

  • Barcelona

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Other Voices. Resilience, Identities and Politicization of Local Agents and the unfolding of the Modern State (17th-19th Centuries)

    This international conference wants to reflect on the interaction between local agents and the institutional State Building policies between the 17th and the 19th Centuries. The construction of the Modern State, far from being a top-down vertical process, has consisted of a debate, often tense - if not adverse - between the interests of local communities and the State apparatus or raison d'état. In this way, the aim is to achieve a much more complete knowledge of the construction of the Modern State based on the study of the local sphere. The conference presented here is undoubtedly boldly conceived: to bring together marginal orisolated aspects and intertwine them to revisit specific historiographical hypotheses.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Thematische Schule - Geschichte

    Faire l’histoire du fait économique : commerce et crises financières.

    Cas d’étude et enjeux méthodologiques dans une perspective globale. 16e et 17e siècles

    Cet atelier est un moment de formation doctorale et postdoctorale autours des interactions économiques et financières qui ont caractérisé l’espace européen et atlantique à la première modernité. Les crises multiples qui caractérisèrent le 17e siècle seront la toile de fond à cette journée qui mettra Gênes et les Flandres au centre d’un système financier international.La guerre, le commerce, la géopolitique seront les multiples contextes à prendre en compte.

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