HomeHistories of Violence in War

Histories of Violence in War

Histórias de Violência na Guerra

II Conferência Anual da Society for the History of War

*  *  *

Published on Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Evento promovido pela Society for the History of War (sediada na Universidade de Oxford) que apresenta uma nova abordagem, mais completa e interdisciplinar, à história da guerra. Pretende-se estudar e avaliar o impacto da guerra na sociedade, nas suas mudanças políticas, culturais, económicas e sociais, cruzado o olhar de historiadores de todo o mundo.



A história da guerra é a história da violência. Os historiadores da guerra ainda estão a desvendar as muitas camadas, lógicas e dimensões da violência tal como ela é infligida e suportada em contexto de conflito militar.

Em contrapartida, os historiadores da violência têm dado recentemente importantes contributos para o enquadramento teórico e empírico da violência como conceito, como instrumento político, como prática social e como fenómeno cultural.

Ao longo de dois dias, a conferência anual da Society for the History of War reunirá em Lisboa cerca de 100 especialistas em história da guerra e história da violência, vindos de várias partes do mundo, com o objectivo de explorar, discutir e desconstruir diferentes abordagens empíricas, metodológicas e interdisciplinares ao estudo da guerra e da violência.


Entrada livre

Day 1, 23 November 2023

  • 08:30-09:00: Registration (National Library)
  • 09:00-09:30: Introduction and Welcome (National Library’s Auditorium)

Panel Slot 1 | 09:30-11:00

National Library’s Auditorium

Panel 1: Making Sense of Violence within the U.S. Military - from the Vietnam War to the War on Terror

Organizer: Shaul Mitelpunkt, University of York Chair/Discussant: David Farber, University of Kansas

  • Beth Bailey, University of Kansas: “The War within the War”: The U.S. Army, Racial Violence, and the U.S. War in Vietnam
  • David Kieran, Columbus State University: “Smart Guys Are Able To Kill”: Army Recruitment and the Production of Violence After Vietnam
  • David Fitzgeral, University College Cork: Reviving the Warrior Spirit: The U.S. Army Warrior Ethos Program and the Culture of Combat
  • Shaul Mitelpunkt, University of York: Unseemly Sights: The Violence of Warless Soldiers at the Onset of the War on Terror

Training Room 1

Panel 2: Literary Representations of Violence in War

Chair: Angélique Ibáñez Aristondo, University of Namur

  • Joanna Mendyk, University of Zaragoza/ Jagiellonian University Kraków: Violence in the Cantar de moi Cid: Its Portrayal and Meaning
  • Sérgio Neto and Clara Isabel Serrano, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies- University of Coimbra: ‘Bitter Tales of War’. Perceptions of violence in Portuguese literature from the First World War
  • Maria Tudosescu, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen/Aix-Marseille Université: Echoes of Violence: Past and Present Perspectives of World War One in Literature

Multimedia Room 2

Panel 3: Paramilitaries, Guerrillas and Civil Wars

Chair: Samuël Kruizinga, University of Amsterdam

  • Arie Neuhauser, University of Chicago: Inflicting and Averting Large- Scale Violence in the Civil Wars of Eleventh Century Byzantium
  • Matilda Greig, National Army Museum: The morality of guerrilla warfare during the Peninsular War (1808- 1814)
  • Jenna Byers, University College Dublin: Austrian Paramilitaries and the Illegitimate Use of Violence Efrosyni Panayiotou, University College Dublin: Expressions of Political Violence in Cyprus, 1931-1964

ICS Auditorium

Panel 4: Legitimizing Violence in Colonial and Frontier Warfare

Organizer: Nicolas Gladstone Virtue, King’s University College at Western University

Chair: Gavin Rand, University of Greenwhich

  • Tim Compeau, Huron University College: “Monsters in Human Shape”: Colonial Violence, Dishonor, and Armed Loyalism in the American Revolution
  • Oli Charbonneau, University of Glasgow: Sanitizing Violence: Military Expertise, Race Management, and Cultures of Colonial Reform
  • Nicolas Gladstone Virtue, King’s University College at Western University: Amedeo di Savoia and the Fascist Repudiation of Violence in Italian East Africa

11:00-11:20 Coffee-Break (National Library’s Cafeteria)

Panel Slot 2 | 11:20-12:50

National Library’s Auditorium

Panel 5: Exporting Violence: State Repression and Counterinsurgency Practices During the Cold War

