

  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Gender and Materiality in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century

    This conference aims to provide a platform for discussion of various ways material objects served to regulate and determine gendered behaviors and identities and reconfigure individuals’ understanding of the social world in the context of Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century.

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  • Vilnius

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Theatrum Libri: The Press, Reading and Dissemination in Early Modern Europe

    The conference is dedicated to 15-19th century printed books and manuscripts.We invite scholars from various disciplines to reflect on and share their new research, methods and applications, including the application of digital humanities and open data in research of the book: the 15-19th century book as an archival phenomenon (accumulation of knowledge and books) in Lithuania and Europe; the role of knowledge accumulators and book collectors, systematizers and sorters in forming a personal or institutional archive; the materiality of the book and its various elements (book marks, structure, parts, details, a title page, covers, inscriptions, typography, illustrations, vignettes, decorative elements, etc.) as a means of generating ideas, tool for creating a narrative or result of historical circumstances; book economics: market and business strategies (prices, book fairs, catalogs, advertising, and reviews); applying digital technology and interactive, unique tools for data storage and use.

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  • Zurich

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Making the Social World Objective

    Theoretical, Practical, and Visual Forms of Social and Economic Knowledge, 1850-2000

    This conference proposes to return to the manifold strategies and methods for objectifying and visualizing the social that were developed from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards. We will discuss these approaches with a focus on three themes. First, our aim is to analyze the way theoretical and practical sciences met and influenced each other in the case of statistics, empirical observations, working class family budgets among other forms of strategies meant to grasp the social. Second, we will pay close attention to the work of individuals and groups in subordinate positions and at the margins of dominant systems of knowledge production. How did these actors used new approaches in connections with their demands? Our third axis of study concerns statistical imaginaries and visual representations (Musée social, graphical charts, photographs, reliefs and statistical mechanisms).

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Heritage Conservation in the Interwar period (1919-1939)

    The present year marks the 90th anniversary of the Athens Charter for the Restoration of Historic Monuments (1931). The Patrimonium research group at ARTIS - Institute of Art History of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon intends to celebrate the date by publishing a special issue of the ARTis ON journal. On the present issue of the ARTis ON journal we intend to analyse, on an international scale, the context in which the Athens Charter was formulated, in the wider context of the role of the League of Nations in defending and valuing historic, artistic and archaeological heritage, both movable and immovable.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Photo Albums’ Twisted Meanings: Between nostalgia and trauma

    We kindly ask those interested to send their proposals for the workshop Photo Albums’ Twisted Meanings: Between nostalgia and trauma, which will take place in Prague on 25-26 November 2021. Questions may include: How can this kind of “twisted” material be interpreted? How to interpret these albums without the “oral scaffolding”? How to interpret them from the position of a person with an affiliative, indirect or very loose connection to the past? How to approach albums with this kind of “twisted meaning” from the position of the current owner, curator, scholar or artist? How to approach this kind of material without identifying with it in any way? How to deal with it without merely being charmed by it or, on the contrary, completely paralysed by it?

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  • Appel à contribution - Religions

    La Droite chrétienne : quelles convergences aujourd'hui ?

    La recherche sur les évangéliques étant au cœur de l’actualité, l’objectif de ce colloque international sera d’élargir le champ en croisant les analyses et les observations pour ainsi mieux identifier les dynamiques à l’œuvre dans le monde chrétien. Religion et politique seront abordés à travers le prisme de la Droite chrétienne.

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  • Appel à contribution - Langage

    Les dimensions transnationales de l’activisme dans la culture contemporaine du livre

    Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture, vol. 26-2, automne 2022

    A is for Activist est le titre d’un livre pour enfants à succès publié en 2013 par Innosanto Nagara. Ce petit livre cartonné véhicule un message fort : les livres peuvent être des catalyseurs de changement. Le monde de l’édition a tantôt facilité, tantôt entravé le progrès politique et social dans divers contextes internationaux. L’activisme en édition a certainement une dimension transnationale : si les facteurs nationaux et identitaires doivent être pris en compte, reste qu’ils s’inscrivent dans un réseau transnational présentant des inégalités de pouvoir et de « capital littéraire » (Casanova 2004). Ce numéro spécial puise son inspiration dans « l’activisme imprimé » qui s’est développé dans le long XXe siècle (Schreiber 2013) pour proposer une réflexion sur l’activisme qui a cours aujourd’hui dans l’industrie de l’édition, et sur les recherches qui s’y rapportent.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    New approaches to Medical Care, Humanitarianism and Violence during the ‘long’ Second World War, c. 1931 – 1953

    This series of seminar is jointly run by the AHRC project “Colonial and Transnational Intimacies: Medical Humanitarianism in the French External Resistance, 1940-1945” and the “Researching the Impact of Attacks on Healthcare” (RIAH) project. Our aim is to rethink the history of the long Second World War (1931-1953) from the perspectives of those who delivered and received medical and humanitarian care in various sites across the world. The seminar series will consider a broader range of humanitarian and health structures and explore how humanitarian and medical aid was experienced in wartime every-day life in both ‘traditional’ army medical health services and in ‘irregular’ wars.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Touched: Transdisciplinary Perspectives

    Inauguration of the TACT network (Touch, Arts, Affects)

    This seminar proposes to explore the elusive experience of being touched from a transdisciplinary perspective. It will serve as the launch for the TACT network (Touch, Arts, Affects).

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  • Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Rethinking Participatory Processes Through Music

    This conference aims to explore the potential of music to contribute to this rethinking of participatory processes. We invite proposals from scholars working in any discipline for papers exploring participation, decision-making and power negotiation in relation to any musical practice in any historical and geographical context.

