Published on Tuesday, May 02, 2023
The purpose of the Conference is to analyse and deepen, also from a comparative perspective, the way in which, in the 21st century, language and legislations in the migration perspective have become almost indivisible, as one influences the other on a rather deep level.
Within the scope of the 4EU+ consortium, Charles University (Czech Republic), the University of Milan (Italy) and Sorbonne University (France) have launched a call of proposals for early career scholars (PhD students, qualified undergraduate students), with a scientific expertise in the fields of Public, Constitutional, European, International or Comparative Law and/or Linguistics.
The Conference will take place on September 11-12th, 2023 and it will be hosted in person by the Faculty of Law - Charles University in Prague
The purpose of the Conference is to analyse and deepen, also from a comparative perspective, the way in which, in the 21st century, language and legislations in the migration perspective have become almost indivisible, as one influences the other on a rather deep level.
When migration is present, the national legal systems aim to protect important pillars of their national culture. In accordance with the balance between the principle of universality of international law of human rights and the principle of the personality of law, migrants often bring some of their legal heritage into foreign states, where all their fundamental rights should be protected. Because of the language barrier and negative attitudes towards migration, there is great risk of segregation, which is a liability, as minority cultures can then have tendencies to form closed societies governed by a legal culture that is in many cases incompatible with western understanding of human rights. That causes a sociological legal pluralism, a situation where law becomes heavily fragmented. In the European perspective, this is emphasized by the integrated protection of migrants' fundamental rights, according to Constitutional, European and International law. However, it is necessary to rethink how to properly combine the safeguards provided by the legislation, belonging to different legal orders.From a purely linguistic standpoint, this clash between the laws that form this new plethora of culturally significant principles creates a clear disparity of power and action. It has been said that power is not just a matter of language. Rather, it has many manifestations amongst other modalities or dimensions that may become more powerful and influential. Codified oppression, political patronage and even cultural ideology may involve language as a medium of transmission or focus, but these manifestations of power could certainly exist outside the linguistic realm. While we are oriented to the overall foundational construct of power, we are primarily concerned with how power is exercised and enacted through language. In addition, even from the juridical point of view, linguistic differences are barriers to free access to justice and international protection, which are often denied for these reasons.
Scientific and organising committee
- Jan Pokorny, Charles University
- Francesca Cappellini, Milan University
- Paolo Gambatesa, Milan University
- Alvaro Molinares, Sorbonne University
Presentation guidelines
Individual and joint papers will be allotted 15-20 minutes, plus 5-10 minutes each for discussion at the end of the part-session.
Language of presentation English
Contributors are invited to send an abstract of their proposed paper, or panel of not more than 350 words (excluding references)
no later than May 31st 2023,
by sending their product in PDF form to the following email address: All submissions must include, in order:
- author(s)
- affiliation
- email address
- title of abstract
- body of abstract (min. 200 to max. 350 words)
- references (if needed)
Abstract file should be named First Name_Last Name.
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of originality of the topic and its relevance to conference objectives, appropriateness of background information and literature, research design and method used, as well as clarity of language and presentation of questions/hypotheses posed.
Paper first draft
All selected speakers will be required to submit a paper draft of min. 3000 to max. 4000 words ahead of the conference, by September 7th.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by the members of the scientific committee and the authors will be given feedback to their writing. After the conference, presented papers will be published in a peer-reviewed curated monography.
Important dates
Abstract submission by May 31st 2023
- Notification of acceptance by June 10th 2023
- Within 10 days from acceptance, the author shall confirm their participation. Confirmation is mandatory.
- First draft submission by September 7th
- The conference will be held at Charles University (Faculty of Law) on September 11th and 12th
Participation to this conference does not require the payment of a participation fee. There will not be fees for the publication of the volume as well.
As for members of the 4EU+ Universities (Charles University, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University, University of Copenhagen, University of Geneva, University of Milan, University of Warsaw), we will cover the expenses for a two-days hotel stay in Prague, and we will try to cover, as much as possible, catering for lunches and coffee breaks. A social dinner will also take place on the evening of September 11th.
For any other enquiries, please contact us at the following email address:
- Language (Main category)
- Society > Geography > Migration, immigration, minorities
- Mind and language > Language > Linguistics
- Society > Law > Sociology of law
- Society > Political studies > International relations
- Zones and regions > Europe
- Charles University (Faculty of Law)
Prague, Czechia
Event attendance modalities
Hybrid event (on site and online)
- Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Attached files
- migration, European Union, multilinguistic, law, multidisciplinary
- Jan Pokorny
courriel : eumigrationconference2023 [at] gmail [dot] com
Reference Urls
Information source
- Alvaro Molinares
courriel : alvaromolinares13 [at] gmail [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Migration within the EU Context seen through a multi-disciplinary and plurilinguistic view », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, May 02, 2023,