Organizer: Roland Popp, Military Academy at ETH Zurich

Chair/Discussant: Huw Bennett, Cardiff University

  • Marcel Berni, Military Academy at ETH Zurich: Globalizing Torture: Transnational Knowledge Networks during the Cold War
  • Maria Hadjiathanasiou, Museum of National Struggle/University of Nicosia’: Forms of Repression and a‘Splitting of Sympathy’ during the Cyprus Anti-Colonial Revolt
  • Roland Popp, Military Academy at ETH Zurich: Counterinsurgent Violence as Grand Strategy: The Kennedy Administration's Shift from Modernization to Repression

Training Room 1 Panel 6: War and State in the Early Modern World

Chair: Bruno Lopes, CIDEHUS- University of Évora

  • Safya Morshed, London School of Economics: Conflict Development and State Response within Mughal South Asia, 1556-1707
  • Grégoire Barou, Sorbonne Université: State Reinforcement and Violence in war-torn Normandy (1688-1697)
  • Joseph Enguehard, École normale supérieure de Lyon: Useful Violence and the Fiscal-Military State in 17th and 18th-Century France
  • Dominika Rychel-Mantur, University of Silesia: Voluntarily or violently? Donations for war purposes in the Dutchy of Warsaw in the years 1809-1812

Multimedia Room 2

Panel 7: Memory and Representations of Violence and War

Chair: William Sheehan, The Open University

  • Ivan Gracia-Arnau, Universitat de Barcelona: Memory of Violence: A Connected History on the Remembrance of the 1640 Iberian Crisis
  • Inês Pinto, CHSC-University of Coimbra: The instrumentalization of violence through engraving: the Dutch corsair attack on Buarcos in 1629
  • Aleksandra Ziober, University of Wroclaw: Emotions of a parent during the struggles of war: Lew Sapieha's relationship with his son Jan Stanisław in 1626
  • Fredrika Larsson, Lund University: Conflict in Colours: a comparative study of republican and loyalist murals in Belfast 1979-2019

12:50-13:30: SHoW’s AGM

13:30-15:00: Lunch (National Library’s Cantina)

Panel Slot 3 | 15:00-16:30

National Library’s Auditorium

Panel 8: War Strategies, Propaganda and Doctrines

Chair: Lígia Mateus, TECHN&ART- Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

  • Geoffrey Jensen, Virginia Military Institute: Spanish Imperial Violence in North Africa: Cultural and Military Foundations of the Razzia
  • Luciano Amaral, NOVA School of Business and Economics: Winning Hearts and Minds: The Economic and Social Dimension of the Portuguese Counterinsurgency Strategy in the Colonial War (1961-1975)
  • Bruno Cardoso Reis, ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute: Military doctrines of late colonial war: minimum and exemplary force? The cases of Britain, France and Portugal (1945-1975)
  • Anna Grillini, University of Trento: The use of violence in war propaganda against the enemy: the Italian case during the First World War

Training Room 1

Panel 9: Guerrilla Wars

Chair: Thijs Brocades Zaalberg, Netherlands Defence Academy/Leiden University

  • Miguel Pack Martins, Center for History-University of Lisbon: The French army in the Portuguese anti- Napoleonic pamphlets: dehumanization and demonization of the enemy
  • Shane Browne, University College Dublin: Adopting paramilitarism: John Redmond, the National Volunteers, and the arms trade in Ireland, 1914-1920
  • William Sheehan, The Open University: The Making of Crossbarry: Myth, Memory, Archives and Resistance
  • João Fusco Ribeiro, University of Évora: Instrumentalizing Violence: Rural Communities and Guerrilla Competition during the Angolan Liberation Struggle (1966-1974)

Multimedia Room 2

Panel 10: Visual Representations of Violence in War in Africa (19th-21st centuries)

Chair: Roger Lee de Jesus, History Department-Leibniz University Hannover and CHSC-University of Coimbra

  • Rebecca Wolff, Christopher Newport University: Witnessing in Biafra: The Wartime Sketches of Obiora Udechukwu
  • Amy Schwartzott, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University: Violent Mechanisms of War as Artistic Media: How Mozambique's Transforming Arms into Plowshares / Transformação de Armas em Enxadas (TAE) Project Promotes Non- Violence

ICS Auditorium

Panel 11: Impacts of War on Soldiers and Civilians I

Chair: Maria Hadjiathanasiou, Museum of National Struggle/University of Nicosia’

  • Marina Perez de Arcos, University of Oxford: Journeys of Internment: German Civilians and Military Captives in Cameroon, Guinea, and Neutral Spain during the First World War
  • David Messenger, University of South Alabama: Human Rights and Passive Defense in Spain during the Civil War, 1936-1939
  • Brian Drohan, U.S. Military Academy: Responding to Wartime Violence: UN Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Action in Cyprus and Lebanon

