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  • Cycle de conférences - Représentations

    Archive & Conflict. (Im)materialities in the Digital Age

    ARCHIVO Webinar Series 2024

    Focusing on the production, circulation, and archiving of images, the Archivo Webinar Series 2024 aims to explore the Archive & Conflict through two main perspectives: on the one hand, to delve into the materialities and immaterialities of archival production within the digital age in regard to contemporary critical appropriations through visual arts that address, access and contest past and present conflicts, history’s repressed events and violations. On the other hand, to examine the aesthetics of datafication, understanding artistic strategies as potential sites for resisting and counter-acting current extractivist processes, which tend to capture and transform everyday life into data.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Histoire

    Entanglements of the Greek, Neo-Assyrian and Iranian worlds

    With the establishment of empire at the beginning of the first millennium BCE a new form of political system was introduced in Western Eurasia that changed the course of history considerably. The effect of change became visible on many levels, political, ideological, and economical. It concerned worldview, as well as the perception of space and time. Completely new forms of exchange and entanglement emerged that have rightfully been labelled as “protoglobalization”. These new developments affected the entire world between the western Mediterranean and China. The four conferences of Ribert Rollinger will deal with these changes on a long-term perspective. They will have a special focus on the Greek world and the west on the one hand, but will also deal with the phenomenon of entanglement from a larger perspective taking into account changes and developments all over Afro-Eurasia.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Asie

    Current Research on East Asia (2023-2024)

    As part of the Université Paris Cité’s commitment to global engagement, creativity and critical knowledge and research, the Paris Graduate School of East Asian Studies is organizing a series of lectures by international scholars for the 2023-2024 academic year. The series highlights the wide-ranging intellectual interests and innovations of prominent scholars in the humanities and social sciences, with a focus on the East Asia and flows of ideas, people, institutions, and texts across linguistic and national borders.

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  • Cycle de conférences - Représentations

    The indigenous gaze – Decolonizing visual cultures

    This Webinar Series seeks to continue the ongoing discussions in decolonial thought and visual practices beyond Western-centred conceptualisations of the image. Throughout five sessions, scholars, artists, and curators, will critically approach the concept of the 'gaze' in visual culture, interrogating it from historical, cultural, and ontological standpoints, and addressing the Indigenisation of the image as a means for decolonizing the fields of visual culture and contemporary art studies.

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  • Issy-les-Moulineaux | Amsterdam

    Cycle de conférences - Droit

    New Perspectives on Normativity: Joint Lecture Series on International Law and Technology

    This lecture series we bring together leading scholars in international law, international relations and legal theory to present their work and discuss the implications of an ever increasing digitization of socio-economic life. The lecture series is held on Mondays from 15.30-17.00 every three weeks alternating between the University of Amsterdam and the université catholique de Lille Paris-Issy Campus. All lectures will also be accessible in a hybrid format via Zoom.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Droit

    The Power of Law in Europe

    Series of lectures by Perry Anderson

    Few attributes are more important to the European Union than that of Rechtsstaat. The connotations of the term are both internal and external: it can refer either to the supremacy of law within its own borders, or to its respect for international law beyond them. Historically, the “law of nations”, as it was originally called, predates the jurisprudence of the Union, a relatively recent creation, by many centuries. At its centre lay a concern with the regulation of armed conflicts between peoples and States: relationships of power traditionally settled by war. What is the bearing of these on a contemporary political system priding itself on its commitment to peace? This series of lectures will look, in turn, at the origins and evolution of the law of nations in Europe; at the origins and nature of law within a Union that defines itself as neither national nor international; at the kinds and results of the ensuing statecraft and democratic will-formation; and in conclusion, at the historical juncture of the Union at the time of war in Ukraine.

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  • Cycle de conférences - Éducation

    Teaching and Learning Series

    This indispensable series is aimed at new lecturers, postgraduate students who have teaching time, Graduate Teaching Assistants, part-time tutors and demonstrators, as well as experienced teaching staff who may feel it’s time to review their skills in teaching and learning. Sessions in this series will provide teachers in higher education with practical, realistic guidance on the various different aspects of their teaching role, which is underpinned not only by current research in the field, but also by the extensive experience of our individual speakers.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Europe

    L’angoisse du déclin

    Démocratie, démographie et clivage Est-Ouest en Europe

    En démocratie, la règle veut que les citoyennes et les citoyens élisent celles et ceux qui les gouvernent. Mais les gouvernements tendent eux aussi à choisir celles et ceux qui les élisent. Ils opèrent ce choix par l’élaboration de lois sur l’acquisition de la nationalité et de lois électorales, mais aussi par la mise en place de politiques migratoires, par le recours au redécoupage électoral à des fins politiques (gerrymandering), ou encore par l’entrave au droit de vote. Cette série de conférences analyse la façon dont les majorités ethnoculturelles, en diminution dans les États membres de l’Union européenne (UE), tentent de préserver leur pouvoir et leur identité face à leur propre déclin démographique et à l’afflux migratoire.

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  • Houston

    Cycle de conférences - Droit

    Energy transition and climate governance

    On behalf of the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources (EENR) Center at the University of Houston Law Center, this events will be held in the frame of virtual lecture series on Energy Transition and Climate Governance, sponsored by the EU’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions and spearheaded by Dr. Aubin Nzaou.

