HomeNew Perspectives on Normativity: Joint Lecture Series on International Law and Technology
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Published on Monday, February 13, 2023


This lecture series we bring together leading scholars in international law, international relations and legal theory to present their work and discuss the implications of an ever increasing digitization of socio-economic life. The lecture series is held on Mondays from 15.30-17.00 every three weeks alternating between the University of Amsterdam and the université catholique de Lille Paris-Issy Campus. All lectures will also be accessible in a hybrid format via Zoom.



Digital Technologies are changing the modes in which law and governance operate, opening up toward new perspectives on normativity. How to think the relationship between international law and technology and its implications for normativity? What are the topologies of normativity that these terms connote? What must legal reasoning become to better attend to techno-legal assemblages? These questions are leading to the emergence of a new scholarly field revolving around ‘international law and technology’ with new theoretical and methodological approaches, new assumptions and preoccupations and new modes of working across disciplines. In this lecture series we bring together leading scholars in international law, international relations and legal theory to present their work and discuss the implications of an ever increasing digitization of socio-economic life. The lecture series is held on Mondays from 15.30-17.00 every three weeks alternating between the University of Amsterdam and the Université Catholique de Lille Paris Campus. All lectures will also be accessible in a hybrid format via Zoom. A short text will be distributed approximately one week before the sessions to registered participants.

UCLille, Faculty of Law.- Paris-Issy Campus - 35 rue Gabriel Peri 92139 Issy - France

UvA, Faculty of Law, REC A.3.01, ACIL- Oudemanhuispoort 4, 1012 CJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands


20 March, 15.30-17.00

University of Amsterdam Law School, REC A.3.01

Emerging Technologies and International Governance 

3 April, 15.30-17.00

Paris Campus, Salle du Conseil

International Law Becomes a Cyborg Science 

24 April, 15.30-17.00

University of Amsterdam Law School, REC A.3.01

Terrorism through the eyes of the algorithm: how the law is (re)figured through security technology 

15 May, 15.30-17.00

Paris Campus, Salle du Conseil

Sovereignty and the Law of Surveillance 

5 June, 15.30-17.00

University of Amsterdam Law School, REC A.3.01

How can the Internet be Decolonised? 

19 June, 15.30-17.00

Paris Campus, Salle du Conseil

International Trade Law and Global Data Governance: Never the Twain Shall Meet? 

26 June, 15.30-17.30

Paris Campus, Salle du Conseil

Closing conversation



  • UCLille, Faculté de droit, Salle du Conseil, 2d Floor - 35 rue Gabriel Péri
    Issy-les-Moulineaux, France (92)
  • UvA, Faculty of Law, REC A.3.01 - ACIL- Oudemanhuispoort 4
    Amsterdam, Holland (1012 CJ)

Event attendance modalities

Hybrid event (on site and online)


  • Monday, March 20, 2023
  • Monday, April 03, 2023
  • Monday, April 24, 2023
  • Monday, May 15, 2023
  • Monday, June 05, 2023
  • Monday, June 19, 2023
  • Monday, June 26, 2023


  • technology, digital technologies, law, international law, global governance, international relations, normativity, international relation, numérique, droit, droit international, relation internationale, gouvernance globale, technologie numérique


  • Delphine Dogot
    courriel : delphine [dot] dogot [at] univ-catholille [dot] fr

Information source

  • Delphine Dogot
    courriel : delphine [dot] dogot [at] univ-catholille [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« New Perspectives on Normativity: Joint Lecture Series on International Law and Technology », Lecture series, Calenda, Published on Monday, February 13, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1aj8

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