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  • Abu Dhabi

    Call for papers - Sociology

    Digital Archiving in the Arab World (DA|AW)

    The first-ever International Conference on Digital Archiving in the Arab World (DA|AW), held in Abu Dhabi in 2019, organized to spark off a series of conferences on the subject. Four years later, and following a global epidemic, it is time to reassemble for exploring and move ahead with the practises, experiences, and challenges of digital archiving in the Arab World. The inaugural colloquium/conference examined the issues of data preservation in the Arab world and eventually resulted in a publication release that continues to serve as a reference for researching the subject today (Bayoumi & Oliveau, 2020). At DAAW|2024, we aspire to address it through the more focused standpoint of the digital management and preservation of data and documents, without foregoing a broader reflection, concerning both historical and future documents and data in danger whether physical or natively digital.


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  • Istanbul

    Call for papers - Ethnology, anthropology

    Rocky Landscapes at the intersection of people and rocks

    The past human activity of digging rock outcrops produced different features, among which quarries and rock cut sites. Quarries and rock-cut features often coexist within the same rock formation, or overlap with one another, creating a complex landscape in which the interaction between human communities and the bedrock is enhanced. The conference aims at exploring the landscapes and environments of human-rock encounters.

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  • Beirut

    Call for papers - Epistemology and methodology

    La gouvernance universitaire en sciences humaines dans le contexte de la transformation numérique

    L'objectif de ce colloque est de partager les meilleures pratiques en matière de gouvernance universitaire pour faire face aux défis actuels. Les participants auront l'occasion de discuter de la création de programmes de formation adaptés aux nouvelles réalités induites par les nouvelles technologies, ainsi que des projets de recherche visant à accroître l'employabilité des étudiants. Ils exploreront également les voies de l'innovation dans les méthodes d'enseignement et de recherche en cohérence avec une gouvernance repensée, en vued'une meilleure insertion professionnelle des étudiants.

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  • Taipei

    Call for papers - Sociology

    Sociological Perspectives on Synod and Synodality in the Roman Catholic Church

    37e conférence de la Société internationale pour la sociologie des religions

    L’objectif de cette session est de réunir des chercheurs travaillant sur les synodes catholiques contemporains et la synodalité dans une perspective sociologique. Les contributions de ceux qui travaillent sur les questions de gouvernance religieuse, de changement institutionnel et de relations entre l’Église et la société, à tous les niveaux d'analyse, de la paroisse à la curie, sont les bienvenues.


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  • Beijing

    Call for papers - Representation

    Framing the Virtual: New Technologies and Immersive Exhibitions

    As our lives and planet continue to be shaped by complex technological materials, systems and processes, the practices of technology and media-engaged artists are vital to understanding what lies behind the ‘front end’ of our contemporary digital condition. Although diverse in scope, new materialist philosophies share a common approach to flat ontologies that invite thinking across human, nonhuman, virtual and material actors connected via networks of agency, affect, power and desire. These terms provide a powerful way to counter the immaterial malaise as well as the disconnect between our planet and technological existence.

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  • Beijing

    Call for papers - Asia

    Andalusi Architecture: Shapes, Meaning and Influences

    “Arts” journal

    The goal of this special issue of Arts is to gather knowledge regarding Andalusi art and inspire readers to learn more about it. Indeed, the importance of Andalusi art in its developmental stage and in the evolution of Hispanic architecture is undeniable. At present, a large group of monuments and archaeological remains continue to remind us of that great period of history in the Iberian Peninsula (from the 8th to the 15th century). Accordingly, and in consequence, a few years ago, Arts published a Special Issue titled “Andalusi Architecture: Shapes, Meaning and Influences” to highlight the importance of Andalusi art in the scientific community, and numerous prominent international specialists participated. The importance of this publication lies in the dissemination of artistic elements of Andalusian art, not only during the 8th and 15th centuries, but also in later centuries as a reminder of their influence.

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  • Ariel

    Call for papers - History

    History of prehistory in Palestine – Israel

    International workshop

    Our workshop aims to shed light on the various actors and institutions who shaped the field of prehistory from the 19th century until our days. They will allow us to grasp the establishment and development of prehistoric international and local networks on the longue durée. We encourage participants to address the socio-political and cultural contexts in which prehistory was practiced and knowledge produced. Many answers to the above questions and topics of research may be uncovered in personal, institutional, and administrative archives, while others are revealed in excavation reports. This brings us to the last section of our workshop: what sources for the history of Prehistory and how can they be used? Has the writing of a renewed history of the discipline affected today’s research and how?

