AccueilCatégoriesEsprit et LangagePsychisme

AccueilCatégoriesEsprit et LangagePsychisme

  • Paris

    Colloque - Pensée

    Adventures of Identity: From the Double to the Avatar

    Recent developments in image-making techniques have resulted in a blurring of the threshold between the image world and the real world. Immersive and interactive virtual environments elicit in the perceiver a strong feeling of being incorporated into an autonomous world. Such incorporation can be conveyed by the “avatar”, a digital proxy through which the subject interacts with synthetic objects or other avatars. By convening scholars from different disciplines, the colloquium aims to critically address these multifarious issues, discussing the problematic and controversial status of the avatar, which is in urgent need of definition.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Représentation du désir féminin : entre texte et image

    Numéro 10 de la revue électronique Litter@ Incognita

    La revue en ligne Litter@ Incognita, pour son dixième numéro, invite les chercheur·se·s et jeunes chercheur·se·s de toute discipline à interroger la relations entre l’articulation texte/image et le désir féminin. Elle propose aux contributeur·rice·s de se pencher sur des productions culturelles, notamment intermédiales et transmédiales, qui déjouent les représentations textuelles, visuelles ou psychiques conventionnelles pour mieux interroger les modalités complexes de représentation du désir sexuel féminin, et d'étudier ce que l’articulation entre le texte (écrit ou oral) et l’image (visuelle ou mentale) permet aux femmes dans la représentation et l’expression de leurs désirs sexuels. 

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Queering Friendship | citizenship, care and choice

    Intimate Final Conference

    Contrary to individualization theories that suggest the impoverishment of human relationships, theories of relationality recognize the increasing centrality of informal networks of solidarity and care. In this debate, friendship plays a fundamental role. The mutual implications of intimacy and citizenship need to be addressed, exploring the extent to which issues of LGBTQ friendship matter (or not) in being recognized as citizens. The centrality of friendship is even more striking when considering personal lives of trans and non-binary people, but also lesbian women, gay men and bisexual people, LGBTQ migrants and other intersecting, vulnerable groups. In particular, the way transgender people actively provide and receive different care between friends offers invaluable contributions to political debates and conceptual discussions around friendship and care as a key aspect of LGBTQ everyday life. Unveiling the richness of the blurred spaces of intimacy, the ways in which LGBTQ people produce alternatives to family-based forms of cohabitation are also of critical importance. LGBTQ lived experiences further contribute to destabilizing the family/friends and public/private binaries, whilst challenging heterocisnormative expectations about who legitimately belongs to the intimate sphere and who remains excluded and/or invisible.

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  • Dijon

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Challenges of tourism development in Asia and Europe

    4th Euro-Asia tourism studies Association international conference

    The 4th Annual Conference of EATSA – Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Association, that will take place in France, next June 18-22th 2018, is an international forum for researchers and industry experts to exchange information regarding advances in the state of the art and application of tourism, hospitality and leisure management in the region of Euro-Asia.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Enquêtes philosophiques sur la violence sexuelle

    « Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence » volume 2, n°1 (mai 2018)

    Le Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) est à la recherche de contributions sur les problèmes philosophiques soulevés par la violence sexuelle. Le journal peut prendre en considération des propositions d'articles en français. Les textes retenus seront publiés par Trivent au mois de mai 2018. La date-butoir pour la remise des articles est le 18 Mars 2018.

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  • Psychisme

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  • 2018

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    • Anglais

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    • 2018



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