

  • Genf

    Beitragsaufruf - Sprachwissenschaften

    La longue vie des imprimés éphémères

    Du 8 au 9 mai 2025 se tiendra à Genève le deuxième congrès international « La longue vie des imprimés éphémères ». Genève, ville importante pour l’histoire de l’imprimerie européenne, est également le lieu de conservation de plusieurs collections de feuillets francophones et anglophones, de pliegos de cordel espagnols et d’imprimés brésiliens. Ce congrès se propose de faire connaître la richesse de ces fonds, de faire le point sur la recherche actuellement menée en Europe occidentale et d’aborder cette production sous un angle transnational avec un spectre chronologique large.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Amerika

    Book Erased: Print Word Censorship and US National Identity

    RSAJournal no.35

    From canonical masterpieces to the latest bestseller, the history of US literature is punctuated with books that have been banned from classrooms, libraries, and bookshops because they are considered harmful or inappropriate by a reactionary minority. By exposing the most profound fears of the US hegemonic powers and the way these have evolved or persisted, unchanged, over time, banned books mirror, and therefore provide insights into, other politically motivated acts of censorship throughout US history. This special issue of “RSAJournal” invites contributions that examine the ongoing nationwide “Ed Scare” in US public education in the context and as part of a wider, conservative political agenda aimed at maintaining the status quo by restricting and policing (among other things) the promotion and exercise of critical thinking, especially among young people.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Epistemologie und Methoden

    Fear of Knowledge?

    The studio and the study

    For this special issue we invite proposals for essays that reconsider the relationship between art and knowledge. This issue of Periskop thus hopes to widen our understanding of artistic practices and education, and to open inquiry into broader questions regarding relationships between the history of knowledge and artistic practice—in the past and in the present. 

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  • Brüssel | Löwen

    Beitragsaufruf - Darstellung

    Networks and Visual Seriality in Mass-Market Print Culture

    This conference proposes to approach the diverse field of 20th-century periodicals through the prism of two interrelated concepts - networks and seriality - that describe and capture relationships, connections, and dialogues amidst the vibrant diversity of mass-market print culture. This conference is a closing event for the ARTPRESSE project and will be organized alongside a large exhibition on the film-photo-novel in KU Leuven Central Library.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Ökonomie

    Approches socio-économiques de la traduction littéraire

    L’objectif de cette journée d’étude est d’explorer le secteur, les professions et les trajectoires professionnelles de la traduction littéraire sous un angle socio-économique.

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  • Wilna

    Beitragsaufruf - Europa

    Theatrum Libri: The Press, Reading and Dissemination in Early Modern Europe

    The conference is dedicated to 15-19th century printed books and manuscripts.We invite scholars from various disciplines to reflect on and share their new research, methods and applications, including the application of digital humanities and open data in research of the book: the 15-19th century book as an archival phenomenon (accumulation of knowledge and books) in Lithuania and Europe; the role of knowledge accumulators and book collectors, systematizers and sorters in forming a personal or institutional archive; the materiality of the book and its various elements (book marks, structure, parts, details, a title page, covers, inscriptions, typography, illustrations, vignettes, decorative elements, etc.) as a means of generating ideas, tool for creating a narrative or result of historical circumstances; book economics: market and business strategies (prices, book fairs, catalogs, advertising, and reviews); applying digital technology and interactive, unique tools for data storage and use.

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  • Rom

    Beitragsaufruf - Sprachwissenschaften

    Engaged Visuality: The Italian and Belgian Poesia Visiva Phenomenon in the 60s and 70s