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  • Konya

    Call for papers - Epistemology and methodology

    Social sciences and Humanities: between constant/static and changing/change

    This forum represents a process of developing the field of social and human sciences, as it is a gathering of disciplines and addresses an important problem in scientific research, which is the way the researcher sees the curricula used in this field with different specializations (political gloom, international relations, economics, law, advertising and communication, Sociology, psychology, history, geography, archeology, anthropology, literature, linguistics, sports sciences), and what they represent in terms of relativity according to the background of the vision, subjectivity and objectivity of the researcher, and the extent to which, he is able to enforce the theoretical framework of the various purities since they depend on the complexity of In terms of understanding, analyzing and interpreting the phenomenon, and in terms of intertwining between disciplines, one phenomenon is cross-disciplinary and overlaps between them.

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  • Beirut

    Call for papers - Epistemology and methodology

    Traumatic catastrophes

    Le 4 août 2020, à 18h07, au Liban, une double explosion secoue le port de Beyrouth. 2 700 tonnes de nitrate d'ammonium partent en fumée, dévastant sur leur chemin des quartiers entiers. Plus de 200 morts, plus de 6000 blessés, plus de 7000 familles se retrouvant sans abri : tel est le triste bilan de cette catastrophe. En prenant appui sur cet évènement mais sans vouloir s’y limiter, ce numéro d’InteraXXIons se propose d’interroger cette thématique à la lumière des sciences humaines. À travers l’histoire, plusieurs catastrophes semblables ont eu lieu (à Toulouse, à Fukushima, à Gênes, à Tchernobyl…). Au-delà de la lamentation, de la fascination, de la sidération, de la déploration, du ressentiment, que diffuse la catastrophe ?

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  • Abu Dhabi

    Call for papers - Representation

    Digital archiving in the Arab world

    Digital archiving in the Arab world acts as a major channel of knowledge transmission in the present day. As the practice grows, new archival challenges emerge and act as a catalyst for innovation and development of new technologies. The International Digital Archiving Conference in the Arab World is to be held in Abu Dhabi, October 26-27, 2019. It is the first Digital Archiving conference to be organized by the CEDEJ, Egypt (Centre d’études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales) in collaboration with Bibliotheca Alexandrina and CEFAS (Centre français d’archéologie et de sciences sociales). The conference’s aim is to provide an exploratory gateway of the fast-growing interdisciplinaryfield of digital archiving in the Arab world.

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  • Manila

    Call for papers - Ethnology, anthropology

    Disasters, Indigenous Knowledge, and Resilience

    The Center for Applied Research in the Social Sciences (CARESS) is an autonomous research center created through a consortium of international universities geared towards initiating and coordinating multi-disciplinary and inter-university research endeavors in various fields in the Social Sciences. Disaster studies have emerged in the past thirty years in different social sciences. The objective of the Conference is not just a simple superposition of disciplines, but an increased interaction seeking to understand local problems...

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  • Delhi

    Call for papers - Ethnology, anthropology

    Image(s) of India

    What do we picture when we evoke India? For its 20 th annual Workshop, The “Association des jeunes études indiennes” (AJEI) invites young researchers to share their knowledge and to propose a critical approach of the concept of ‘Images’ in the subcontinent: To what extent do images reflect the many realities and representations of India and how does the Indian imagery affect scholarly, artistic and touristic as well as political perceptions, from a western and an Indian point of view? The Workshop is aimed to develop a cross-disciplinary dialogue in social sciences for a better understanding of the multiple roles that Images have been playing from antiquity to nowadays in the perceptions and the foundations of culture and identities in Indian society. The aim is also to open some reflexive discussions on the use and construction of images.

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  • Tel Aviv | Paris

    Call for papers - Representation

    The Renaissance of Origins

    Beginnings, Genesis and Creation in the Art of the VXth and XVIth Centuries

    This conference seeks to introduce a variety of different approaches and interpretations of the concept of “origins” within the visual arts during the Renaissance. However, to consider the question of origins necessitates establishing a distinction between an original beginning such as the creation of the world, an event which initiated historical time, and the symbolic exercises of re-creation that follow it. These phenomena of echo or aemulatio are defined by their manifest desire to capture the primal energy of the original beginning. Such re-creations attempt to reproduce the vitality inherent in the original beginning, and are characterized, above all, by a fundamental desire to reestablish a link to an ideal and initial origin.

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  • Ningbo

    Call for papers - Sociology

    Tourism research. Comparative approaches in China and France

    Cette journée d’étude de recherche vise en premier lieu à favoriser les échanges entre chercheurs chinois et chercheurs français concernant leurs approches respectives de la recherche (sciences sociales, sciences de gestion) en tourisme. Il s’inscrit dans les collaborations déjà fructueuses entre les collègues de l’université de Ningbo et les collègues français, en particulier enseignants-chercheurs à l’université d’Angers (UFR ESTHUA « Tourisme et culture »).

