

  • Louvain

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Drivers of Change, Labour migrants from the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey and social transformation in Western Europe, 1960-1990

    Labour migrants were a transformative power in Western Europe, provoking intended and unintended, large and small societal changes. It nevertheless remains challenging to fully integrate migrants’ pivotal roles into our fundamental comprehension of social, cultural, and political change in Western Europe. This workshop aims to merge subfields at the intersection of migration history to integrate the history of post-war labour migration into a larger narrative.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Personnes trans, queer et « troisième genre » en pays musulmans

    Revue « Anthropology of the Middle East » n° 20.1, 2025

    Aujourd’hui, malgré certains interdits, de plus en plus de personnes trans et queer affichent leur identité de genre dans les sociétés musulmanes. Historiquement, au-delà de l’importance de la binarité des genres et de leur séparation spatiale dans les pays musulmans, il existe contre toute attente dans cette région du monde de nombreuses figures de « troisième genre », selon le terme employé par l’anthropologue Gilbert Herdt. Par « troisième genre » dans le monde musulman, on pense en général à l’eunuque des harems ottomans, mais bien d’autres figures existent en contexte islamique, variables selon les pays (Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc, Mauritanie, Égypte, Liban, Émirats Arabes Unis, Oman, Turquie, Iran, Asie Centrale, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonésie, Albanie…) et les époques. Le vocabulaire et les réalités étant plurielles selon les pays et les périodes, les spécificités de ces figures et les noms qui les désignent seront analysés ainsi que les manières propres à ces groupes ou à ces individus de s’autodésigner. Ce numéro examinera ces figures de façon collective en tant que groupe (hijra, trans, queer…), en précisant leur rôle et leur statut social, mais il s’attachera également à ces figures en tant qu’individus.

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Religious minorities as drivers of change: The case of Protestantism

    European Academy of Religion 2024 - Open Panel

    The minority question is often discussed nowadays, and more particularly as new religious minorities raise concerns about integration, assimilation, and domination. Thus, minorities can be set aside by something in their behaviour, beliefs or collective identity that creates the perception – and the historical experience – that they are different from ‘the majority’, or by identifying some of their characteristics to a threat for the rest of society. This panel, organised by the research group “Protestantism as a minority religion” aims at offering space for comparison of multiple approaches and territories where Protestantism – broadly defined – contributed to a paradigm shift in community relations and the perception of other religious minorities, whether former Christian minorities or Jews.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Journée d'étude - Économie

    Accountability in Islamic Economy

    Transforming Religiosity and Religious Experience in Muslim Societies

    This international workshop will discuss the current situation of the halal economy from the perspective of the concept of ‘accountability’. It, therefore, considers the development of accountability of Islamic economy from the case studies of halal tourism and industry in Muslim societies.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Le catholicisme dans les sciences sociales

    La littérature sur le catholicisme africain est abondante, mais elle est inégalement répartie entre les disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales. La théologie se taille la part du lion, suivie par les sciences historiques. En général, le catholicisme a été négligé dans les sciences sociales, d’abord au profit des Églises indépendantes africaines et, plus récemment, du pentecôtisme. Ce volume s’intéresse aux contributions qui approchent un aspect du catholicisme en Afrique sous l’angle des sciences sociales.

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  • Vác

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Fifth Interdisciplinary Student Conference for Religious Studies

    The aim of the conference is to provide an academic forum for students and young researchers working in religious studies and its auxiliary sciences, where they can present and discuss their current research topics and their initial results on a yearly basis, but in a different location every year.

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  • Szeged

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Religion and Identity

    Intersections of collective and private identity with religion and spirituality

    Ever since the very first human social formations, the spheres of religion and identity have intersected significantly. Examples of the endless forms by which collective and individual identities are interwoven throughout the entirety of our human existence are embedded in our historical records. How is identity constructed, shaped, and maintained by religious activities? How do religions change the identities of their converts? The upcoming conference hosted by the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Szeged aims to open a symposium where topics concerning the intersections of religiosity and identity – should it be private or public – can be discussed in a broader sense.

