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HomeSubjectsMind and languageLanguageLiterature

  • Baia Mare

    Call for papers - Language

    Ideological discourse and advertising discourse in the media and the universities

    Can we distinguish in the current discourses of the media and universities their roles in our societies? This distinction is important because it refers to the knowledge that journalists and professors put forward through their communications and actions. Do they participate objectively developing the autonomous and enlightened thinking of the citizens of today and tomorrow by democratically supporting their quest for understanding? Or have they become the spokesmen of a single, and therefore partial and partial, way of thinking? What is its legitimacy and relevance when it organizes the information transmitted according to ideological interests, such as a promotional or advertising campaign?

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  • Geneva

    Call for papers - Language

    The Long Life of Ephemeral Literature

    From May 8 to 9 2025, the second international conference “The Long Life of Ephemeral Literature” will take place in Geneva. Geneva, an important city for the history of European printing, holds several collections of French and English printed sheets, Spanish pliegos de cordel and Brazilian prints. The aim of this conference is to make known the richness of these collections, to discuss the research currently being carried out in Western Europe and to consider this production from a transnational perspective with a broad chronological scale.


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  • Cagliari

    Call for papers - Language

    “Imago Mundi”. An Overview of Metaphor: Creativity, Phraseology and Discourse

    The guiding question of the conference will therefore be to try to specify the linguistic and conceptual functioning of the metaphor. More generally, the conference will welcome any contribution aimed at bringing out the relationships between metaphor and the three concepts in question: creativity, lexicalization and discourse. The analysis of metaphor can proceed from both a diachronic and synchronic perspective and address different types of corpora and texts. The conference will pay particular attention to the analysis of different types of discourse, in particular scientific, technological, media, tourism, advertising, political, legal, philosophical, historical, literary, artistic and educational/didactic discourse.

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  • Oxford

    Scholarship, prize and job offer - Early modern

    Courtly life and letters in the Age of Marie Antoinette - Doctoral scholarship

    The University of Oxford, in collaboration with the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, is offering a doctoral study scholarship from October 2024 with the theme “Courtly life and letters in the Age of Marie Antoinette”. It is aimed at students in the following disciplines: Comparative Literature, History, English, etc.

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  • Clermont-Ferrand

    Call for papers - Language

    Le Siècle d’or espagnol et ses usages publicitaires

    Esta jornada de estudios, respaldada por el Centre de Recherche sur les Littératures et la Sociopoétique (CELIS) de la Université Clermont Auvergne, tiene como meta el análisis de una relación que aún no se ha explorado a fondo, la que se teje entre la publicidad y el Siglo de Oro español (entendido en sus límites cronológicos más amplios).

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  • Montreal

    Call for papers - Representation

    Échappées belles

    Correspondance de femmes surréalistes

    Où en sommes-nous près de 100 ans après la publication du Premier manifeste du surréalisme par André Breton dans notre compréhension de ce que Georgiana Colvile et Kate Conley, dans La femme s’entête (1998), ont appelé « la part du féminin » de la troisième avant-garde historique ? Est-il encore nécessaire en 2023 d’ajouter un point d’interrogation, comme les commissaires l’ont fait dans le cas de l’exposition Surréalisme au féminin ? à l’été 2023 au Musée de Montmartre ? Dans le cadre du centenaire du surréalisme en 2024, nous proposons d’organiser un colloque sur un point aveugle des études menées jusqu’à présent : la correspondance des femmes écrivains et artistes associées au mouvement d’André Breton.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Early modern

    Visual Dramaturgies (1500-1800)

    Scenography, Costumes and Movement on Early Modern Stages

    The interest of researchers in the visual – and material – aspects of Early modern theatre has increased in the last decade. In addition to the rather developed histories of scenography and dance, an increasing number of publications on the topic of costume, lighting and historical acting have appeared, including more technical studies interested in their production and re- production (see bibliography below). The conference aims to support this trend from a transdisciplinary point of view and to reunite researchers and practitioners interested in Western performing arts (music theatre, dance, drama) of the period between the sixteenth and the eighteenth century in order to share the latest research, compare practices in various periods, countries and theatrical forms, search for convergences and perhaps even debunk some misconceptions about these aspects of theatre. 

