HomeDante’s Globalization II: Non-European Areas

Dante’s Globalization II: Non-European Areas

La mondialisation de Dante II : aires extra-européennes

La mondializzazione di Dante II : aree extraeuropee

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Published on Thursday, December 14, 2023


The conference The Globalization of Dante II is the continuation of various events and publications, and in particular of the conference The Globalization of Dante I, devoted to Europe. The overall objective of the project is to create a multi-level cartography of the reception of Dante's work in the contemporary world, starting from the nineteenth century, focusing in particular on: the expansion of the geographical spaces of reception; widening reception methods; and, as the final objective of the project, the creation of cartographic tools that will provide an overall vision of the globalization of Dante.



This conference is part of the MODA research project (The Globalization of Dante) started in May 2018 at the Université de Lorraine (Nancy) by Giuseppe Sangirardi (LIS research center) in collaboration with Antonella Braida (IDEA research center). Conceived and organised in partnership with Giuseppe Ledda (Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica dell’Università di Bologna), Sebastiana Nobili (Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell’Università di Bologna, sede di Ravenna) and Alessandro Zironi (Dipartimento di Lingue Letterature e Culture Moderne dell’Università di Bologna), with the collaboration of the Centro Dantesco dei Frati Minori Conventuali di Ravenna and the Istituzione Biblioteca Classense - Comune di Ravenna, the conference The Globalization of Dante II is the continuation of various events and publications, and in particular of the conference The Globalization of Dante I, devoted to Europe and held in Nancy in October 2021 with the patronage of the Comitato nazionale per la celebrazione dei 700 anni dalla morte di Dante (the proceedings were published by the publisher Longo in 2022).

The overall objective of the project is to create a multi-level cartography of the reception of Dante's work in the contemporary world, starting from the nineteenth century, focusing in particular on: a) the expansion of the geographical spaces of reception; b) widening reception methods; c) and, as the final objective of the project,  the creation of cartographic tools that will provide an overall vision of the globalization of Dante.This conference will be devoted to non-European linguistic and cultural areas, and will be structured, like the previous one, into three sections.

Section 1: Outside Europe

The aim will be to study the literary reception of Dante in its various forms (criticism, rewriting and intertextuality, authorial imitation and generic phenomena) starting from the nineteenth century onwards, and assess its development in non-European linguistic-cultural areas (with particular but not exclusive attention to those that are relatively less explored today, particularly languages ​​and cultures of Asian and African countries).

Section 2: Outside the literature

The aim will be to study, always with reference to non-European areas and starting from the nineteenth century, the non-literary forms of the modern and contemporary reception of Dante, from the visual arts to cinema, from theatre to music, from comics to street art,  including forms of art more directly determined by economic activities, such as advertising, the production of gadgets, etc., which can be considered from a semiological, sociological or more generally, from a cultural point of view.

Section 3: Archives

This section will be devoted, again with reference to non-European areas, to the forms of archiving that affect reception, both traditional ones (bibliographies, printed repertoires, synthesis studies) and above all innovative ones and those associated with online technologies (sites, networks, platforms), with the objective of mapping existing archives and producing original devices. 

The conference will take place in two stages: the first at the University de Lorraine (Nancy) on 10-11 October 2024; the second at the Università degli studi di Bologna (Bologna and Ravenna) on 22-23 November 2024.

Proposals for papers in French, Italian and English will be accepted.

Submission guidelines

Contributors are invited to send their proposal (title with a ten-line summary) accompanied by a short bio-bibliographic note by 31 March 2024 to the organizers:

  • antonella.braida-laplace@univ-lorraine.fr

  • joseph cadeddu@univ-lorraine.fr

  • giuseppe.sangirardi@univ-lorraine.fr, giuseppe.ledda@unibo.it

Depending on the topics proposed, the organization reserves the right to choose the venue for the participants' contribution, unless otherwise stated (those who wish to take part into one of the two locations only are asked to indicate this explicitly).

The organizers will provide living expenses (accommodation and food); travel expenses will be paid for by the participants (however, authors of proposals accepted by the organizing committee, who have insurmountable difficulties in having their trip financed, may apply for contributions, but these will be allocated according to the funds available).

Scientific committee

  • Jacob Blakesley (Università di Roma La Sapienza)
  • Alessandra Brezzi (Università di Roma La Sapienza)
  • Marcello Ciccuto (Università di Pisa)
  • Elizabeth Coggeshall (Florida State University)
  • Federica Coluzzi (University of Warwick)
  • Patrizia Di Patre (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador)
  • Filippo Fonio (Université Grenoble Alpes)
  • Philippe Guérin (Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle)
  • Nick Havely (University of York)
  • Stefano Lazzarin (Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne)
  • Pietro Mander (Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”)
  • Martino Marazzi (Università Statale di Milano)
  • Antonio Montefusco (Université de Lorraine)
  • Roberta Morosini (Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”)
  • Massimo Natale (Università di Verona)
  • Daragh O’Connell (University College Cork)
  • Kristina Olson (George Mason University)
  • Mariano Pérez Carrasco (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
  • Sonia Netto Salomao (Università di Roma La Sapienza).

Conference organising committee

  • Giuseppe Sangirardi (LIS, Université de Lorraine)
  • Antonella Braida (IDEA, Université de Lorraine)
  • Joseph Cadeddu (LIS, Université de Lorraine)
  • Giuseppe Ledda (Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica dell’Università di Bologna)
  • Sebastiana Nobili (Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell’Università di Bologna, sede di Ravenna)
  • Alessandro Zironi (Dipartimento di Lingue Letterature e Culture Moderne dell’Università di Bologna)


  • Nancy, France (54)
  • Bologna, Italian Republic
  • Ravenna, Italian Republic

Event attendance modalities

Hybrid event (on site and online)


  • Sunday, March 31, 2024

Attached files


  • Dante, réception, mondialisation, époque moderne


  • Giuseppe Sangirardi
    courriel : giuseppe [dot] sangirardi [at] univ-lorraine [dot] fr

Information source

  • Giuseppe Sangirardi
    courriel : giuseppe [dot] sangirardi [at] univ-lorraine [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Dante’s Globalization II: Non-European Areas », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, December 14, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1cdr

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