is to understand how our political, economic and legal institutions are supporting these frictions and are attempting to articulate these policies, and how articulations rely on economic expertise, political negotiation, legal interpretation, etc.

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  • Buenos Aires

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    The Great War seen from the “Periphery”: East Asia and Ibero-America

    The International Workshop “The Great War seen from the ‘Periphery’: East Asia and Ibero-America” intends to encourage a comparative discussion on the impact of the war in East Asia and Ibero-America, and also about possible entanglements as well as communalities regarding a shift in perception of the ‘European Great Powers’ and a world order centered very much on them before 1914. It will gather researchers specialized in Japan, China and Ibero-america, who will focus on the ‘mediatization’ of the war in those regions.

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  • Londres

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    Creating the Europe 1600-1815 Galleries

    This conference celebrates the opening of the V&A’s new Europe 1600-1815 Galleries. It will introduce some of the new patterns of living that laid the foundations for our modern world. The papers will be presented according to the three main themes that create a narrative structure for the displays and interpretation in the galleries: first, that, for the first time ever, Europeans systematically explored, exploited, and collected resources from Africa, Asia and the Americas in their art and design; second, that France took over from Italy as leader of fashion and art in the second half of the 17th century; and third, that ways of living came to resemble those we know today.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Student movements and (post-)colonial emancipations

    Transnational itineraries, dialogues and programmes

    This one-day conference investigates the role of student movements in individual and collective emancipations, from the struggle for colonial liberation to the challenges posed by contemporary globalisation. This conference seeks to bring these various approaches together, in order to discuss the transnational and connected history of student engagements in colonial liberations and the critical reflection on the multilateral management of conflicts in the postcolonial period. It will investigate internal and external tensions, and the reorganisation of these movements in relation to pacifism, revolutionary struggle, conflict prevention and peace making. 

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  • Cologne

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Foreign Rule in Western Europe

    Towards a Comparative History of Military Occupations, 1940-1949

    Military occupations were a crucial part of the collective experience of Western European societies during the mid-20th century. Occupations conducted by Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and the Western Allies varied in terms of their goals, methods, and most significantly in their use of violence. In many respects, however, these ideologically different regimes of occupation also shared a range of common features. In contrast to the ruthless occupation policies in the East, these regimes sought to find a viable mode of interaction with both local social intermediaries and the broader population, and thus generally attempted to stabilize their rule by pacifying occupied societies. Many of the quotidian ruling techniques and practices deployed for this purpose produced a set of related socio-political legacies across Western European societies which found their distinctive expression during the subsequent decades.

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  • Leioa

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Performing Local and Regional Level Administration and Politics

    Ceremonies, Rituals and Routines (16th-18th c.)

    In recent years, ceremonies, rituals and routines have come to form a dynamic field of historical research. This one-day workshop looks at these phenomena in relation to the proceedings of local and regional administrations, law courts, political bodies, and corporations, rather than the court or high administration. The aim of the workshop is to discuss work in progress and to exchange ideas and views about the current state-of-the-art and methodological issues related to research on early modern ceremonies, rituals and routines in local intermediary organizations and in local political settings.

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  • Florence

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Borders Past and Present. Materiality, Practices and Concepts

    In recent years, the study of borders and boundaries has attracted the curiosity of scholars from different disciplines and informed a rich and diverse literature. With notable exceptions, most publications on the subject relate however strictly to their sub-field and discipline, paying only fleeting attention to the work produced in neighbouring disciplines. The aim of this workshop is to bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars from the European University Institute and other European universities and research institutions who study borders and border-related phenomena from different perspectives.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    Tackling Urban Fragmentation

    Alternative Approaches to Urban Regeneration

    Les organisateurs de cette journée d’étude s'intéressent aux initiatives visant à introduire des projets innovants dans les villes, en particulier les villes ayant subi des transformations radicales ces vingt dernières années. Nous nous intéressons à des situations où les approches traditionnelles sont influencées par des stratégies nouvelles initiées par des groupes de pression composés d’architectes/designers, de groupes d’habitants ou des gouvernements locaux (municipalités ou autre). Cette journée d’étude souhaite explorer la question du recours à l’expertise des habitants ou des spécialistes du terrain dans le domaine de la rénovation urbaine : cette expertise est-elle intégrée dans des projets ? Comment ? Peut-elle servir à répondre au phénomène accru de fragmentation urbaine ?