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  • Washington

    Scholarship, prize and job offer - Early modern

    Folger Institute Fellowships

    Long-term, short-term and artistic Fellowships (2024-2025)

    Each year the Folger Institute awards research fellowships to create a high-powered, multidisciplinary community of inquiry. This community of researchers may come from different fields, and their projects may find different kinds of expression. But our researchers share cognate interests in the history and literature, art and performance, philosophy, religion, and politics of the early modern world. The Folger Institute at the Folger Shakespeare Library offers long-term fellowships for scholarly research and short-term fellowships for both scholarly and artistic research. For the 2024-25 year, applicants may request virtual, onsite, or hybrid residencies.

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  • Call for papers - Modern

    Confluences des inégalités sociales dans les littératures et médias francophones

    L’intersectionnalité du point de vue des études littéraires

    Le concept d’intersectionnalité est particulièrement propice à une réévaluation de l’imbrication des rapports de pouvoir entre le passé et le présent. Né à partir du constat de l’existence de discriminations multiples dans la société, ses origines remontent au Black Feminism des années 1970 qui prend en compte les interdépendances entre racisme et sexisme dans la société. Ce terme, qui a été forgé par Kimberlé Crenshaw (1989), s’inspire à la métaphore visuelle du croisement des rues. Depuis lors, la notion d’intersectionnalité décrit différentes formes de discrimination multiple dans la société. Outre les catégories de race, de classe et de genre, d’autres critères de différence et de diversité sociales, comme l’âge, la religion ou la disabilité, sont venus s’y ajouter.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Representation

    À table : cuisines, festins, gastronomie

    L’Association française des catalanistes (AFC) est heureuse d’annoncer l’organisation de son dixième congrès à Paris du 14 au 16 mars 2024. Afin de célébrer ce jalon dans son histoire, l’AFC a choisi de placer cet événement sous le signe des rencontres, des liens et des festivités qui se créent autour de la table et de la bonne chère dans l’aire catalanophone.

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  • Paris

    Conference, symposium - Representation

    The Agency of Plants in the Literature and the Arts of the French and English-Speaking Worlds (19th-21st century)

    Puissances du végéter dans la littérature et les arts des mondes francophones et anglophones (XIXe-XXIe siècle)

    The aim of this international conference is to reflect on the active role of plants in texts and visual representations in the literature and arts of the anglophone and the francophone worlds from the nineteenth century to the present day. We will think about the aesthetic, political, and epistemological implications of this form of agency and analyse the way in which plants act upon and with the human world from an anthrodecentric perspective. We will look at how plants can organise or disorganise our world, call into question established truths, and shape power relations, including political ones.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Language

    Hardy and Heritage

    The conference aims to examine notions of heritage and legacy in Thomas Hardy’s writings, career and influence. Part of the conference will focus in particular on the links between Hardy and D.H. Lawrence.

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  • Call for papers - Africa

    In Passage, The International Journal of Writing and Mobility - Varia

    In Passage : The International Journal of Writing and Mobility, the journal of the Department of English of the University of Boumerdes (Algeria), seeks essays in English or French for its sixth issue, to be released in December 2023.  All the contributions should either be written in English or discuss questions that relate to the English-speaking world.

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  • Call for papers - Representation

    Dreams of the Future

    As the research training group “European Dream Cultures” at Saarland University enters its ninth and final year, we would like our concluding conference to look not only back but also ahead, in focussing on future content of dreaming in literature, art, theatre, film, and music. Key questions include: What types of futures do artistic dreams of the future envision? Are they utopian or dystopian? Are they marked as dreams experienced during sleep, or are they imaginings of the future that are dreamlike in nature but anchored in the waking world? How do they connect to the present or the past, and to which version of these temporalities? What function do they assume within different works? To what extent do religious, political, or epistemological discourses influence these artistic dreams of the future?

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  • Cape Town

    Call for papers - Africa

    Tinabantu - Journal of Advanced Studies of African Society - Varia

    The Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS) was established in 1997 by its founding director, professor Kwesi Kwaa Prah, and incorporated to the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in 2018 within the University’s Department of Linguistics, Arts and Humanities Faculty. This call for papers comes within the resurrection of the journal, which will remain “Africanist in orientation” and a “forum for the consideration of diverse views, ideas and opinions reflecting differing philosophical and political dispositions, but committed to the maintenance of high intellectual standards and a recognition of the historical and cultural unity of Africa and its diaspora”.

