HomeGiving research feedback to children: beyond ready-made recipes and asymmetric relationships
Published on Friday, June 02, 2023
Bringing together social scientists who do fieldwork with children or young people and wish to renew the methodology and the sense of their feedback of research results, we aim at working in a collaborative and innovative way by cross-cutting fields and disciplines. Methodological publications usually include ready-made tools. While they make it possible to avoid the worst, they often do not consider the overall social and cultural context in which children live; they may also be adults-centered and based on stereotypical representations of childhood. During a day and a half, participants will exchange in order to help each other to elaborate a visual or performance-based feedback of their research grounded in the daily life of children and youth, their communication codes and potential expectations.
A workshop of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Network (ACYNet) of the European Association of Social Anthropologists
Bringing together social scientists who do fieldwork with children or young people and wish to renew the methodology and the sense of their feedback of research results, we aim at working in a collaborative and innovative way by cross-cutting fields and disciplines (specifically, anthropology and art). Methodological publications usually include ready-made tools. While they make it possible to avoid the worst, they often do not consider the overall social and cultural context in which children live; they may also be adults-centered and based on stereotypical representations of childhood. This workshop based on previous activities and publications (https://books.openedition.org/pulg/10440) addresses questions such as: can research be “returned” to the children and young people with whom the anthropologist has worked as well as to children in general, and what are the form and purpose of the feedback? Can an epistemologically justified and ethically founded feedback make it possible to overcome asymmetric and dichotomic relationships?During a day and a half, participants will exchange in order to help each other to elaborate a visual or performance-based feedback of their research grounded in the daily life of children and youth, their communication codes and potential expectations.
The opening conference and the exhibition that will be held at the end of the workshop, and then digitally shown, are open to the public.
You can join us in Seminar 10 or online: Click here to join the meeting
University of Liege, Belgium
Seminar 10 – B31
Sart Tilman Campus
June, 5th
13:00-13:15 – Welcome time
13:15-14:10 – Opening Conference
- Introduction : “Introduction. Challenges, opportunities and ethics of restitution: key questions and avenues for reflection”: Élodie Razy (ULiège, FaSS, IRSS-LASC) & Charles-Édouard de Suremain (Paloc-UMR 208, IRD-MNHN), ACYNet Convenors
- Inspiring alternate feed back to children (1): Rachel Dobbels (ULiège, FaSS, IRSS-LASC)
- Inspiring alternate feed back to children (2): Alice Sophie Sarcinelli (Université Paris Cité, CERLIS)
- Inspiring alternate feed back to children (3): Carla Vaucher (Université de Lausanne, ISS) & Jessica Decorvet (subject to change)
- Inspiring alternate feed back to children (4): Élodie Willemsen (subject to change)
14:10-14:30 – Discussion
June, 6th
16:00-17:00 – Exhibition and performance followed by a drink
Organisation committee
- Léa Collard (ULiège, FaSS, IRSS-LASC),
- Fanny Dragozis (étudiante, master en anthropologie, FaSS, ULiège),
- Élodie Razy (ULiège, FaSS, IRSS-LASC),
- Charles-Édouard de Suremain (IRD-MNHN, Paloc-UMR 208),
- Lorena Ulloa (ULiège, FaSS, IRSS-LASC)
- Mélanie Vivier (ULiège, FaSS, IRSS-LASC)
Scientific committee
- Marie Daugey (École des Arts Joailliers, Paris),
- Alice Sophie Sarcinelli (Université Paris Cité, CERLIS),
- Charles-Édouard de Suremain (IRD-MNHN, Paloc-UMR 208),
- Élodie Razy (ULiège, FaSS, IRSS-LASC)
- Sart Tilman, Bâtiment B31, Séminaire 10 - Place des Orateurs, 3
Liège, Belgium (4000)
Event attendance modalities
Hybrid event (on site and online)
- Monday, June 05, 2023
- Tuesday, June 06, 2023
Attached files
- methodology, feedback, children, anthropology, art
- Elodie Razy
courriel : elodie [dot] razy [at] uliege [dot] be
Reference Urls
Information source
- Marie Daugey
courriel : mdaugey [at] uliege [dot] be
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Giving research feedback to children: beyond ready-made recipes and asymmetric relationships », Study days, Calenda, Published on Friday, June 02, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1bc3