

  • Thessaloniki

    Kolloquium - Geschichte

    Religions et politique dans les Orients d'Europe (XIVe-XXe siècle)

    The goal of this conference is to explore a number of aspects of the relationship between the religious phenomenon and politics through the historical framework of political developments in what progressively will become, through interaction, the Orients of Europe, i.e. Eastern and Southeastern Europe as well as the Eastern Mediterranean, an area so unorthodox and difficult to examine in terms of essentialist definitions. It is no accident that Samuel Huntington believed that what we call the ‘Orthodox East’ does not form a part of the West, but rather a sui generis encounter between Christianity and Islam at the borders of Europe. This theoretical scheme is not overturned by drawing the borders of Europe a little further to the East, as many believe, but by historicizing the issue of the relationship between religion and politics in the given geographical region through the comparative prism of what was occurring during the same period in Western Europe.

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  • Florenz

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Bourgeois Seas. Revisiting the middle classes of Eastern Mediterranean Port Cities

    Although there has recently been a notable surge of interest in the study of non-European middle classes as well as of Eastern Mediterranean port cities, most historians working on the field of the Eastern Mediterranean rarely treat port cities as sites where classes were formed and contested and where bourgeoisies asserted their class hegemony. This conference aims at bringing these two critical trends together. Following recent historiographical trends proposals are invited on any port city of the Eastern Mediterranean during the long nineteenth century, until about the aftermath of the First World War.

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