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  • Ratisbonne

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Moyen Âge

    PhD Research Assistant at the University of Regensburg

    Within the project “Pre-Modern Metropolitanism”

    Opening of nine Graduate Assistant / PhD student jobs in the Research Training Network “Pre-Modern Metropolitanism” at the University of Regensburg. The Research Training Group 2337, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), consists of scholars from the fields of History, Art History, Legal History, Social and Economic history, Early Ecclesiastical History and Patristics, Classical Archaeology, Liturgical Studies, Romance linguistics, Political Science, English Literary and Cultural Studies, and further other associated disciplines and cooperation partners. The Research Training Group focuses on questions concerning the constitution, representation, impact, and transformation of metropolitan cities from the Greco-Roman antiquity towards the threshold of industrialization.


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  • Coimbra

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Polarized Societies? Challenges for Sociology

    XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology

    The challenges that polarization brings to sociology now extend to crucial domains of social processes and action, reaching, among others, the arenas of consumption, religions, identities, sexuality, childhood, culture, and science. In this context, the digitization of society and the economy creates and emphasizes dynamics of polarization, while simultaneously opening up new possibilities. Beyond the general impact on social interactions and practices, to what extent are the new social media a factor that promotes expressions of polarization?

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  • Pékin

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    New Articulations of Identity in Contemporary Aesthetics

    Over the last several decades, vibrant conversations have unfolded around existing constructions of identities—often seen as fixed, narrow categories—and a movement toward fluid and intersectional conceptions of the self and community, these discourses having greatly impacted both the theory and practice leading to a radical shift in contemporary aesthetics. Critical debates that destabilize fixed notions of identity have engendered new perspectives, particularly in work critiquing issues of essentialism, heterosexism, monolithic affiliation, and other culturally imposed limitations. This Special Issue seeks to magnify the questions of belongingness raised in contemporary art and generate a multicultural and interdisciplinary discussion that centers around visual practice as a crucial site of social and institutional commentary.

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  • Helsinki

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    The Stuff of Tradition: Materiality and Media in Folklore Studies

    In the forthcoming 11th international conference of Young folklorists, we seek to examine the complex relationship of folklore studies with materiality by juxtaposing it with recent re-orientations to media and (re)mediation. The conference aims to explore various materialities inherent to our data and methodology – whether obvious or ambiguous – and rethink their position in our field. We invite scholars to discuss both academic and vernacular notions on the transmission of tradition and its social and material embeddedness. We also encourage methodological discussion on how folklore scholars are themselves bound by various (new) media and technologies of documentation, archiving, and presentation.

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  • Pardubice

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Transformations of Religions in Times of Crises: Spiritual Alienation and Rethinking of Ethics

    CESAR (Central European Symposium for the Academic Study of Religion) announces the Call for Papers for its forthcoming Religious Studies doctoral conference entitled Transformations of Religions in Times of Crises: Spiritual Alienation and Rethinking of Ethics taking place at the University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, 1st – 3rd September 2022. Through the centuries, human societies have faced various crises such as wars, famines, natural disasters, or political and economic breakdowns. Despite reactions emerging within societies can be of different origins, most of them touch basic dimensions framing society’s foundations. Among them, one of the most significant is the sphere of religion and spirituality.

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  • Belfast

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Contemporary ‘spiritual’ practices

    Ethnographic and comparative approaches of a transnational field

    Situated at the crossroads of therapy, science and politics, the field of “contemporary spiritualities” challenges analytical frameworks as demonstrated by the debates around its designation itself (New Age, Self Religion, Western Esotericism, etc.) and the eclectic practices it covers, from neo-paganism to eco-spirituality, from neo-traditional movements to alternative medicine. This panel will be focused on the circulation of contemporary spiritual practices and on their interconnections through transnational movements. It will emphasize ethnographic studies and historical perspectives essential to the understanding of the global deployment of spiritual practices. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Europe

    Exploring Asian Religions in Europe

    Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (JRAT)

    The Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (JRAT) is an interdisciplinary, international, online open-access journal with a double-blind peer-review process published by Brill. Its special issue: “Exploring Asian Religions in Europe” by Ugo Dessì (University of Vienna), Lionel Obadia (University Lyon 2) and Lukas Pokorny (University of Vienna) aims to add to the existing literature and contribute to a deeper knowledge by promoting the study of East / Central / Southeast Asian religions in Europe, including the scope of traditional religions, Christianities, new religious movements, and informal spiritualities in diverse regional settings.