16:30-16:50: Coffee-Break (National Library’s Cafeteria)

Panel Slot 4 | 16:50-18:20

National Library’s Auditorium

Panel 12: Gender and violence in the wars of Sixteenth-century Europe

Organizer: Catherine Fletcher, Manchester Metropolitan University

Chair: Peter Wilson, University of Oxford

  • Catherine Fletcher, Manchester Metropolitan University: Interpersonal violence and sixteenth-century military masculinity
  • Sandra Suárez García, University of Granada: Double Standards: Discourses and Practices of Violence against Women in the 16th Century Spanish Army
  • Samantha Nelson, Manchester Metropolitan University: ‘Shee rather playeth the parte of a knyght thenne of a Lady’: Tudor women as the agents and facilitators of wartime violence

Training Room 1

Panel 13: Impacts of War on Soldiers

and Civilians II

Chair: Bill Allison, Georgia Southern University

  • Joshua Madrid, University College London: Destruction and Renewal: Impacts of the Blitz on Roman Catholic Activity in England, 1940- 1941
  • Punyashree Panda, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar: Exploring the Impact of Violence on Everyday Life through The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida: a Postmodern Reading
  • Jennifer Wellington, University College Dublin: The Violence of Taking: British Looting and Trophy- Taking in the Second World War

Multimedia Room 2

Panel 14: Interrogating the Civil War in the First Portuguese Republic

Organizer: António Paulo Duarte, Academia Militar

  • António Paulo Duarte, Academia Militar: Political Violence and Intermittent Civil War in the First Portuguese Republic
  • António Horta Fernandes, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities: The Intermittent Civil War in the First Portuguese Republic as a Mirror of the Beligerous (Des)Order
  • Teresa Nunes, Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon: First Republic and Civil War: conceptual evolution (1910- 1926)

ICS Auditorium

Panel 15: Connecting “Extreme” Violence and Atrocity in European and Colonial Warfare

Organizer: Mark Condos, King’s College London

Chair: Kim Wagner, Queen Mary, University of London

  • Mark Condos, King’s College London: À Outrance: French Practices of 'Extreme' Violence in the Vendée, Calabria, and Algeria
  • Michelle Gordon, Uppsala University: The “Civilised” Nature of Nineteenth- Century Warfare? Examining German and British Perpetrators of “Exceptional” Violence in Colonial and Intra-European Contexts
  • Alex J. Kay, University of Potsdam: Dehumanisation, Racialised Othering and Atrocity: Continuities in Colonial and Intra-European Violence

Roundtable Slot 1 | 18:20-19:20

National Library’s Auditorium

Roundtable 1: Violence and Decolonization: late colonial insurgencies and counter-insurgencies in global perspective

Organizer/Chair: Martin Thomas, University of Exeter

Discussant: Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Universidade de Coimbra


  • Emmanuel Blanchard, University of Versailles/Sciences Po
  • Mathilde von Bülow, University of St. Andrews
  • Roel Frakking, University of Utrecht
  • Beth Rebisz, University of Bristol

Training Room 1

Roundtable 2: A Global, Comparative Approach to Organized Violence in the Nineteenth Century

Organizer/Chair: Andrew Fialka, Middle Tennessee State University

Discussant: Aaron Sheehan-Dean, Louisianna State University


  • Ian Campbell, University of California-Davis
  • Marcus P. Nevius, University of Missouri
  • Gavin Rand, University of Greenwich

Day 2, 24 November 2023

Panel Slot 5 | 09:00-10:30

National Library’s Auditorium

Panel 16: Violence, War and Colonization

Chair: André Murteira, CHAM-New University of Lisbon

  • Mary Newman, University of Oxford: A Taste for Violence, a Feel for War: Violence and the Senses in the Narratives of the Arauco War
  • Paulo M. Dias, Instituto de Estudos Medievais, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa: The weaponization of terror in Late Medieval Portugal
  • Thomas Croisez, European University Institute: Una Conquista Espiritual. The Jesuits and the violent armed conflicts in the province of Paraguay (1609-1641)
  • Benita Herreros Cleret de Langavant, Universidad de Cantabria: “Contravening the laws of war and humanity”: a slaughter of indigenous men in late colonial Paraguay and its trial