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  • Houston

    Cycle de conférences - Droit

    Non-State Actors, Energy Transition Law and Climate Governance Series

    TGL Project — Energy Law and Climate Policy Lecture Series

    Our program on non-state actors, energy transition, and climate governance — at the environment, energy and natural resources center at the University of Houston law center — is funded by the European Commission in the frame of the program H2020 and Marie Curie Actions — and we are delighted to partner with the Center for US and Mexican Law here at the University of Houston Law Center and the Center for European Studies at Jean Moulin University of Lyon 3 in France, to conduct research on diverse topics including inter alia non-state actors and climate litigation under the inspiring leadership of Professor Victor Flatt, Co-director of the EENR Center with Professor Gina Warren, but also our chair this morning.

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  • Cycle de conférences - Éducation

    A success story? PISA, large-scale assessment and educational change

    The research project analyses all cycles of Portugal’s participation in PISA - Programme for International Student Assessment - (and, secondarily, in other international studies in which the country participated), comparing the processes adopted in data collection. Still, the core problem very directly formulated is: what are the implicit and explicit implications of Portugal’s participation in PISA; or, put differently, how have the different national players (policy-makers, school administrators, teachers and their unions, parents’ associations, media) appropriated the process and included the results of that participation in discourses, public policies and professional practices?

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  • Cycle de conférences - Droit

    History of Constitutional Law

    Online Course on the US Original Constitution and its Reception in Brazil

    In times of Covid19, the Federal University of Paraiba, UFPB, opens this course to the global audience. Students from the world will have the opportunity to discuss the USA and Brazil's constitutional history from the Founding Era to the end of the nineteenth century with an instructor and Brazilian students of its Graduate Program in Law. The UFPB offers these lectures through the Google Meet platform with a limited number of spots for better development of the studies and discussions amongst participants. Some international scholars will take part in the course as special guests presenting seminars about their newly published books or legal articles in which they are authors on subjects connected to constitutional matters. 100% online course.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Représentations

    Dialogues de la salle Labrouste

    Un auteur dialogue à propos de son livre avec un invité. Ce cycle se déroule dans la salle Labrouste, salle de lecture de la bibliothèque de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA). L’ambition est de replacer l’ouvrage dans son contexte en faisant dialoguer les époques, les cultures et les disciplines qu’il convoque. Les ouvrages programmés dans le cadre de ce cycle sont des publications récentes. Ils sont proposés par les conseillers scientifiques et les bibliothécaires de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, conformément à l’esprit de l’établissement, qui regroupe différentes équipes dédiées à la recherche et à la plus vaste bibliothèque d’histoire de l’art au monde.

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  • Cycle de conférences - Histoire

    Parthenos e-Humanities and e-Heritage Webinar Series

    The PARTHENOS e-Humanities and e-Heritage Webinar Series provide an opportunity to explore the new possibilities arising from the digital and infrastructural developments in the Humanities and Cultural Heritage research. The series will act as a lens through which a more nuanced understanding of the role of Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage Research Infrastructures for research can be gained. The webinars are aimed mainly at Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage practitioners who wish to learn how to maximise their benefits and cooperation with Research Infrastructures.

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  • Prague

    Cycle de conférences - Histoire

    Beyond the Revolution in Russia

    Narratives - Spaces – Concepts. A 100 Years since the Event.

    During the conference, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the events in Russia, we would like to consider individual layers of reception, commemoration, and performance of revolutionary thoughts, images, and practices in the area of the Central and Eastern Europe. We would like to render the Russian revolution in its ambiguity between the event itself, medium-term social and economic transformations, and a long-term reconfiguration of the spaces of power and politics.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Pensée

    La notion de conscience

    À partir de William James

    Durant le mois de juin 2017, le labex TransferS et Mathias Girel (CAPHÉS) accueillent Alexander Klein, professeur de philosophie à l’université d’État de Californie, Long Beach (États-Unis)

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Amériques

    Capitalism, state and economic development in comparative perspective

    Cette série de conférences est présentée par Linda Marguerite Weiss, professor emeritus à l’université de Sydney, directrice d’étude invitée à l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales.

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  • La Haye

    Cycle de conférences - Histoire

    Friend or Foe: Art and the Market in the Nineteenth Century

    The attitudes towards art dealers in the nineteenth century are rather diverse. The aim of this conference is to bring together case studies from a wide variety of (inter)national, chronological and artistic contexts which critically examine both the (alleged) impact of nineteenth-century art dealers on the art world and the sites of resistance towards this impact.

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  • Rennes

    Cycle de conférences - Éducation

    Concept formation in the wild as educational challenge: an activity-theoretical research program

    Yrjö Engeström lectures

    Un chercheur ou un groupe de chercheurs en éducation, internationalement reconnu, consacre plusieurs jours à la présentation de son travail sur invitation du CREAD : ce sont les « Conférences John Dewey ». Cette année, nous recevrons Yrjö Engeström, professeur à l'Université d'Helsinki, du 19 au 22 novembre 2013.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Asie

    Cycle de conférence de Rob Jenkins

    Professeur au Hunter College, City University of New York

    Rob Jenkins, professeur de sciences politiques à Hunter College, City University of New York, invité par le CEIAS, donnera quatre conférences en janvier.

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