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  • Tokyo

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Spirituality, Healthcare And Social Movements In East Asia

    A Transnational Perspective

    East Asian Network for the Academic Study Of Esotericism - EANASE's first conference aims to offer the chance to reflect on the intertwined relationship between spirituality, healthcare and social movements in East Asia from a trans-national/local/cultural perspective. The emergence of new religious movements like Theosophy, Falungong and Taireido, or the worldwide popularisation of, for instance, acupuncture, reiki and hypnosis, challenge reductionist binary views of East/West, tradition/modernity, science/religion. Likewise, the recent dissemination of New Age practices across East Asia or the ongoing study of Buddhist meditation by American and European psychiatrists seem to reflect broader concerns that, for the past two centuries or so, have ignored national and cultural borders – and whose wider social implications are now more visible than ever.

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  • Appel à contribution - Religions

    La Droite chrétienne : quelles convergences aujourd'hui ?

    La recherche sur les évangéliques étant au cœur de l’actualité, l’objectif de ce colloque international sera d’élargir le champ en croisant les analyses et les observations pour ainsi mieux identifier les dynamiques à l’œuvre dans le monde chrétien. Religion et politique seront abordés à travers le prisme de la Droite chrétienne.

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  • Appel à contribution - Religions

    Reactivation and Transformation of Ancient Religions in the Contemporary World

    Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Societ (JRAT)

    This special issue intends to explore the different modes of relationship between various current forms of revivals of ancient religions (hereafter named “neoreligions”), their context and current status, and different political or nationalist currents.

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  • Coimbra

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Urban Parish Communities in Medieval Europe, 1049-1545

    Research in Medieval Studies - An International Meeting Series

    The past decade has witnessed a marked increase in medieval studies. Younger scholars have, in general, benefitted from doctoral and post-doctoral funding, besides collective research programmes. This, along with the experience and know-how of established academics in countless departments around the Globe has helped to foster this renewal. Results have been ground-breaking in many topics. The Research in Medieval Studies (RiMS) is conceived of as an ongoing series of yearly meetings whose aim is to bring scholars of different academic and geographical backgrounds together to open, or otherwise continue and direct, historiographical debate on key issues in medieval studies, while helping to establish outstanding research that is both innovative and comparative.

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  • Appel à contribution - Religions

    Death and Religion

    Death and religion share an interdependent relation. Where death is an event or state that threatens to disintegrate worlds and meaning, religion can be seen as a practice that categorizes, consoles and makes sense of this kind of disintegration. This special issue encourages scholars to contribute to this debate. Of special interest are situations in which religion becomes overbearing and a burden to carry forward in times of death, or if religious practices are obstructed, for example, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. How do these crisis situations affect the relationship between religion and death? This special issue aims at invoking curiosity, enquiry and interest in looking at the different facets of this topic.

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  • Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Political Mobilization in the US: New Stakes and Evolutions

    Les dernières élections présidentielles ont démontré la forte capacité de mobilisation de blocs d’électeurs bien connus depuis le début des années 1980 tels que les chrétiens évangéliques, toujours fidèles au parti républicain, mais aussi d’électeurs dont la volatilité est plus grande, sans oublier la portée de la mobilité démographique. Alors que l’État fédéral continue de se désengager du contrôle des lois et procédures électorales (à la suite de l’arrêt Shelby County v. Holder de 2013), des initiatives sont prises dans ce domaine par les citoyens (comme en Floride avec l’Amendement 4 destiné à réintégrer sur les listes électorales les anciens détenus), mais aussi par les gouverneurs comme les législateurs de certains États pour encadrer ces procédures ainsi que l’accès aux urnes. Dans ce contexte, le record de participation de 2020 et la contestation violente du verdict des urnes marquent un probable tournant pour la démocratie états-unienne. Les trois intervenants de cette journée d’étude, spécialistes de l’intersection entre politique, religion et droits des femmes et des personnes LGBT+, tireront des leçons de cette mobilisation inégalée.

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