HomeReligion in movement. New perspectives in the study of religious History

Religion in movement. New perspectives in the study of religious History

Religión en movimiento. Nuevas perspectivas en el estudio de la historia religiosa

Religion en mouvement. Nouvelles perspectives dans l’étude de l'histoire religieuse

*  *  *

Published on Wednesday, April 12, 2023


While the role of the Catholic Church under the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) and the Dictatorship (1939-1975) remain one of the most bitterly contested aspects in public and academic debates, in recent years, the study of religious history has become an increasingly respected as an expanding field of research in Spanish historiography. The foundation of the Asociación Española de Historia Religiosa Contemporánea (AEHRC - Spanish Association of Contemporary Religious History) in 2016 has greatly contributed to this development. The present conference aims to celebrate and continue these efforts. For this reason, the AEHRC would like to invite researchers to join us in the prospect of advancing the state of the art in our field by a) critically evaluating the successes and limitations of current and new perspectives in the study of contemporary religious history; and, in particular, b) by reassessing the processes of secularisation and religious reconfiguration that have shaped the Spanish and Hispanic cases.




While the role of the Catholic Church under the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) and the Dictatorship (1939-1975) remain one of the most bitterly contested aspects in public and academic debates, in recent years, the study of religious history has become an increasingly respected as an expanding field of research in Spanish historiography. The foundation of the Asociación Española de Historia Religiosa Contemporánea (AEHRC - Spanish Association of Contemporary Religious History) in 2016 has greatly contributed to this development. The AEHRC was founded upon the pioneer work carried out by an important group of scholars whose research contributed to effect the necessary “qualitative leap from ecclesiastical history to religious history” (Feliciano Montero, 2003). Although this process had begun in the historical moment of the Transition, it was greatly confirmed by the international conference organised by French historian Benoît Pellistrandi at the Casa de Velázquez in 2001. Among others, the research group Catolicismo y laicismo en la España del siglo XX (Catholicism and secularism in twentieth-century Spain) greatly contributed to consolidate this important historiographical effort. This multifaceted scientific endeavour has continued to grow; the diversity of its academic outcomes has been evidenced, for example, in the variety of national and international scientific gatherings that taken place in the last decade, such as, the international workshop “Contemporary Spanish Religious History: assessments and new perspectives” (2015), or, more recently, the international congress “Without Borders Religions and Transnational Networks in the Contemporary World” (2021).

The present conference aims to celebrate and continue these efforts. For this reason, the AEHRC would like to invite researchers to join us in the prospect of advancing the state of the art in our field by a) critically evaluating the successes and limitations of current and new perspectives in the study of contemporary religious history; and, in particular, b) by reassessing the processes of secularisation and religious reconfiguration that have shaped the Spanish and Hispanic cases. To this end, four different thematic panels have been organised (for details, see below). In each panel, several specialists will present a short historiographical balance and, together with presentations made by other participants, we will reflect upon the historiographical progress made in the last two decades, and upon the challenges still pending in the field, as well as the best way to tackle them in the near- and long-term future.

The Conference will be composed of four main thematic panels:

  1. Femininities and masculinities

Speakers: Mónica Moreno Seco (University of Alicante), Inmaculada Blasco Herranz (University of La Laguna) and Natalia Núñez Bargueño (University of Castilla La Mancha).

  1. Identities in movement

Speakers: José Ramón Rodríguez Lago (University of Vigo), César Rina (University of Extremadura) and Gregorio Alonso (University of Leeds).

  1. Religions in conflict and dialogue

Speakers: Francisco Díez Velasco (University of La Laguna), Pablo Bornstein (Complutense University of Madrid) and Francisco Javier Ramón Solans (University of Zaragoza).

  1. Material-immaterial religious cultures

Speakers: Andrea Graus (CSIC), Joseba Louzao Villar (Cardenal Cisneros University Centre) and Uxía Otero González (University of Santiago de Compostela).

*Each of these thematic axes will be open to the presentation of papers for discussion (for more info on how to participate see next page).

The Conference will also include two roundtables on historiography.

  1. The first one will deal with various international perspectives to the study of religious history and will count with the participation of: Alfonso Botti (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Mary Vincent (University of Sheffield), Olivier Chatelan ( University of Lyon II-Lumière) and Julio de la Cueva Merino (University of Castilla La Mancha).
  2. The second will approach the topic of archives and will count with the participation of: Anabella Barroso (Ecclesiastical Archives of Bizkaia), Miguel Ángel Dionisio (Rey Juan Carlos University) and Pilar Salomón (University of Zaragoza).

The keynote lecture will be given by Tine Van Ossealer (University of Antwerp).

Submission guidelines

To participate as a speaker: you will be required to become a member of the AEHRC (see below), and to send a title and an abstract of the proposed paper of a maximum of 300 words to maria.esteban@uam.es

before 1st June 2023.

Accepted participants will receive confirmation by 30th of June.

Members of the AEHRC who are up to date with payment on the 1st June 2023 will benefit from free registration.

To become a member of the Association, please complete and send the attached membership form to aehrc.asociacion@gmail.com Please include your account number if you chose direct debit of the membership fee, or a receipt of payment by bank transfer.

The general membership fee is €50 per year. Students who can prove their status enjoy a reduced annual membership fee of €25 per year.

For any questions and further information please contact: aehrc.asociacion@gmail.com

or “visit” us at:


  • Aula de la Institución Fernando el Católico - Plaza de España, 2
    Zaragoza, Kingdom of Spain

Event attendance modalities

Full on-site event


  • Thursday, June 01, 2023


  • histoire religieuse, histoire contemporaine, Espagne, religion

Information source

  • María José Esteban Zuriaga
    courriel : maria [dot] esteban [at] uam [dot] es


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Religion in movement. New perspectives in the study of religious History », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1axm

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