

  • Abu Dhabi

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    New Academic and Scientific Migrations in the South

    The aim of the conference is to explore new international academic patterns. During the last two decades, countries in the South (Asia and the MENA region) have developed their higher education systems and scientific capacity and have become attractors for students and scientists from both the North and the South, presenting a challenge to the traditional "brain drain". In order to better understand those new phenomena, we are looking for contributions exploring empirical case studies about those new migrations.

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  • Pondichéry

    Journée d'étude - Études des sciences

    Low-Tech / High-Tech

    We intend in this workshop to reconsider how new technologies flow and circulate around the globe. One cannot ignore the obvious fact that we are seeing the emergence of new technological and industrial centres which accompany the rapid redistribution of economic power around the world; but one should also take into account the fact that technology is – and has always been – flowing and circulating in much more unexpected ways than predicted by the old-fashioned diffusionist models which are still prevalent, even in these times of globalisation. By privileging in this workshop (and in our collective project) a comparative approach between three very different geographical regions – South Asia, the Middle East and Europe – we hope to be able to propose an approach to technological flow, which will be sufficiently global and comparative, for going beyond the specificities of any particular culture or society, and which may really better help us understand the dynamics of technological circulations and the processes by which technologies are reinvented in different locations.

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  • Hong Kong

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Huitième table ronde internationale de sémiotique juridique

    Eighth Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law - IRSL 2009

    La rencontre de 2009 entend se concentrer sur les progrès réalisés dans les divers domaines – méthodologiques, épistémologiques et conceptuels – de recherche en sémiotique juridique. La table ronde souhaite, notamment, explorer les conséquences des thèmes suivants : « Transparence, contrôle et pouvoir » sous une perspective sémiotique ainsi que les approches émergeantes et prometteuses qui peuvent être utilisées dans la recherche et l'interprétation du droit et des phénomènes juridiques. Le but principal de cette rencontre est d'examiner les défis épistémologiques et méthodologiques auxquels « transparence, contrôle et pouvoir » fait face aujourd'hui et d'en considérer les effets. Nous espérons que les communications refléteront la nature interdisciplinaire des recherches en sémiotique juridique ainsi que les défis auxquels les chercheurs font face dans ce domaine.

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  • Sociologie des sciences

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  • Asie

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