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  • Kyoto

    Call for papers - Geography

    New contribution to Geoarchaeology

    Word archaeological congress 8

    Geoarchaeology, defined as the application of geosciences and geographical methods to prehistory, archaeology, and history, is now widely applied to study key subjects such as occupation patterns, territory and site exploitation, palaeoclimatic, palaeoenvironemental, and palaeogeographical changes, as well as anthropogenic impacts and system responses. The multidisciplinary and multiscalar dimensions of geoarchaeological approaches have encouraged continuous development and innovation of methods and approaches that have opened new possibilities for explorations in geographical sectors previously inaccessible, the development of large-scale data acquisitions and treatment, and also the development of microscopic scale analysis precision. This session will highlight global research in geoarchaeology with particular emphasis on innovative methods or cutting edge research using established approaches.

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  • Beijing

    Call for papers - Language

    Recherche et traduction

    Dans le domaine des études en langues et civilisations étrangères, nombreux sont les chercheurs qui pratiquent la traduction, soit par nécessité, soit par intérêt ; nombreux aussi sont les traducteurs qui réfléchissent, outre aux questions concrètes susceptibles d’être soulevées au cours de la traduction, sur l’aspect théorique ou esthétique de l’œuvre qu’ils traduisent. Cette situation est vraie pour tous ceux qui travaillent dans et entre les langues. Mais ces travaux de traduction effectués par des chercheurs sont souvent menés d’une manière « automatique », sans que les considérations systématiques soient menées sur les rapports complexes et problématiques qu’entretiennent l’acte de traduction et celui de la recherche.

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  • Jérusalem-Est

    Call for papers - Language

    Enseignement et apprentissage des langues étrangères à l’ère du numérique

    Nul doute que l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de la langue étrangère a connu un grand bouleversement ces dernières décennies avec l’apparition des nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication en général (TIC) et ceux destinés à l’éducation en particulier (TICE). Les apprenants d’aujourd’hui ne sont pas ceux d’hier, nous sommes face à une génération initiée totalement à la technologie. Nos jeunes passent la majorité de leur temps en face de l’ordinateur usant de l’internet avec les réseaux sociaux, les forums, les portables, tablettes et autres moyens technologiques. Ce colloque se veut un terrain de réflexions autour de l’apport réel de ces TICE dans l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères dans les écoles, collèges, lycées et universités, leurs impacts sur les résultats, les attitudes, les motivations des enseignants et apprenants, etc.

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  • Antalya

    Call for papers - Science studies

    5th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World (IMCW2014)

    Research Data Management and Knowledge Discovery

    The main theme of the Symposium is “Research Data Management and Knowledge Discovery”. It aims to bring together researchers, data scientists, computer engineers, data repository managers, information scientists and information professionals, data librarians and archivists to discuss the issues pertinent to research data management and open data repositories, and to contemplate on how to design and develop innovative and collaborative knowledge discovery and mining services over the research data.

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  • Beirut

    Call for papers - History

    Literature, art and the contemporary world: accounts, history, memory

    Parallèlement à l’évolution de la critique littéraire qui revient à considérer aujourd’hui l’objet littéraire à l’intérieur du contexte historique et politique de sa production, l’une des tendances de la littérature postmoderne consiste à mettre en scène des histoires individuelles dans leurs relations avec les événements collectifs. Au Liban en particulier, face à ce qui est vécu comme une amnésie collective entreprise depuis 1990, sponsorisée et entretenue par l’État et la volonté de reconstruction, tandis que des travaux mettent au contraire l’accent sur le travail du deuil et de l’oubli qu’ils envisagent comme une pratique nécessaire par laquelle le passé est interrogé et le présent confronté, artistes, cinéastes et romanciers se donnent pour mission de raconter et de réactiver les processus qui permettent de comprendre le passé refoulé, mobilisant pour ce faire les paradigmes du récit et de la mémoire, voire questionnant et bouleversant l’usage de ces derniers. Ce colloque se donne pour objectif de donner à voir, dans le cadre d’une approche interdisciplinaire (esthétique, historique, sociologique, philosophique, psychologique ou narratologique) comment littérature et arts interagissent face à ces problématiques communes.

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  • Zhuhai

    Call for papers - Asia

    Translation History Matters

    1st East and West Conference on Translation Studies

    This conference aims to provide a biannual forum for East and West dialogue on Translation Studies.  This inaugural edition will be dedicated to “Translation History Matters” and welcomes contributions addressing issues related (though not circumscribed) to translation history, historiography and metahistoriography. Centred on translation understood as an intentional phenomenon of human and mostly intercultural communication, this conference aims to focus on the role played by translation in Eastern and Western cultural practices and encounters through history as well as on the role of history to understand both translation and translation studies.  By bringing together Eastern and Western views on a multitude of translation history matters, this conference aims to stress why, how and for which purposes translation history matters.

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