AccueilTypesBourse, prix et emploi

AccueilTypesBourse, prix et emploi

  • Utrecht

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Post-doctorate researcher in Coinage in Ancient Greece

    Anchoring Work Package 4

    The use of minted coins was one of the major innovations in the ancient world of the first millennium BCE. Invented in Lydia in the seventh century, coinage spread rapidly throughout the Greek world, first in the Greek cities in Asia Minor, next to Aegina and Athens and soon to the other cities across the Aegean and Mediterranean area. Before the introduction of minted coins, exchange was largely based on weights of precious metals, in smaller amounts weighed on scales, a practice to which striking fixed weights of metal seems just a small and logical step. Yet the swift success of coinage, evidenced by rapidly increasing number of Greek poleis adopting the new medium, shows that the potential of coins to surpass weighed bullion in practical use for all kinds of transactions was recognised early on.

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  • Naples

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Credit. Trust, solidarity, citizenship (14th-19th century)

    IV seminar of doctoral studies history and economy in the Mediterranean countries

    The objective of the seminar will be to understand the importance of intense credit activities at all levels of society, both in urban and rural areas over the long term, from consumer microcredit to the specific problem of the foundation of the Monti di Pietà in the various regional typologies, and to the forms of solidarity credit that, over the centuries, gave rise to more modern forms of banks.

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  • Le Mans

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Allocation doctorale sur les crises environnementales et les traditions locales

    Regards croisés sociétés antiques / sociétés de l’océan Pacifique

    Dans l’Antiquité les récits de changements environnementaux majeurs constituent un ensemble complexe et hétérogène où les témoignages historiques bien datés de la littérature savante côtoient des traditions mythiques locales dont l’origine et la chronologie sont plus difficiles à établir. Selon une approche multi-disciplinaire et comparative, le sujet de la thèse se propose d’étudier les récits de l’Antiquité classique et les traditions orales des sociétés aborigènes d’Australie et / ou des îles du Pacifique des périodes plus ou moins récentes de l’histoire.

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi

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  • 2017

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  • Europe

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  • Méditerranée

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    • 2017



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