

  • Birmingham

    Colloque - Langage

    André du Bouchet, d’un siècle à l’autre

    L’œuvre d’André du Bouchet (1924-2001) fascine le lecteur par l’exigence avec laquelle il aura abordé l’expérience poétique. L’écho suscité par la singularité de son écriture mais aussi par la richesse de son dialogue avec les poètes et les artistes ne cesse de vivifier la poésie actuelle. Le colloque du centenaire d’André du Bouchet s’ouvrira à l’Université de Birmingham pour un premier volet consacré à la question de la traduction, soit que le poète l’ait pratiquée (Shakespeare, Celan...), soit qu’il ait été traduit à son tour, soit qu’il puisse susciter une réflexion sur ce travail particulier de la langue.

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  • Norwich

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Ideas of Europe and Images of Russia. From the Eighteenth Century to the Present

    XV Annual Conference of the Research Network on the History of Idea of Europe

    (Western) European perceptions of and discourses about Russia tell us much more about Europe’s self-perceptions (and delusions) than about Russia itself. And the same holds true for Russian views about Europe. Underlying such a complex identity-formation processes is an often troublesome intellectual dialogue between Europe and Russia, between two closely entwined entities. One of the purposes of this international conference, is to shed light on such a dialogue, discern its main elements, and its untold assumptions and underlying prejudices. The overall aim is to examine how images of Europe and discussions about Russian identity have interacted and influenced each other. Embracing a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, the conference aims to engage intellectual, cultural, social, and art historians as well as literary scholars and political theorists. 

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  • Cambridge

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Programme de chercheur invité : collection de la Libération (1944-46)

    Bibliothèque de l’Université de Cambridge

    La Bibliothèque de l’Université de Cambridge annonce le lancement d’un nouveau Programme de chercheur invité pour étudier la collection de la Libération (1944-46). Soutenue par la Fondation Penchant, cette nouvelle initiative permettra à un chercheur invité de passer entre deux et quatre mois à entreprendre des recherches sur la Chadwyck-Healey Liberation Collection conservée à Cambridge University Library.

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  • Oxford

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Époque moderne

    Vie curiale et correspondance à l’époque de Marie-Antoinette - Bourse d'études doctorales

    L’université d’Oxford, en collaboration avec le Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, propose une bourse d’études doctorales à partir d’octobre 2024 avec pour thématique « Vie curiale et correspondance à l’époque de Marie-Antoinette ». Il s’adresse aux étudiant(e)s des disciplines suivantes : lettres, littérature comparée, histoire, anglais, etc.

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  • Manchester

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Histoire intime, des intimités et du sentiment de soi

    Society for the Study of French History (SSFH) Annual Conference

    What does it mean to write “intimate” histories? Intimacy is a practice of both historical actors and historians, at once a field of experience and a methodological disposition. The rise of global history has birthed a renewed interest in the intimate as a vector of the situated and the individual in the midst of narratives often concerned with depersonalized processes and networks. The intimate does not displace the global or transnational but views these histories from a different vantage point, exploring their significance in the realm of the everyday and the sphere of meaning-making. The body and the material are its central agents, and intimacy has remained entwined with gender, offering scholars a way of asserting the significance of gendered relations and analyses to narratives and scales that may otherwise skirt their importance.

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  • Leeds

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    L’expérience de la crise urbaine au Moyen Âge

    Pour répondre au thème du congrès international médiéval de Leeds 2024 (IMC), Crisis, nous proposons d’étudier la crise urbaine au Moyen Âge comme une expérience sensible, forgée par des sensations, émotions et gestes bien spécifiques. Dans une série de plusieurs sessions, nous proposons de réfléchir à ce qui permet de fabriquer l’expérience de crise et qui la rend si puissante. Nous réfléchirons aussi aux sources et aux méthodes mobilisées par le médiéviste, pour questionner la phénoménologie de cette expérience sensible partagée, vécue par tous mais décrite uniquement par les élites. 