    In a historical and cultural moment, in which poetry could present itself as “phono-, ideo-, typo-, icono, photographical; mono-, stereo-, quadro-, ambiophonic; phonographic, bioscopic, kinetic; kinesic, eatable, odorous, tangible” (H. Damen, 1972), the international and countercultural experiences of Italian and Belgian visual poets drew a cutting-edge roadmap within the wider and multifaceted context of neo-avant-garde experimental poetry of the 1960s and 1970s by creating a unique model of interdisciplinary cooperation where verbivocovisual research, media discourses, and social criticism strongly converged. Combining insights from the fields of art history, literary criticism, and media studies, Engaged Visuality investigates the impact of new media, political imagery, and technologies on poesia visiva phenomenon by focusing on a bilateral case study rarely analyzed from a comparative and transcultural perspective: the foundation of the international poetry magazine Lotta Poetica (first series: 1971-75) by Sarenco and Paul De Vree, i.e., the aim of Italian and Belgian interartistic exchanges, co-authored initiatives, and cross-disciplinary inquiries.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Mittelalter

    Individuality and Tradition in Medieval Book Culture. A Comparative Approach to Variation

    For this special issue of Vox medii aevi, dedicated to Variation in Medieval Book Culture, we invite original research addressing the subjects of the manuscript variation in different language cultures of the Middle Ages; variation and working strategies of medieval scribe; oral and written in the medieval book culture; place of the retelling in the medieval book culture; variation in specific contexts; and variation and methodology of its research in medieval studies.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Geographie

    Politiques et géopolitiques de la traduction

    Circulation multilingue des savoirs et histoires transnationales de la géographie

    Durant les cinquante dernières années, le champ de l’histoire de la géographie a connu un mouvement de transformation de ces approches, passant d’une lecture par les écoles nationales à une appréhension par la circulation des savoirs et des connaissances à différentes échelles. L’histoire des sciences et de la géographe a ainsi incorporé des concepts tels que « transit », « reseaux », « mobilités», « transferts », « circulations », « centres de calcul », « espaces de connaissance », « géographie des sciences », « mobilité spatiale de la connaissance », « geographies de la lecture et du livre », etc. Plus récemment, un tournant a émergé, qui considère les dynamiques et les nécessités de décoloniser l’histoire de la géographie et de la production de savoirs géographiques. Cette thématique apparaît aujourd’hui comme l’une des plus actives dans le champ de l’histoire de la géographie.

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  • Fiesole

    Beitragsaufruf - Europa

    Nouvelle forme de partage : réseaux, expertise, information

    Un colloque sur les problèmes actuels de la bibliothéconomie européenne

    The New Shape of Sharing: Networks, Expertise, Information continues conversations begun at the New Directions Symposium held in Frankfurt in 2017. This multi-day forum of panel presentations, a poster session, and interactive breakout sessions on key issues facing Western European collections and public services will encourage both structured and unstructured debate. We will advance our understanding of the challenges and initiate action in three areas: design new models for collaborative collection development and services; explore a growing range of content and format types and what they mean for libraries and researchers, and highlight the evolving role of libraries and librarians in the research process.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Neuere und Zeitgeschichte

    Information Management and Digital Information

    On behalf of independent academic publisher De Gruyter, the open access journal Open Information Science we are announcing a Call for Papers for Topical Issue: Information Management and Digital Information.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Vermittlung

    Digital Wellness

    Open Information Science Review

    Since its inception, the digital humanities has considered the question “what is it to be human in relation to machines in the digital age?” This issue of Open Information Science asks for papers that consider how we can understand “digital wellness” as part of the ongoing inquiry into what acts, representations, and understandings exist around human-ness in the digital era.  Particularly, this volume seeks to explore the possibilities of digital wellness provided through a range of disciplines and forms. We invite papers which consider architectures, platforms, and diverse disciplinary engagements with the opportunities and challenges surrounding digital wellness.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Vermittlung

    Information management and digital information

    The journal Open Information Science is seeking papers for a special issue on Information Management and Digital Information to be published in December 2019.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Vermittlung

    Information studies, race and racism

    On behalf of independent academic publisher De Gruyter, the open access journal Open Information Science we are announcing a call for papers for topical issue: Information studies, race and racism.