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  • Bologna

    Conference, symposium - Middle Ages

    Geografia e storia di un mito. Traiettorie romanze della Historia de Preliis di Alessandro Magno tra XIII e XV secolo

    Cette journée d’étude internationale est consacrée à l’Historia de preelis Alexandri Magni et à sa fortune dans les littératures européennes. L’Historia de preliis est un texte de première importance pour la littérature européenne du Moyen Âge et de l’époque moderne. Les présentations de la journée d’étude dresseront le profil de la diffusion et de la fortune de ce texte capital en Europe (notamment en Italie, en France et en Espagne) entre le XIIIe et le XVe siècles.

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  • Concepción del Uruguay

    Call for papers - Language

    Afro Literature Conference

    Cuando decidimos abordar el estudio de la “literatura africana”, nos enfrentamos a una serie de problemas, en tanto campo complejo de tensiones, de núcleos constitutivos, de perspectivas, inherentes a toda etiqueta formada por la palabra literatura y un gentilicio. Una dificultad no menor la encontramos en los planes de estudios de las carreras de Letras en Argentina cuyo “patrón cognitivo” (Quijano 2017) aún persiste dentro de los rasgos de un patrón de poder fundado en la colonialidad: el centro no ha sido del todo desplazado, para decirlo con wa Thiong’o (2014).  El eurocentrismo académico en nuestro país perdura en el escaso interés que el pensamiento africano y afrodiaspórico ocupa en las carreras de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, con destacadas excepciones siempre individuales o colectivas pero rara vez institucionale.

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  • Mainz

    Call for papers - Representation

    Parties - Corps

    Microformes de l’organique dans la littérature, l’art et le cinéma de l’époque moderne à nos jours

    L’objectif du colloque, en tant que lieu de rencontre d’approches théoriques et pratiques, est de retracer la naissance et l’évolution des représentations corporelles contemporaines à l’échelle du microscopique, et d’interroger les microformes de l’organique dans une perspective interdisciplinaire et spécifique aux médias. Dans la déconstruction du corps en tant que totalité, ses composantes visibles et invisibles, internes et externes, matérielles et immatérielles, sont explorées, spécifique à la forme médiale, en tant qu’espaces de signification. D’autre part, l’intégration ciblée de contributions artistiques, non seulement dans le sens d’un travail artistique autonome, mais aussi en tant que recherche artistique, permet aux participants de faire l’expérience sensorielle du corps en tant que matérialité.


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  • Maroua

    Call for papers - Modern

    Languages, literatures and peace building

    Guaranteeing a peaceful climate in a restricted or relatively large space is a challenge, which is why it is almost impossible to list in an exhaustive manner the mechanisms likely to maintain harmony between humans and/or between Nations, as these means are sometimes beyond suspicion. At the same time, it would be tedious to want to list the factors likely to break the tranquility, the state of cohesion, and to generate misunderstandings, conflicts of various kinds and, finally, war. So, how can linguistics and linguistic dynamics (in all forms and manifestations, including literature) be at the origin of social/interhuman, inter-intra-community, inter-State, inter-religious tensions...? And, how could they resolve the said crises and conflict situations? Which linguistic dynamics emerge from these? This is the challenge of this project. 

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  • Ponta Delgada

    Call for papers - Language

    Îles, identités, altérités

    Ier Colloque Littératures et cultures insulaires

    La première édition du colloque international « Littératures et les cultures insulaires » portera sur les rapports entre les espaces insulaires et la construction identitaire, qu’elle soit individuelle ou collective, nationale ou régionale, voire globale, que l’on interrogera à partir de la notion d’altérité. Les îles étant traditionnellement associées à l’idée d’ailleurs, à la perception de l’Autre, procurent un terrain fertile pour une réflexion métissée et un regard décentré sur l’altérité culturelle, spatiale et sociale. Associé au doctorat en littératures et cultures insulaires (univ. des Açores, univ. de Madère, univ. de Corse, INALCO), ce colloque s’adresse aux chercheur·es qui s’intéressent aux thématiques insulaires, que ce soit dans le cadre des études littéraires, culturelles, linguistiques, historiques, sociologiques ou d’approches comparatives et transdisciplinaires.

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