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  • Leeds

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Listing the World Before the Age of Print

    International Medieval Congress 2024

    Lists help us make sense of the world around us, keep track of the order of things and sometimes create a whole new order altogether. Lists were just as central to the lives and experiences of medieval people. If anything, the practice of enumeration was even more common in the Middle Ages, when lists fulfilled functions which are now served by other tools sitting at the intersection of written and visual culture, such as maps and databases. This call for paper concerns a series of panels that will be held at the next International Medieval Congress, on lists and list-making. It will investigate more precisely the agency of lists as both material objects and cultural artefacts – in their ability to create new relationships, not just transcribing existing ones, and formulate new knowledge rather than simply compile it.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Récupération des espaces : spatialité et (re)occupation d’espaces en France et dans le monde

    ASMCF Annual Conference 2023

    La conférence annuelle de l’ASMCF (Association for the study of modern and contemporary France) 2023 cherchera à explorer le concept de spatialité : les dimensions physique et sociale de l’espace et comment elles façonnent nos expériences, nos identités et nos cultures. Ce thème s’appuie sur la conférence de l’année dernière autour de « présence, absence, hybridité » et s’interroge sur l’occupation des espaces pour comprendre les cultures et identités françaises et francophones modernes et contemporaines. Cela est particulièrement pertinent à un moment où les gens réoccupent des espaces qui ont été restreints pendant la pandémie de covid-19 et réfléchissent à la nouvelle relation à l’espace engendrée par cette crise.

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  • Oxford

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Body Counts: The Administration of Military Losses and Casualties in East & South-east Asian Wars, 1930s – 1970s

    This conference examines war losses and casualties during the East and South-east Asian conflicts from the 1930s (e.g. Manchurian Crisis) to the 1970s, including the Second World War and the Chinese Civil War, with a focus on military (and prisoner) casualties rather than those of civilians. These conflicts were marked by the juxtaposition of hybrid military strategies and tactical configurations; a variety of local, regional, and international actors (including non-state groups); and a high degree of violence within fluid categories of imperial/anti-imperial, civil, and global warfare. The conference seeks to draw connections between these conflicts and regions by examining the administration of war losses and casualties, including the transfer of skills, knowledge, material, and personnel associated with these practices

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  • Belfast

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Interdisciplinary Perspectives into Roman Commerce, Economy and the Acquisition of New Tastes during the Roman Period from the 4th Century BC Onwards

    29th EAA Annual Meeting

    From the 4th century BC onwards, the expansion of the Roman Empire, eventually, over large parts of Europe had a significant impact on society. The creation of a new transport network and the emergence of cities were two of the most important and lasting changes brought about. As Rome expanded and developed contacts with other cultures far beyond the Mediterranean, new tastes and social practices were also acquired, often manifested in material culture. This session aims to explore Roman commerce and economy through different lines of evidence (e.g. archaeobiological remains, ceramics, inscriptions, landscape archaeology etc.). In addition, it aims to investigate the role of the ancient transport network in the process of urbanisation and/or the acquisition of new ‘tastes’.

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  • Saint Andrews

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    From The Woman's Bible to the Catholic Women's Council

    Women as change agents in the Christian confessions (1895-2023)

    Beginning with the publication of the Women's Bible by Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1895 and ending with an ongoing process in the Catholic world as the Synod initiated in 2021, this panel is open to proposals that study the role that women have played as a driving force in different confessions during the twentieth century.

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  • Liverpool

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    “To sleep, perchance to dream”: Dreamscapes in Shakespearean Plays and Adaptations

    After falling asleep, a whole new world awaits. Sleep enables dreamers to get access to an imaginary location usually set up by their own mind more or less consciously. This is a call for papers for a research seminar on “Dreamscapes in Shakespearean Plays and Adaptations” for the British Shakespeare Association (BSA) 2023 Conference in Liverpool (25-28th July 2023).

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  • Oxford

    Séminaire - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Channels of Digital Scholarship

    The general aim of the seminar/discussion, is an exchange of information about the different offerings of our various institutions in the field of digital humanities/scholarship training. Particular matters of interest that have been identified are: the curriculum of each course, how it evolved, and why; if there is a particular emphasis for each course (practical, theoretical, &c.); the make-up and background of the student body for each course, and how students are selected; what the prospects and possibilities might be for students going on from the course, in the sense of career directions, and whether trends might be emergent about where they want or are tending to go, once they have finished their course.