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  • Pessac

    Colloque - Europe

    Contentious Science, Tricky Politics : Experts and Scientists in Controversial Policy Debates in Europe and North America

    This conference, conceived and organized before the events of this last year, seeks to interrogate the uncomfortable, confusing, and consequential intersection of experts and politics of which the Covid-19 crisis is only the latest dramatic example.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Arabists and Hebraists (18th - 20th century)

    Hamsa Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies

    Looking for new contributions about the theme within the universe of Arabic and Hebraic studies, the next volume of HAMSA will be dedicated to the topic Arabists and Hebraists (18th -20th century). It is intended to summon up Arabists and Hebraists whose activity was developed inside or outside the Academy, also encompassing those who work in a solitary way or in non-traditional more and less ephemeral groups, or alternative networks. The chronological range extends from the 18th to the 20th century, allowing the inclusion of the beginning of modern Arabic and Hebraic studies, in Europe, Middle East and new American states, as also others less obvious regions of the world.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Europe

    L’angoisse du déclin

    Démocratie, démographie et clivage Est-Ouest en Europe

    En démocratie, la règle veut que les citoyennes et les citoyens élisent celles et ceux qui les gouvernent. Mais les gouvernements tendent eux aussi à choisir celles et ceux qui les élisent. Ils opèrent ce choix par l’élaboration de lois sur l’acquisition de la nationalité et de lois électorales, mais aussi par la mise en place de politiques migratoires, par le recours au redécoupage électoral à des fins politiques (gerrymandering), ou encore par l’entrave au droit de vote. Cette série de conférences analyse la façon dont les majorités ethnoculturelles, en diminution dans les États membres de l’Union européenne (UE), tentent de préserver leur pouvoir et leur identité face à leur propre déclin démographique et à l’afflux migratoire.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Cultural coordinates in present-day museology

    Five neologisms

    The International Conference Cultural Coordinates in present-day museology: Five neologisms is aimed at research that focuses on analysing the contemporary museological discourse and its effects on cultural communication. Numerous questions arise, for example, regarding curatorial practices, the new formulas of knowledge transmission, museology’s potential contributions to social cohesion, the mediation made possible by the new technologies and the critical contribution to be expected concerning issues such as gender demands, environmental sustainability and others. The sections are headed by the corresponding neologisms into which the themes that are the subject of debate and analysis are divided.

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  • Informations diverses - Histoire

    Spain in Our Ears: International Musical Responses in Support of the Republic during the Spanish Civil War

    Journal of War & Culture Studies, Vol. 14, Issue 4, 2021

    This virtual roundtable celebrates the launch of the special issue “Spain in Our Ears: International Musical Responses in Support of the Republic during the Spanish Civil War”, Journal of War & Culture Studies, Vol. 14, Issue 4, 2021.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    La (plus) Grande Guerre des occupations militaires en Europe

    Antécédents, expériences et héritages

    Ce colloque international consacré aux occupations de la première guerre mondiale. Il a pour objectif d’appréhender les différentes formes que peuvent prendre ces multiples occupations et d’affiner les catégories permettant de les analyser en dépassant les frontières chronologiques et géographiques classiques du conflit. 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The photography of persecution. Pictures of the holocaust

    The conference organizers invite contributions that highlight what is missing from scholarly and public discourse about the photography of the Holocaust. We welcome papers that shed new light on persecution and mass murder through an examination of photographic images. In particular, we seek papers that explore the historical context in which photographs were produced, that restore our critical distance to the narratives presented by the photographs, and that take up methodological problems associated with the use of photographic images as instruments of dictatorial rule or the resistance to it. The conference will focus on the photographic record of the persecution of Jews in Nazi-dominated Europe and its colonial possessions from 1933 to 1945. We welcome contributions that focus on individual or serial photographic images, whether they are iconic or have yet to be widely distributed, whether they were taken by Jews, Nazis, local collaborators, public authorities, photojournalists, or amateur photographers.  

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Migrating Archives of Reality

    Programming, Curating, and Appropriation of Non-fiction Film

    The digital turn, which has created new modes of access and circulation for films, underscores and amplifies what has been the fate of non-fiction film since the beginning of its existence - it has always been, and continues to be, a migrating archive of reality. Practices of digitization, online programming, digital curation, appropriation, and sharing, open up new spaces and layers of meaning. Moreover, they also alter and sometimes overwrite the original or historical meaning of non-fiction films, with significant epistemic, political, and ethical consequences. The conference strives to address these challenges, taking into account the diverse views of (media and film) historians, archivists, (digital) curators, and artists, who could comment on issues of programming, curation and appropriation (especially archival) of non-fiction film in history and today.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Nuclear deterrence in Europe

    Visions, debates, opportunities, and challenges from 1945 to present

    This conference aims at gathering contributions investigating the gradual emergence, circulation and appropriation of ideas, projects or even programs connecting Europe with nuclear deterrence, whether crafted in, by or for Europe in its broader meaning, in national or international, informal or institutionalised frameworks.

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  • Turin

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Époque contemporaine

    Enlightenment legacy: the rights of man in a global perspective

    4 two-year fellowships for advanced studies - Turin humanities programme

    Within the Turin humanities programme (THP), each year Fondazione 1563 will launch a call for applications to award 4 two-year post-doc fellowships open to Italian and foreign researchers, and will assign two Senior Fellowships to established academics invited to make their scientific contribution to the THP, appointed on the recommendation of the Scientific Committee and the Director of Studies.

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