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Britanniques et américains dans les projets transnationaux, 1830-1914

    L'anglo-saxonnisme et l'anglobalisation en question

    Les relations anglo-américaines sont abordées le plus souvent dans le cadre de l’histoire des relations internationales et de la diplomatie. Nous proposons de les étudier plutôt à travers l’histoire de projets internationaux, qu’ils relèvent du commerce et des affaires ou qu’ils poursuivent des objectifs politiques ou réformateurs au sens large. Le but de la journée d’études est de préciser dans quelles circonstances britanniques et américains évoquent leur histoire et leurs traditions communes, ou à l’inverse mettent l’accent sur ce qui les différencie. D’une manière plus générale, il s’agit d’enrichir la réflexion sur les pratique et les cultures de « l’anglo-saxonisme » au XIXe siècle.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Dette, démocratie, citoyenneté. Histoire politique des dettes publiques

    Europe, États-Unis, fin XVIIIe-début XXIe siècle

    Sous forme d'atelier, cette journée d'études explore, en croisant les approches, la dette publique comme lieu du débat et du conflit politiques en Europe et aux États-Unis depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle. En rassemblant des études de cas sur ce nœud entre la politique (notamment dans sa dimension sociale) et l'endettement de l'État, elle propose de réinterroger certaines notions centrales à notre compréhension du fonctionnement politique du monde contemporain, et tout particulièrement la souveraineté, la citoyenneté, la démocratie et la solidarité.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Voluntary Associations in the Yugoslav Space

    Relations with State and Family from the Late 19th Century to the Present

    The workshop focusses on the changing relationship between voluntary associations/NGOs, the state and the family. According to traditional sociological views, civil society – and thus associations, as its most frequently evoked incarnation – are conceived as being opposed to both the state and the family, a sort of free space for collective agency escaping from the strictures of both kinship structures and of the state. More recently, scholars of civil society have convincingly shown the problems with drawing a clear-cut border between the state and VAs/NGOs, and tend to see this border as porous, shifting, and subject to negotiation.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Populism in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century

    Since the 1990s, several political movements qualified as “populist” have emerged in Central and Eastern Europe, drawing the attention of political scientists. If we want to understand why these movements exercise such attraction and why they are so relentless in this space, it is necessary to cross the study of current politics with the analysis of long term developments. Indeed, since the 19th century, Central and Eastern Europe has known several movements and political parties that have called themselves or have been labelled as “populist”. In this sense, the long-term approach allows considering the similarities and the differences, according to different contexts and periods, and identifying the reasons and the mechanisms of action of these movements. At last, this historical approach helps to consider the specificity - if there is any specificity - of these movements in Central and Eastern Europe and to evaluate their impact on political cultures of the region.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Et l’histoire dans tout ça ? Retour sur la place de l’histoire dans les études indiennes

    L’objectif de cette journée d’études est de reprendre la réflexion autour de la place de l’histoire dans les études indiennes et de ses relations avec les autres disciplines au sein d’un laboratoire d’aires culturelles tel que le CEIAS. C’est là une question qui a déjà occupé plusieurs historiens du Centre par le passé mais qui est loin d’être épuisée et reste d’actualité au vu de la place marginale que l’histoire continue d’occuper au sein des études indiennes en France et, parallèlement, de la faible visibilité de l’Inde dans la recherche et l’enseignement de l’histoire. Il s’agira de dresser un bilan des pistes explorées par les historiens actifs au CEIAS depuis sa fondation et du dialogue noué tant avec d’autres spécialistes de l’Inde qu’avec des historiens travaillant sur d’autres « terrains », mais aussi de réfléchir ensemble sur les perspectives ouvertes par l’évolution actuelle de la discipline historique en France qui semble enfin sortir de son traditionnel européocentrisme.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    La Grande-Bretagne en crise ? Le parti libéral et le libéralisme, 1906-1924

    Great-Britain in Crisis? Liberalism and the Liberal Party, 1906-1924. Journée d'étude organisée par le centre d'histoire de Sciences Po, l'université Paris Diderot (LARCA) et l'université de Birmingham. Lieu : Université Paris Diderot, 10, rue Charles V, 75004 Paris, salle A50.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    A political history of techno-scientific governance: the shaping of transnational networks of Cold-War elites

    Le programme ERC Futurepol « A political history of the future » coordonné par Jenny Andersson (CNRS, Sciences Po) organise le 7 juin 2012 de 14h30 à 16h30 à Sciences Po (salle du conseil - 13, rue de l'Université - 75007 Paris) un séminaire intitulé « A political history of techno-scientific governance: the shaping of transnational networks of Cold War elites ».À cette occasion, Egle Rindzeviciute (Sciences Po) et Leena Riska-Campbell (Université d'Helsinky) viendront présenter leurs recherches sur l'International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) et son rôle pendant la Guerre Froide. Elles seront discutées par Marie-Laure Djelic (ESSEC Business School).

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    La Serbie post-Milosevic : continuités/discontinuités

    Plus de sept ans après l'effondrement du régime de Slobodan Milošević en Serbie, une évaluation de la transition démocratique et des changements en cours dans les sphères économique et sociale apparaît utile alors que le pays piétine dans son processus d'adhésion à l'UE et est confronté à la définition du statut du Kosovo.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Sur l'État en Grande-Bretagne

    L'Etat britannique cristallise depuis plusieurs années de nombreuses études, réflexions et controverses. A travers trois interventions d'universitaires français et britanniques dont les travaux portent sur ce sujet, et par les discussions que celles-ci sont appelées à susciter,cette séance entend s'attacher à replacer les évolutions récentes de cet appareil dans une perspective historique de plus longue durée. Par le croisement d'approches issues de l'histoire et des sciences politiques, il s'agit de mieux apprécier la restructuration actuelle de l'Etat enGrande-Bretagne, et de faire à son propos la part des ruptures et des continuités.

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