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  • Milton Keynes

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Gender and otherness in drama, literature and visual culture

    Gender and Otherness in in the Humanities (GOTH) - 2023

    The Annual Gender and Otherness in in the Humanities (GOTH) Symposium is welcoming proposals focusing on the following aspects of gender and otherness in drama, literature and visual culture: gender and/or otherness in pre-1800 images of drama and literature; gender and/or otherness in modern performance receptions of ancient Greek drama; race, disability and/or otherness in early modern theatre and “Collectible Otherness” 1500-1800.

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  • Leeds

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Ageing and Care in the Middle Ages

    We welcome papers that deal with questions related to ageing and care during the Medieval period. Our goal is to analyze various forms of care and healing in regards to ageing or age-related conditions that took place within and beyond the domestic sphere. To do this, we will take into account the ways in which (health)care was conditioned by gender, race, ethnicity, class, and ability at the intersection of individual and collective experiences. We will thus consider the intersubjective nature of ageing and the new relational identities created in later life.

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  • Oxford

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Channels of Digital Scholarship Seminar

    New tools and old questions in the analysis of textual corpora

    The aim of this first Channels of Digital Scholarship seminar series is to reflect upon new avenues for the analysis and use of textual corpora. Textual corpora and their uses represent several challenges in the development and validation of digital tools for analysis, the dialogue between disciplines, and the institutional structures that support the wide range of projects that are being developed. In this series of four seminars, the Maison Française d'Oxford and Digital Scholarship @ Oxford, with the help of leaders of digital humanities initiatives in the CIVIS network, propose to explore these challenges from Franco-British and international perspectives.

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Histoire

    Pierre Bourdieu et l’histoire

    Influences, inspirations, interactions

    Le sociologue français Pierre Bourdieu est décédé en 2002. Son œuvre continue d’être très influente, comme en témoignent une activité éditoriale continue et la diffusion internationale de ses écrits. Si Bourdieu a marqué de nombreux domaines intellectuels par l’ampleur de ses théories, il a établi un dialogue privilégié avec l’histoire en tant que discipline. Vingt ans après, cette conférence vise à éclairer davantage les liens entre l’histoire, les historiens et l’héritage scientifique de Bourdieu.

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    La nature dans la cité : émotions et représentations

    L’expansion inévitable des villes du XIXe siècle modifie de plus en plus les rapports entre la ville et la campagne : des espaces ruraux disparaissent, d’autres se trouvent en contact direct avec la ville, tandis que l’aménagement urbain s’accompagne de la création d’espaces verts publics, réintroduisant en ville la nature en la domestiquant. Ce colloque s’intéressera aux changements de sensibilité et portera à la fois sur des émotions et des représentations – individuelles ou collectives – dont rend compte la littérature, sans oublier les réalités historiques et la dimension politique de certaines aspirations qui se font jour dans les imaginaires utopistes ou les idéologies de la ville résiliente.

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  • Exeter

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Indian Ocean World Archaeology Conference (IOW-Arch) 2022

    Following on from the very successful inaugeral Indian Ocean World Archaeology Conference (IOW-Arch), the second IOW-Arch is planned for Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December 2022. This is being held at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (IAIS), University of Exeter, who are generously providing financial support. Papers are welcome on all aspects of the archaeology, material culture and heritage of the Indian Ocean (defined as from East Africa to Japan, including Australasia) from the first millennium BC to the contemporary era, and may include reports on research in progress. Presentations should be in English (unless you are in the special sesssion organised by Derek Kennet and Ran Zhang, which will be in Mandarin) and must not exceed 15 minutes, with a further 5 minutes allowed for questions.

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  • Belfast

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Contemporary ‘spiritual’ practices

    Ethnographic and comparative approaches of a transnational field

    Situated at the crossroads of therapy, science and politics, the field of “contemporary spiritualities” challenges analytical frameworks as demonstrated by the debates around its designation itself (New Age, Self Religion, Western Esotericism, etc.) and the eclectic practices it covers, from neo-paganism to eco-spirituality, from neo-traditional movements to alternative medicine. This panel will be focused on the circulation of contemporary spiritual practices and on their interconnections through transnational movements. It will emphasize ethnographic studies and historical perspectives essential to the understanding of the global deployment of spiritual practices. 

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