Training Room 1

Panel 17: Memory and Perceptions of War Crimes

Chair: Matthew Ford, Swedish Defence University

  • Christin Pschichholz, University of Potsdam: The reception of the Armenian genocide: German ways of interpretation
  • Philip W. Blood, Independent Scholar: Military History, War Crimes and Social Media
  • Tamar Karaia, Tbilisi State University: “Before Bucha in Ukraine, there was Abkhazia in Georgia”: The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on the Assessment of War Crimes in Abkhazia

Multimedia Room 2

Panel 18: Emotional Impacts Beyond the War

Chair: Samuël Kruizinga, University of Amesterdam

  • Angélique Ibáñez Aristondo, University of Namur: Intimate Partner Violence as a Cultural Taboo in First World War France
  • Brian K. Feltman, Georgia Southern University: Fabricating the Image of the Fallen: Official Artistic Depictions of Lethal Violence in Germany, 1915-1918
  • Félix Streicher, Maastricht University: Histories of Violence after War: Revenge and Retribution in the Luxembourg Occupation Zone in Germany (1945-46)
  • Hélène Solot, CREA-University Paris Nanterre: “Is there a need for aggression?”: The Efforts to Shape American Soldier’s Understandings of Violence in WWII Self-Help Literature

10:30-11:00: Coffee-Break (National Library’s Cafeteria)

Panel Slot 6 | 11:00-12:30

National Library’s Auditorium

Panel 19: Imperial Agents and the Perception, Reportage, and Creation of 'Knowledge' About Violence in Colonised Africa, 1840s-1940s

Organizer/Chair: Maeve Ryan, King’s College London

Discussant: Mark Condos, King’s College London

  • Maeve Ryan, King’s College London: Consular Reportage and the Construction of British Perceptions of European Colonial Violence in Africa
  • Daniel Steinbach, University of Copenhagen: Distorting Friends and Foes: Lines of Conflict in Wartime East Africa, 1914-1918
  • Jasmine K. Gani, University of St. Andrews: Perceptions of Violent Resistance: British Occupation and the Anti-Colonial Movement in Wartime Egypt

Training Room 1

Panel 20: Understanding British military violence in the era of the end of Empire and Cold War

Organizer: Helen Parr, University of Keele

Chair/Discussant: Lucy Noakes, University of Essex

  • Matthew Grant, University of Essex: “Britain was always involved where there was trouble”: Military conscripts, oral history, and the framing violence in late imperial ‘trouble spots’
  • Grace Huxford, University of Bristol: “British Army on the Rampage”? Violence and Boredom in Cold War Germany
  • Helen Parr, University of Keele: British attitudes towards military death in wars of Cold war and end of Empire, 1948-60

Multimedia Room 2

Panel 21: Military Cultures of Violence

Organizer/Chair: Christin Pschichholz, University of Potsdam

Discussant: TBC

  • Gundula Gahlen, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich: Sexualised violence in the French and Austrian armies during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792-1815)
  • Sönke Neitzel, University of Potsdam: Military Cultures of Violence and the First World War
  • Jan-Martin Zollitsch, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin: The ‘small war’ after Sedan: German soldiers, emotions, and excesses of violence (1870/71)

12:30-13:30: Keynote Conference

  • Professor Margaret MacMillan, University of Toronto and University of Oxford:  The Uses of Violence in War

13:30-15:00: Lunch (National Library’s Cantina)

Panel Slot 7 | 15:00-16:30

National Library’s Auditorium

Panel 22: Sexual Violence in War

Chair: Catherine Fletcher, Manchester Metropolitan University

  • Mathilde Castanié, Université Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne: Rape victims in History and the Memorial Uses of Bloody Week (May 1871)
  • Katerina Acheimastou, European University Institute: Breaking Barriers and Building Resilience: Unveiling the Gender Dynamics of Political Violence in the Greek Civil War (1944-1949)
  • Teddy J. Uldricks, University of Nevada: The political and military use of rape in the Second World War: Japanese, German, and Soviet Examples

Training Room 1

Panel 23: Witnesses of War

Chair: Pierre Asselin, San Diego State University

  • Anna Elisabeth Gehl, Freie Universität Berlin: The Grotesque Carnival: Female Medical Volunteers as Witnesses to Violence during World War One
  • Thijs Brocades Zaalberg, Netherlands Defence Academy, Leiden University: “In worse ways than the Krauts”: extreme violence in Dutch soldiers’ diaries and memoires on the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949
  • Konstantinos Xypolytos, Koç University: Violence in the “War Decade”: The Case of Greece

