AccueilTypesAppel à contribution

AccueilTypesAppel à contribution

  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Urban Images in African Contexts

    In this special section, we seek to reimagine imagetic and urban practices and representations of the African continent, articulating two main fields, the visual and the urban. Here we want to reunite research that discouses discourses, imaginaries, representations, figurations, and politics about different African cities. Here we understand "images" in a broad sense, encompassing not only production and reproduction technologies, like photography and film but also virtual and digital, visual arts, and museum expositions. The purpose is not only to extend the debate over the field of the visual in different cities from an anthropological perspective. In this special section, we want to punctuate the implications of the imagens in a diversity of urban processes in the continent, emphasizing the plasticity of its forms and contents, its changes, its ambivalence, and opacity; beyond the debates about gender, agency, power, and resistance.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Mapear os Rituais Públicos no Império Português na Época Moderna

    Mapping Public Ritual in the Early Modern Portuguese Empire

    Está aberto o convite à submissão de propostas que comparem rituais e festivais nas diferentes partes do império português, bem como comunicações que identifiquem padrões de trocas culturais com sociedades africanas, ameríndias e asiáticas ou com outros atores imperiais europeus e não-europeus.

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  • Maputo

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Municipalisation et gestion urbaine au Mozambique

    Le Mozambique est encore très largement géré par l'administration de l'État central: il n'y a que 58 municipalités, toutes urbaines. La questionne est donc très politique, puisque toute avancée de la municipalisation permet à l'opposition d'acquérir plus de poids, même si le parti au pouvoir garde le contrôle sur la majorité d'entre elles. Ce colloque international aura lieu une dizaine de jours après la tenue des élections municipales d'octobre 2018, qui seront un test grandeur nature pour les élections présidentielles et législatives de l'année suivante...

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Amílcar Cabral: The “Anonymous Fighter” for the Mankind Fundamental Freedoms

    In 1971, Amílcar Cabral presented himself in the United Nations (UN) as an “anonymous fighter” engaged in the struggle for the fundamental freedoms of the populations of Guinea and Cape Verde, as well as of all mankind. Such affirmation was not casual, since Cabral adopted the status of “anonymous fighter” in other circumstances, arguing that he was struggling for the human dignity, progress and happiness. The main goal of the conference is to bring together academics studying Cabral trajectory, institutions involved in preserving his memory and personalities which became acquainted with him.

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  • Maputo

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Sistemas e dinâmicas educacionais coloniais e suas inferências sectoriais na África e em Moçambique colonial e pós-colonial

    Se para o conjunto africano é perceptível que as diferenças eductivas resultaram fundamentalmente da imposição de diferentes modelos ligados à diferentes realidades colonizadoras, tais diferenças seriam consideradas atípicas quando vistas no interior do mesmo sistema, por um lado, ou dentro do mesmo território colonial, por outro. Contudo, tal atipicidade parece ter dominado, mesmo reconhecendo-se que as colónias africanas estiveram, a partir do século XIX, sob uma mesma dinâmica imposta pela “Modernidade Europeia”. Tal realidade terá sido engendrada, ao que tudo indica, em virtude de nem sempre a tal Modernidade ter sido capaz de manifestar-se da mesma maneira em todos os territórios coloniais.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Tropical Medicine and Global Health in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

    Second Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine

    The Luso-Brazilian Meetings on the History of Tropical Medicine have always sought to strike a balance between historiographical reflections, which help develop a broader comparative analysis, and case-studies examining different national, colonial, post-colonial, international and global contexts. We will continue to favor both approaches at the 1st meeting. The bulk of historiographical research has explored the period in the post-World War II. This meeting will work with a broader focus by examining the roles played by countries like Portugal, Brazil and Spain, and their connections with imperial and post-colonial research and practice.

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  • Praia

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    The social sciences in Cape Verde: Who are we and where are we going?

    O objectivo do encontro consiste em estabelecer um estado de arte das pesquisas, passadas, em curso e futuras, com a intenção de reforçar o potencial de pesquisa em ciências sociais em Cabo Verde (nomeadamente o do centro de pesquisa em Ciências Sociais de Cabo Verde – ex-CIDLOT, inicialmente criada no âmbito do PIC/Uni-CV-Bélgica) e de dinamizar a pesquisa cabo-verdiana, designadamente via promoção de equipas internacionais.

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  • Rio de Janeiro

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Revista África e africanidade

    A Revista África e Africanidade é uma publicação periódica em linha inteiramente dedicado a temas africanos, afro-brasileiros e afro-latinos. Os textos deverão ser apresentados em português ou em espanhol.

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  • Porto Alegre

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    African Forced Labour: The Ideological Representations of the Colonial Age

    Chamada de trabalhos para o Colóquio "Trabalho Forçado Africano: As Representações Ideológicas da Época Colonial" que irá realizar-se na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, dias 17 e 18 de Novembro de 2011.

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