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  • Paris

    Beitragsaufruf - Mittelalter

    Le temps au Moyen Âge

    XVIe congrès de la Société internationale des médiévistes de Paris (IMS-Paris)

    Pour la XVIe édition de son colloque annuel, l’International Medieval Society Paris lance un appel à contribution sur tous les aspects du temps au Moyen Âge. Les propositions pourront traiter de l’expérience ou de l’exploitation du temps, de son calcul et de sa mesure, de son inscription, sa théorisation, ou de la question de savoir comment, pourquoi ou s’il faut délimiter le « Moyen Âge ». Les communications portant sur un matériel historique ou culturel de la France médiévale ou de la Gaule dans l’Antiquité tardive, ou sur des textes en Français ou en Occitan médiéval, sont particulièrement encouragés, mais les propositions convaincantes portant sur d’autres matières seront bien sûr aussi prises en compte.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Sprachwissenschaften

    Africa’s books, books in Africa

    This Africa e Mediterraneo dossier proposes to examine the real situation of the African publishing industry in the context of globalization and its impact on the diversity of the local and global editorial offer in the era of globalization. Being this edition at a crossroads of several disciplines, the dossier will be enriched by contributions from different fields of study: history of the book, anthropology, linguistics, economics, sciences of communication or sociology of culture.

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  • Oxford

    Beitragsaufruf - Darstellung

    The British, American and French Photobook: Commitment, Memory, Materiality and the Art Market (1900-2019)

    The Maison Française conference committee invites proposals on the social history of the British, American or French photobook from 1900 to the present. Papers will address: commitment or explicit political engagement; memory, commemoration and the writing of history; materiality (whether real or virtual), and how material form affects circulation, handling, critical responses and the social life of the photobook. We invite contributors to analyse these topics with respect to the growth of the market for the photobook as a commodity and an object of bibliophilic attention. Proposals focusing on contemporary productions are particularly welcome.

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  • Leeds

    Beitragsaufruf - Mittelalter

    Text as object in the Middle Ages

    The International Medieval Congress (IMC) is the largest medieval studies conference in the world. In line with the Special Thematic Strand in 2019 “Materialities” and the recent creation of the strand “Manuscript studies”, we organize sessions on “Text as object in the Middle Ages”. Texts, indeed, are at the same time an idea and a form. The latter is the result of a combination of inherited social uses and specific intentions by the various actors involved in transmitting the text as idea. This process begins with the authors, continues to the craftsmen (parchment and paper makers, copyists and chancery clerks, painters and illuminators, sculptors and weavers, booksellers…) and then on to possessors, readers, archives and libraries. All textual artefacts are concerned: manuscripts, charters, inscriptions, tapestries, seals, coins, etc.

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  • Beitragsaufruf - Studien zur Wissenschaft

    Openly about Open Access

    “Open Information Science” Journal

    The majority of academic papers on the topic of Open Access publishing are available only in fee for use journals. Thus, to make research about open access more widely available, Open Information Science is inviting research, review, and position papers for inclusion in a special issue about Open Access to be published during open access week in October 2018. Especially of interest are papers considering existing models of Open Access (platinum, gold, green, fair) and the controversies surrounding each of them. Works about the development of the Open Access movement and the usage and acceptance of works published openly, are welcome as well. All the submissions will be reviewed by an international panel of experts in the field.

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  • Saint-Omer

    Beitragsaufruf - Geschichte

    Les échanges humanistes dans les provinces du Nord pendant la Renaissance

    Premier colloque international de Saint-Omer

    Le colloque international de Saint-Omer est organisé conjointement par le Centre de Recherche et d’Études Histoire et Sociétés (EA 4027 CREHS - université d’Artois), et la Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer (CAPSO) représentée par sa Bibliothèque et son Université Populaire. Ce colloque s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme de recherche pluridisciplinaire : La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord, coordonné depuis 2015 par Charles GiryDeloison et Laurence Baudoux, et dans la continuité des journées d’études annuelles organisées au sein de ce programme à l’université d’Artois. En ce sens, le propos de cette rencontre est d’interroger les diverses manifestations de la Renaissance dans les Anciens Pays Bas aux XVIème et XVIIème siècles, touchant les principaux champs des humanités (philosophie, lettres et arts), et en se concentrant plus particulièrement sur les échanges, rencontres et associations entre les différents acteurs de cette renaissance culturelle.

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