HomeProtestant Revival Movements in the Francophone World (Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Pacific)

Protestant Revival Movements in the Francophone World (Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Pacific)

Les mouvements protestants de réveil dans le monde francophone (Afrique, Asie, Caraïbes, Pacifique)

Origins, Currents, Developments and Diversification from the Nineteenth Century to the Present

Origines, courants, développements et diversification du XIXe siècle à nos jours

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Published on Monday, November 14, 2022


This Congress, intends to broaden that research to include, in addition to Europe, Francophone Africa and Madagascar, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific. From the beginning of the nineteenth century, this geographical and linguistic area (like others) has been to the benefit of the deployment of revival movements through mission. These movements have generated new Christendoms and ecclesial communities, many of which have emancipated themselves from inherited/exported models. Awakenings have taken specific forms and diversified. Persons and groups within traditional cultures and religions have shaped new antitheses (rupture) and/or syntheses (continuity). These Réveil/Revival influenced forms and visions have enriched the world’s religious heritage. This conference will give attention to the origins, currents, development, and diversification of the Réveil/Revival movements/networks/traditions from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, focusing on the Francophone world.



Born at the crossroads of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, from the midst of the historical Protestantisms of Europe, the religious revival movements (Réveil, Revival, Awakening, Erweckung), are a response, not necessarily an opposition, to the Age of Enlightenment which had promoted the reign of human reason against that of divine revelation. These movements, claiming to be carrying out a “second Reformation”, wanted to reinvigorate the reading of the Bible that had become rare in a country like France, and to make room for emotion and religious experience to enter the space of faith. From a theological point of view, the emphasis on sanctification enriched the doctrine of justification.

These revival movements were spread through multiple organizations that addressed biblical translation and dissemination, evangelization, external mission, etc., and carried by various initial currents: Pietism in the Lutheran area, Methodism in the Anglican area, the Réveil in the Reformed area. Their influence and their claim to “awaken” Churches deemed asleep gradually allowed the scholarly community to better define revival as an object of study, to establish its genesis and trajectories that extend beyond the European Protestant religious world where it was born. Indeed, new “waves” of revival arose throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, essentially marked by the Holiness, Radical Holiness, and Pentecostal Movements that engaged not only Lutherans, Reformed, Anglicans and Methodists, but also Quakers, Plymouth Brethren, Moravians, and Baptists, among others. It is in these Radical Holiness Movements that Pentecostalism developed.

This Congress, supported by the Societies and University Centres mentioned above, which have contributed to scholarship on revival movements in Europe and North America using multidisciplinary approaches, intends to broaden that research to include, in addition to Europe, Francophone Africa and Madagascar, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific. From the beginning of the nineteenth century, this geographical and linguistic area (like others) has been to the benefit of the deployment of revival movements through mission. These movements have generated new Christendoms and ecclesial communities, many of which have emancipated themselves from inherited/exported models. Awakenings have taken specific forms and diversified. Persons and groups within traditional cultures and religions have shaped new antitheses (rupture) and/or syntheses (continuity). These Réveil/Revival influenced forms and visions have enriched the world’s religious heritage. This conference will give attention to the origins, currents, development, and diversification of the Réveil/Revival movements/networks/traditions from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, focusing on the Francophone world.

Topic Proposals

People wishing to give a paper are invited to situate it in one of the following axes:

1 - Anteriority and succession: from the original revival movements to new achievements through mission: projects, trajectories, achievements, and obstacles.

2 - New forms: the creation of new Christians and ecclesial communities: ecclesification/routinization of revival movements.

3 – Pentecostalism: a revival movement continuous and discontinuous with earlier revival movements? Origins, development, and diversification of Pentecostalism in subsequent waves of “neo-Pentecostalism”, 3rd Wave, and beyond.

4 – Typology: identifying and classifying phenomena, proposing typologies of revival movements within Francophone Christianity.


Interdisciplinary perspectives are encouraged; papers may be within traditional disciplines, including but not limited to history, literatures and civilizations, anthropology, ethnology, theology, geography.

Communications will be given primarily in French. Depending on the composition of the Congress, an English translation of the papers is envisaged. Papers may be given in English if a French translation is provided by the author the week before the beginning of the congress.

A double publication of the proceedings in French and English is planned.

Communications are encouraged that deal with the Réveil, Methodist, Holiness, Radical Holiness, Pentecostal, Protestant Charismatic, and Third Wave traditions, as well as indigenous and more recent developments. Proposals relating to migration to Francophone Europe of participants of these movements will also be considered.

How to apply

Send proposals (150 words and short bio) to David Bundy [dbundy@nazarene.ac.uk] and Pierre-Yves Kirschleger [pierre-yves.kirschleger@univ-montp3.fr]

Communication proposal are requested by 15 December 2022.

Acceptances will be communicated by 15 January 2023.

Publications in French and English are anticipated.

Organizing Committee

  • David Bundy (MWRC),
  • Pierre-Yves Kirschleger (UPV-CRISES),
  • Jean-Louis Prunier (SEMF),
  • Gilles Vidal (IPT-CML),
  • Jean-François Zorn (SEMF, IPT-CML)


  • The Manchester Wesley Research Centre (MWRC),
  • Société d’Études du Méthodisme Français (SEMF),
  • Centre Maurice-Leenhardt de recherche en missiologie (CML) of the Institut Protestant de Théologie de Montpellier,
  • Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines et Sociales (CRISES, EA 4424) of the Université Paul-Valéry de Montpellier,
  • Société d’histoire du protestantisme de Montpellier

Practical Information

The congress will be a blended conference with video participation possible. Travel will be at the expense of the participants as will lodging in a conference hotel. For more information, contact the organizers listed below.

Dates: 1-3 June 2023 (congress)

4 June : tourist and cultural day

Montpellier (France)


  • Montpellier, France (34)


  • Thursday, December 15, 2022


  • religion, protestantisme, monde francophone


  • Pierre-Yves Kirschleger
    courriel : pierre-yves [dot] kirschleger [at] univ-montp3 [dot] fr
  • David Bundy
    courriel : dbundy [at] nazarene [dot] ac [dot] uk

Information source

  • Pierre-Yves Kirschleger
    courriel : pierre-yves [dot] kirschleger [at] univ-montp3 [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Protestant Revival Movements in the Francophone World (Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Pacific) », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, November 14, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/19x5

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