AccueilTypesJournée d'étude

AccueilTypesJournée d'étude

  • Manchester

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Américanisation par les arts ? France – États-Unis Échanges et appropriations 1850-2020

    Atelier 1 : Faire dialoguer les arts

    Ce premier atelier du programme de recherche « Américanisation par les arts ? France – États‑Unis. Échanges et appropriations (1850-2020) » abordera la question des échanges et des appropriations culturelles entre la France et les États-Unis, de manière interdisciplinaire, pour en cerner les effets et les modes opératoires sur l’univers sensible tant des Français que des Nord-Américains à partir de quatre portes d’entrée : le corps (manières de se comporter, place accordée au corps dans la vie quotidienne), la voix (manières de parler, de chanter, vocalités, environnement sonore radiophonique et télévisuel), la langue (manières d’écrire et de penser, représentations), les formes (influence des arts savants et populaires dans l’environnement sonore et visuel quotidien).

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  • Huddersfield

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Music and Political Democratisation in Late Twentieth Century

    This event aims to innovatively question how musical practices formed ways of imagining democracy in the democratic transitions that took place after Portugal’s ‘Carnation Revolution’ in 1974 – what Huntington (1991) called the ‘third wave’ of democratisation, which involves more than 60 countries throughout Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Rather than studying music’s diverse deployments within these political contexts (music ‘in’ transitions to democracy), these study days place the emphasis upon ways in which music embodies democratisation processes and participates in the wider social struggle to define freedom and equality for the post-authoritarian era (hence the ‘and’ in the title of the event).

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  • Londres

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    Global Social History: Class and Social Transformation in World History

    This conference interweaves global and social history, exploring global social history as a new field of historical inquiry. The papers aim to demonstrate that we cannot understand the emergence and transformation of social groups across the modern world, such as the aristocracy, the economic bourgeoisie, the educated middle classes, or the peasantry, without considering the impact of global entanglements on class formation.

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Moyen Âge

    Avignon as Transcultural Hub

    A MALMECC study day considering a range of themes centering around cultural transfers and scientific knowledge in papal Avignon, providing fresh understanding through interdisciplinary discussion based on a series of short position papers.

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  • Londres

    Journée d'étude - Pensée

    Protest in French and Francophone Arts and Culture

    Society for French Studies Postgraduate Conference 2016

    Protest is an intrinsic part of human culture, which enables subjects to express their dissatisfaction with existing social structures and hegemonic hierarchies of power. Protests have occurred across time periods and contexts, and have taken numerous different forms, ranging from personal expressions of discontent to united movements for revolutionary change. Protests can be individual or collective, personal or political, spontaneous or carefully planned, but they are generally orientated towards destabilising the status quo and establishing new modes of existence. Over the ages, political, social and cultural protests have successfully toppled authoritarian regimes, exposed and confronted dominant imbalances of power, and ameliorated conditions for disenfranchised members of society.

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  • Londres

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    Creating the Europe 1600-1815 Galleries

    This conference celebrates the opening of the V&A’s new Europe 1600-1815 Galleries. It will introduce some of the new patterns of living that laid the foundations for our modern world. The papers will be presented according to the three main themes that create a narrative structure for the displays and interpretation in the galleries: first, that, for the first time ever, Europeans systematically explored, exploited, and collected resources from Africa, Asia and the Americas in their art and design; second, that France took over from Italy as leader of fashion and art in the second half of the 17th century; and third, that ways of living came to resemble those we know today.

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  • Reading

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    The Excesses of the State

    Administrative control or political transparency? 17th -19th century Europe

    A one day workshop sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Centre de Recherches Historiques (CRH-EHESS) with the support of the journal Histoire & Mesure.

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  • Glasgow

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    Marseille : son histoire et son patrimoine culturel

    Journée d’étude internationale et bilingue

    Ce colloque pluridisciplinaire a pour but de marquer le statut de Marseille comme capitale européenne de la culture en 2013 en réunissant des chercheurs qui s’intéressent à l’histoire de la ville phocéenne (jumelée avec Glasgow depuis 2006) ainsi qu’à sa contribution à la culture de l’Europe au fil du temps. Les intervenants spécialistes de l'histoire sociale, de la sociologie urbaine, du cinéma et de la littérature traiteront des arts plastiques, scéniques, audiovisuels et culinaires à Marseille, de la vie littéraire, musicale et sportive de la ville, ou de l’évolution du port ainsi que de son patrimoine architectural. Les communications vont analyser les ressemblances entre les villes de Marseille et de Glasgow ainsi que les différences qui les distinguent du point de vue historique, culturel et socioéconomique.

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  • City of London

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    La médecine de cour : personnel de santé et politiques sanitaires en Europe, XVe-XVIIIe siècle

    Court medical practitioners changed in numbers, occupations and functions during the Renaissance and early modern period (15c-18c) practitioners focused on different specialities within body-care, and took on different roles in the government of Europe’s states. Building on recent work that has concentrated on the history of body care at courts, this workshop will explores changes in court medical politics, practices and practitioners and the consequences they had for, firstly, medical thought, regulation and practice and, secondly, the activities, management and evolution of early modern states.

