Reframing the Archive
Image, Archive, and Conflict: (Im)material ecologies in the digital age
Published on Friday, September 15, 2023
The conference will address the theme 'Image, Archive and Conflict', aiming to critically investigate the relationship between technical images, the archive and conflict across past and present, long duration and real time, and the impact of digital media on the status and development of technical images as well as its consequences in historical conscience, present and future imaginaries.
Friday, 22 September
Online | 10:00am - 6:00pm (WEST)
10 am: Welcome, by Ana Catarina Pinho
10:10 am Keynote Speaker Prof. Anna María Guasch, University of Barcelona, Spain "The Performative Archive: The material, immaterial and corporeal in archive-conflict relations."
- Chair: Laura Singeot, Reims University, France
11:30 am: Panel 1: The Past made Present: Visualising conflict through aesthetic forms of representation
- Chair: Ana Catarina Pinho, IHA, Nova University of Lisbon
- "Photography, Montage, and Archive: An atlas of a dictatorship and its landscapes"Gustavo Balbela, Independent Researcher
- "Rethinking the ‘temporal turn’ in contemporary art: Artist’s concept of history and their use of archive photography in tackling dissonant Portuguese past"Joana Brites, University of Coimbra, Portugal
- "Presenting the past into the present: Artistic interventions into archives in the former Yugoslavia"Paul Lowe, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom
12:30 pm: Panel 2: Gaps, Dissonances, and Fictional Imaginaries in Archival Practices
- Chair: Arola Valls, University of Barcelona, Spain
- "Sonny Assus’s intervention on the imaginary: Mediating postcolonial and aesthetic theory"Sadie Barker, Concordia University, Canada
- "Appropriation / Re-mediation: On artistic strategies dealing with violence in contemporary Latin American art."Elena Rosauro, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- "Archival intervention to remediate the biased representation of black britishness: The case of passion of remembrance (1986) by Sankofa film and video collective"María Piqueras-Pérez, University of Murcia, Spain
1:30pm - 2pm — Break
2 pm: Panel 3: Contesting Narratives: Archives and atlases as productive spaces
- Chair: Estefani Bouza, Swansea College of Art, University of Wales
- "Permeable membranes: The archive in visual atlas constructions"Amalia Caputo Dodge, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
- "A gender studies approach on the mnemosyne atlas as a living archive"Daniela Cifuentes Acevedo, Independent researcher
- "The archive in the digital age and its major challenges: EXIT, a case study"Manuel Padín Fernández, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
3 pm: Panel 4: Digital Utopia-Dystopia in Untimely Archives: Diasporic memories and colonial ghosts
- Chair: Marianna Tsionki, Leeds Arts University, United Kingdom
- "Revelations and Cover-ups of the Digital Arkhé: The Archive Fever in amateur homemovie. A study case in the forensic desktop film 'Filme Particular' "Bárbara Bergamaschi Novaes, PPGCOM-UFRJ / CIEBA, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- "John Akomfrah and the Digital Specters of Diaspora"Rodrigo Sombra, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS, Brazil
- "Archives and Distopias in Ceilândia: The poetic montage of 'Mato Seca em Chamas' "Eduarda Kuhnert, Independent Researcher, Brazil
4 pm: Panel 5: Meta-Visions and Digital Dynamics: Unveiling the digital paradigm within historical archives
- Chair: Chiara Juriatti, Katholische Privat-Universität Linz, Austria
- "Generative Photography and the Common Human Ancestor"Ana Peraica, Danube University
- "Archiving practices as a form of resistance: The digital archives of the Arab Uprisings"Alessandra Fredianelli, Università di Genova, Italy
- "Safeguarding the Critical Moment: Maintaining relational values between images when digitising the London bomb damage photograph archive 1940-1945"Jane McArthur, University of Edinburgh and Imperial War Museum, London
5 pm: Guest Speaker : Emeric Lhuisset, Visual artist, France "Showing the war, a contemporary approach"
- Chair: Ana Catarina Pinho, IHA, Nova University of Lisbon
6 pm: Closing Session
Saturday, 23 September
Online | 10:00am - 5:00pm (WEST)
10 am: Welcome, by Ana Catarina Pinho
10:10 am: Keynote Speaker Dr. Sara Callahan, University of Stockholm, Sweden"The Permeable Image: Empathy, archival theory and contemporary artistic practice"
- Chair: Annalisa Laganà, Università della Calabria, Italy
11:30 am: Panel 6: Murder, Massacre, and Surveillance Images: the archive as a tool for activating memory and agency of bodies in the public space
- Chair: Marta Labad, University of Technology, Arts and Design, Spain
- "Beyond the Index: Visual tools for memory activation"Filipe Figueiredo, European University, Portugal / Laura Peralta, European University, Portugal
- "Gladys has been killed: Analysis of the visual archive of a murder"Jone Rubio Mazkiaran, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain
- "Turning the Gaze: The right to opacity of surveillance images in protest contexts"Mayra Villavicencio Principe, ESCAC, University of Barcelona, Spain
12:30 pm: Panel 7: Reframing Memory, Identity, and Life through Contemporary Archival Art.
- Chair: Annalisa Laganà, Università della Calabria, Italy
- "Archival Alchemy: Transmuting trauma through artistic reinterpretation"Elián Stolarsky, Universidad Complutense, Spain
- "Dor Guez’s Scanograms: Archiving the virtual"Elisabeth R. Friedman, Illinois State University, United States
- "Follow Y/our River: A protocol for deep mapping liminal space"Paula Roush, London South Bank University, United Kingdom
1:30pm - 2pm — Break
2 pm: Panel 8: Materiality and memory in the digital age
- Chair: Santasil Mallik, Western University
- "Materiality and Memory in the Digital Age: Archive reappropriation in Takeshi Murata’s work"Alexandre Gouin, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- "Zombies, Glitch and the Pandemic: Digitally melting the world through a fictional archive"Nicholas Andueza, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne
- "Hacking the Technology and the Archives: Jacques Perconte’s intersection of datamoshing and neo-impressionist aesthetics"Lucas Murari, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
3 pm: Panel 9: Archiving Chaos, Zoning and Invisibilising, Datifying Behaviours: Other visualities in the control society.
- Chair: Pablo Santa Ollala, IHA, Nova University of Lisbon
- "Exploring Traumatic Images, Test Records, and the Archive: Deciphering spatial relationships, new realities, and the chaotic image"Sebnem Cakalogullari, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
- "Forgotten Images: Neighborhoods through Youtube videos"Joel Peláez, University of La Laguna
- "Datafication, Surveillance and New Media technology in urban classrooms: A study based in New Delhi, India"Shruti Nagpal, AJK Mass Communication Research Center, JMI New Delhi, India
4 pm: Guest Speaker Pedro Lagoa, Visual artist, Portugal Conflict = energy = life = friction = energy = life. No conflict, no energy, no life.the archive of destruction .
- Chair: Marta Labad, University of Technology, Arts and Design, Spain
5 pm: Closing Session
Registration and information
More information:
Full program details:
- Representation (Main category)
- Mind and language > Representation > Cultural history
- Mind and language > Representation > History of art
- Mind and language > Representation > Heritage
- Mind and language > Representation > Visual studies
- Mind and language > Representation > Cultural identities
- Mind and language > Epistemology and methodology > Digital humanities
Event attendance modalities
Full online event
- Friday, September 22, 2023
- Saturday, September 23, 2023
- reframing, archive, trauma, image, visual,
Reference Urls
Information source
- Ana C. Pinho
courriel : info [at] archivoplatform [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Reframing the Archive », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Friday, September 15, 2023,