Multimedia Room 2

Panel 24: Media Representations of War Violence

Chair: Sérgio Neto, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Coimbra

  • Silvia Gregorio Sainz, University of Oviedo: Representation(s) of violence in Peninsular War Poetry in English: The Siege(s) of Zaragoza (1808)
  • Ross Cameron, University of Glasgow: 'Not only excusable, but laudable': Representations of violence during the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) in the memoirs of British war correspondents
  • Papari Saikia, Indian Institute of Technology (Mandi), School of Humanities and Social Sciences: “Ghost citizens”: Chinese immigrants in post-Sino-Indian War Assam

16:30-16:50: Coffee-Break (National Library’s Cafeteria)

Panel Slot 8 | 16:50-18:20

National Library’s Auditorium

Panel 25: The Structural Dimensions of Wartime Violence: Insights from the Perspective of Japanese Military Justice during the Asia-Pacific War, 1937- 1945

Organizer: Kelly Maddox, Freie Universität Berlin

Chair: TBC

  • Tino Schölz, Freie Universität Berlin: Brutality as Structure. Everyday Violence within the Rank and File of the Imperial Japanese Army during the Asia- Pacific War
  • Nicolas Stassar, Freie Universität Berlin: Detainment and Discipline - The Revisions to the 1943 POW Penal Law as Systemic Neglect in the Detainment of Allied POWs during the Asia-Pacific War
  • Kelly Maddox, Freie Universität Berlin: Power over Life and Death: Japanese Military Justice in Occupied Territories during the Asia-Pacific War, 1937-1945

Training Room 1

Panel 26: Predicting the Enemy: Managing Violence

Chair: Matthew Ford, Swedish Defence University

  • Troels Burchall Henningsen, Royal Danish Defence College: The Unpredictability of War: uncertainty and emergence at the strategic and political levels
  • Marcel Mangold, Swedish Defence University: Situational Awareness as a theory of war: a genealogy
  • Elke Schwarz, Queen Mary University London and Neil C. Renic, Center for Military Studies, Copenhagen University: Crimes of Dispassion: Autonomous weapons and the moral challenge of systematic killing

Multimedia Room 2

Panel 27: Logics of violence in insurgency and counterinsurgency

Organizer: Niels Boender, University of Warwick

Chair: David Anderson, University of Warwick

Discussant: Thomas Martin, University of Exeter

  • Oliver Dodd, University of Nottingham: The Birth of the FARC and Revolutionary War in Colombia
  • Rachel Caroline Kowalski, University of Oxford: Understanding the Dynamics of Provisional Irish Republican Army Violence
  • Niels Boender, University of Warwick: Counterinsurgent violence beyond war and independence: the case of Kenya

Roundtable Slot 2 | 18:20-19:20

National Library’s Auditorium

Roundtable 3: Uncivil War: The British Army and the Troubles, 1966-1975

Organizer/Chair: Huw Bennett, Cardiff University

Discussant: David Anderson, U. Warwick


  • Edward Burke, University College Dublin
  • Helen Parr, University of Keele
  • Rachel Caroline Kowalski, University of Oxford

Training Room 1

Roundtable 4: Envisioning the Enemy: Anticipating Violence

Organizer/Chair: Bill Allison, Georgia Southern University

Discussant: Brian Linn, Texas A&M University


  • Sibylle Scheipers, University of St. Andrews
  • Thijs Brocades Zaalberg, Netherlands Defence Academy/Leiden University
  • Martin Thomas, University of Exeter
  • Pierre Asselin, San Diego State University

20:30: Dinner

Comissão Organizadora

  • Graça Almeida Borges, DHAH-Autonomous University of Lisbon and CIDEHUS-University of Évora
  • Matthew Ford, Swedish Defence University
  • Samuël Kruizinga, University of Amsterdam
  • Bruno Lopes, CIDEHUS-University of Évora
  • Roger Lee de Jesus, History Department-Leibniz University Hannover and CHSC-University of Coimbra
  • André Murteira, CHAM-New University of Lisbon
  • Sandra Araújo, Institute of Social Sciences-University of Lisbon

Instituições Organizadoras

  • Society for the History of War
  • CIDEHUS-Universidade de Évora
  • DHAH-Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
  • Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
  • CHSC-Universidade de Coimbra
  • CHAM-Universidade Nova de Lisboa


  • Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal - Campo Grande, 83
    Lisbon, Portugal (1749-081)

Event attendance modalities

Full on-site event


  • Thursday, November 23, 2023
  • Friday, November 24, 2023


  • guerra, violência, guerre, war, violence


  • Maria Carla Araújo
    courriel : caraujo [at] bnportugal [dot] gov [dot] pt

Information source

  • Maria Araújo
    courriel : caraujo [at] bnportugal [dot] gov [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« Histories of Violence in War », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1cal

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