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  • Grenoble

    Curso de verão - Sociologia

    Cinquième école d’automne de l’Institut de la longévité, des vieillesses et du vieillissement (ILVV)

    Cette manifestation scientifique s’adresse aux doctorant·e·s et aux chercheur·e·s en début de carrière (ayant soutenu leur thèse depuis moins de cinq ans) en sciences humaines et sociales travaillant dans le champ de la longévité, des vieillesses et du vieillissement dans un laboratoire de recherche français.

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  • Lausana

    Curso de verão - Idade Média

    Moyen Âges d’en haut et d’en bas : perméabilités, interactions et débats entre recherche académique et cultures populaires

    Medieval studies and medievalism both focus on the same object, the Middle Ages. Yet their approaches are different. Long separated, medieval studies and medievalism are now challenged to rethink their links in research, teaching and social dissemination of knowledge. The summer school aims to help young researchers to strengthen their understanding of these scientific developments, to position their research effectively, and to develop networks with international researchers. The school, in French and English, proposes lectures by world-renowned specialists, debates, meetings with professionals and practical workshops.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Curso de verão - Comunicação

    Research on Digital, Media and Information Literacy - Doctoral Summer School

    The ReDMIL 2022 doctoral summer school aims at contributing to the convergence between digital, media and information literacy research by bringing together researchers from all three communities, to foster the scientific debate and explore connections between them. The summer school is an international training program that will alternate between framing presentations by senior researchers and the in-depth discussion of emerging research by participating PhD students. The goal of this summer school is to allow PhD students engaged in the field of digital literacy, media literacy or information literacy to benefit from the expertise of renowned researchers in their field, to present their own research to an audience composed of these experts, to work collectively to the enhancement of their research work with other participants, to improve their knowledge of the research undertaken by their peers.  

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  • Ibiza

    Curso de verão - Europa

    Desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en los ámbitos educativo, social y laboral

    Este curso explora las aplicaciones de la teoría de la inteligencia emocional a diferentes ámbitos de la vida (personal, social, educativo y laboral). Las personas con inteligencia emocional pueden relacionarse con los demás con compasión y empatía, tienen habilidades sociales bien desarrolladas y utilizan su conciencia emocional para autorregular sus comportamientos. Como señalaba Miguel de Unamuno: “Siente el pensamiento, piensa el sentimiento”.

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  • Coimbra

    Curso de verão - Pensamento

    Stage d'hiver du master Europhilosophie

    L’amicale des étudiant·e·s et le consortium du master Europhilosophie ont le plaisir de vous convier à leur désormais traditionnel stage d’hiver, qui se déroulera cette année à l’Universidade de Coimbra, du 19 au 21 février 2020. Les organisateur·trice·s ont fait le choix d’un programme éclectique, faisant la part belle à des approches innovantes et  à des questions encore trop peu souvent abordées au sein de l’institution académique européenne. Un programme qui s’inscrit donc dans la droite ligne du master Europhilosophie, tant vis-à-vis de ses pratiques que de ses enseignements. C’est dans ce cadre que le présent call for papers est lancé. Il est ouvert pour cinq séminaires qui composent le programme de ce stage. 

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  • Grenoble

    Curso de verão - Linguagem

    The role of drama in higher and adult language education

    Teacher training and the challenges of inclusion

    The Summer School The role of drama in higher and adult language education: teacher training and the challenges of inclusionis aimed at Master’s students, PhD students, young researchers, scholars and practitioners in the area of second language learning and teaching who already engage in or would like to become involved in drama activities and to conduct research into these. The five-day (Monday-Friday) Summer School willtake place from 22 to 26 July 2019, and will be hosted at Université Grenoble Alpes, France.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Curso de verão - Comunicação

    Literacies as culture, practices, or competences

    RedMIL 2018 doctoral summer school

    RedMIL 2018 is a doctoral summer school which aims at contributing to the convergence between digital, media and information literacy research by bringing together researchers from all three communities, to foster the scientific debate and explore connections between them. The theme of the 2018 edition is: “Literacies as culture, practices, or competences”. 


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  • Paris

    Curso de verão - Educação

    Les cinq sens au musée, une expérience pour tous

    Séminaire international d’été de muséologie - Ecole du Louvre

    Ce séminaire s’adresse à des étudiants avancés et à de jeunes professionnels de nationalité étrangère. Il fournit un complément de formation à un cursus d’histoire de l’art, de muséologie ou de médiation. Pour sa quinzième édition, il s’intéresse à la question de l’accessibilité dans les musées. Il montrera comment les outils et les activités développés par les musées en faveur des publics en situation de handicap, des visiteurs du champ social et des publics éloignés des musées, bénéficient aussi plus largement au grand public.

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  • Pádua

    Curso de verão - Educação

    The role of drama in higher and adult language education

    From theory to practice

    The Summer School is aimed at Master’s students, PhD students, young researchers, scholars and practitioners in the area of second language learning and teaching who already engage in or would like to become involved in theatre/drama activities and research into these. The Summer School will be divided into morning seminars, in which examples of good practice and research methodology will be presented by experts in the field. The afternoon sessions, instead will be devoted to practical workshop activities. The last morning will consist of a round table where participants will be encouraged to reflect on possible future collaboration and projects.

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  • Monopoli

    Curso de verão - Linguagem

    Family morphologies: Leone and Natalia Ginzburg in Italian and European literature and culture

    Focusing on the works by Leone (1909-1944) and Natalia Ginzburg (1916-1991) the Summer School is dedicated to a reflection on the authors’ contribution to the 20th century Italian and European history. Besides a critical analysis of their creative and intellectual activity and their civic engagement, the participants will have the opportunity to debate the role both Leone and Natalia had in the publishing house Einaudi, and to experiment new methods of teaching literature. The program includes 3 plenary lessons and 5 seminars. Special guest: Carlo Ginzburg.Language of the activities: Italian.

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  • Estrasburgo

    Curso de verão - Sociologia

    Évaluation biographique des politiques de langues par les migrants en Europe

    École d'hiver franco-allemande

    Ce programme d’école d‘hiver thématique se propose de se concentrer, sur la question de l'évaluation biographique des politiques en matière d'apprentissage des langues par les migrants et leurs descendants.

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  • Paris

    Curso de verão - Estudos das Ciências

    Research, pedagogic sessions and tools for controversy mapping

    FORCCAST Summer School 2015

    In 2014, we started the FORCCAST summer school with a provocative question: “What is a good controversy?”. We began by lining up case studies selected by participants which were then discussed by  participants in small groups. We would like to continue this exercise by inviting scholars working on controversies to present their case study and situate the notion of “controversies” in relation to more established and used social sciences concepts. It is not unfair to detect a somewhat casual use of “controversies” as an analytical resource. Against this trend, we encourage scholars to present research that falls within this area, and also to refine the coarse nature of the very term “controversy”. Over the years, we will build a repository of case studies that should help all of us to analyze the diversity behind the use of the term “controversies”, to identify some patterns, and hopefully to build a common typology.

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