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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Sur les routes d’Arabie : itinéraires terrestres et maritimes

    De l’âge du Bronze à la période islamique

    Le colloque a pour objectif d’étudier les routes de la péninsule Arabique, qu’elles soient terrestres ou maritimes, et les échanges qu’elles ont favorisés via l’archéologie, les sciences historiques, philologiques et religieuses mais aussi les sciences de la vie. Cette approche s’effectuera sur la longue durée, depuis l’âge du Bronze jusqu’à la période islamique. L’objectif de ce colloque est également d’étudier les réseaux d’échanges avec les régions frontalières telles que le sous-continent indien, la Corne de l’Afrique, l’Égypte mais également les empires du Proche-Orient ancien ainsi que les empires grec et romain.

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  • Florence

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Constructing Kurgans

    Burial mounds and funerary customs in the Caucasus, Northwestern Iran and Eastern Anatolia during the Bronze and Iron Age

    The tradition of burying the dead in burial mounds (kurgans), usually consisting of a funerary chamber limited by stone or brickslabs and covered by dirt and gravel, started in the fourth millennium BCE in the northern Caucasus and then spread south to the rest of the Caucasus regions, eastern Anatolia and northwestern Iran during the Bronze Age and Iron Age. The spread of the kurgan tradition, as well as the territorial, political, social, and cultural values embedded in their construction and their symbolic relation to the surrounding landscape are under debate. The workshop aims to examine chronological issues, cultural dynamics at inter-regional scale, rituals and burial patterns related to these funerary structures. The beliefs and ideologies that possibly connected the "kurgan people" over such a wide geographical area, as well as past and present theoretical frameworks, will also be discussed.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    From the Caucasus to the Arabian Peninsula: studying domestic spaces in the Neolithic

    Under neolithisation scholars understand multiple processes of social and economic transformation which begin at different times and follow regional trends in the Near and Middle East. It is within the complex relational and spatial framework of the household that these shifts in the structure and activities of Neolithic communities are easiest to apprehend and study. The conference will therefore focus on the domestic sphere in order to highlight and understand the polymorphous nature of what we call neolithisation. Various thematic sessions will be held to shed new light on current data: “Impacts of the shift to a sedentary/semi-sedentary lifestyle”; “Organising the house and the household”; “Private space/public space”; “Acquisition, production, transformation and use”; “Eating-Moving”; “Symbolic manifestations”;“The living and the dead”.

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