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Pour une histoire comparative de la régulation des risques industriels, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles

    If comparison between national or regional contexts has been a driving force for the historiography of the « industrial revolution », and if environmental history has been immediately written on a global scale, the evolution of environmental and risk regulation is often studied according to the national, regional or local scales of the institutions producing the regulations. The aim of this workshop is to invite historians to consider how comparison could advance our understanding of the different ways of regulating risk and environment.

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    New Directions in the Study of Social Distinction

    Colloquium organised by the Maison Française d'Oxford, on Friday, 10th December, 2010.Research programme: Nation and Globalization

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Burdens, Opportunities, Expectations : Political Legacies in Post-Revolutionary France

    Research colloquium which takes place on Monday 24 January, at the Maison Française d’Oxford. This research colloquium brings together historians of nineteenth and and twentieth-century France to explore the issue of “political legacies”.

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Études des sciences

    Puericulture, Biotypology and "Latin" Eugenics in Comparative Context

    This One-day Workshop is organised by the History of Race and Eugenics (HRE) Research Group Oxford Brookes University. The study of eugenics and race is currently undergoing a remarkable transformation - one defined by society's need to engage with scientific advances and the ethical dilemmas they raise on the one hand, and the investigation of hitherto neglected case studies on the other. The inclusion and juxtaposition of national and international histories of race and eugenics lies at the heart of this international collaboration that strives to not only yield original and timely research on these neglected national case studies, but to redefine and diversify the overarching debates on these particularly turbulent periods of modern history.

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  • Reading

    Journée d'étude - Époque contemporaine

    Interrogation in War and Conflict: between Liberty, Security and Justice

    After recent revelations of a « UK Abu Ghraib », with allegations of systematic mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners of war at a British military interrogation centre, and the opening of a formal inquiry, the role of military interrogations has once again been under scrutiny. This seems a particularly opportune time to discuss « interrogation » both as a military event and as a cultural phenomenon. Interrogation raises moral questions, especially for states that see themselves as « liberal », but it can also be approached from many other angles. It is often, for example, a « first contact » between actors who come from different cultures and speak different languages. It sets out to elicit information, but the absorption of that information depends on the conceptual scheme of the interrogator. There are important differences between interrogations done by ordinary soldiers, debriefings by professional intelligence operatives, and interviews that generate forensic evidence.

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Social and Political Change in the Aftermath of the 2005 Hariri Assassination: Implications for Everyday Life in Lebanon

    A day-long workshop about "Lebanese Political Parties and the Politics of Sectarianism" and "Lebanon's Public Life and Institutions: Reflections on Politics in Society". Organised by the Maison Française d'Oxford with the support of the Centre for Lebanese Studies; Middle East Centre; Oxford-Sciences Po Research Group.

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Pensée

    Workshop « Imagination et esthétique »

    Projet PEPS « Imaginations»

    Nous proposons d’étudier l’ambiguïté inhérente au concept d’imagination à l’Âge classique. L’objectif spécifique de notre programme de recherche est d’explorer l’histoire des traditions non-orthodoxes de la force de l’imagination au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècles, et les transmissions de l’idée d’une force créatrice de l’imagination. Comme la créativité et le concept d’imagination traversent toutes les disciplines, il est impératif d’associer des chercheurs de différentes spécialités, et tout particulièrement des historiens des différentes sciences, des historiens de la philosophie et des arts et des chercheurs en littérature. Cette journée du 9 mai à la Maison française d'Oxford abordera spécifiquement la force de l'imagination dans les arts et l’esthétique.

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Études des sciences

    The Past, Present, and Future of Nuclear Power in Great Britain

    The Maison française d'Oxford will host this workshop, beginning at 1.30 pm on Thursday 5 May and ending on Friday 6 May at 3 pm. The workshop has been made possible by the support of the Comité d'histoire of the Fondation EDF in collaboration with the Maison française and the history of science, medicine, and technology group in the Faculty of History, University of Oxford. For further details, please contact Robert Fox ( or Muriel Le Roux (

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    France's Mid-Century Crisis, 1930-1950

    This workshop has been organised to gain an insight into the current state of British research into Modern France. It focuses, through various subjects and fields, on France's Mid-Century Crisis, 1930-1950.

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  • Oxford

    Journée d'étude - Époque moderne

    Puissance de l'esprit et imagination au XVIIe siècle

    In this workshop, scholars from different disciplines will work together to study the early modern imagination. In particular, we are interested in the relation between general conceptions of the imagination at the time and more specific and controversial ideas of a creative, active and forceful imagination. This powerful imagination was dependent on ‘spirit’ in its different meanings in the early modern period (human spirit, demons, animal and other spirits, spirit of nature, etc.), resulting in a rich variety of opinions. These ideas of an active imagination and of powerful spirits, in their full complexity and diversity, were transmitted between philosophy, literature, medicine, the sciences, witchcraft, demonology as well as religion, and the workshop aims at unearthing the exchanges between these various fields.

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  • Londres

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    La percée du mouvement environnemental en 1989 : signification, importance et portée

    Ce séminaire explorera la croissance remarquable du mouvement de protection de la nature et de l'environnement (particulièrement en Grande-Bretagne) à la fin des années 1980.

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