HomeFifth Joseph Déchelette European Archaeology Prize

HomeFifth Joseph Déchelette European Archaeology Prize

Fifth Joseph Déchelette European Archaeology Prize

Cinquième prix européen d’archéologie Joseph Déchelette

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Published on Friday, December 15, 2023


The internationally renowned archaeologist Joseph Déchelette (1862-1914) was one of the founders of European protohistoric archaeology. The Association Joseph Déchelette, founded in 2010 by his great nephew Édouard Déchelette(†), would like to keep the memory of this great scholar alive and promote this discipline. It has therefore teamed up with various partners to establish the Prix Joseph Déchelette with a view to promoting the PhD research of a young archaeologist. This prize, created in 2016, is intended to be awarded every two years. The research that is the subject of the thesis must concern European protohistory, understood in a broad sense, both geographically and chronologically (Bronze age, Iron Age and Romanization). The jury will pay particular attention to the European dimension of the applications.



Applications will be accepted from researchers who had their PhD thesis viva between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023.

The research that is the subject of the thesis must concern European protohistory, understood in a broad sense, both geographically and chronologically (Bronze age, Iron Age and Romanization). The jury will pay particular attention to the European dimension of the applications.

The prize is open to the wider European archaeological community. The award criteria include the values which were Joseph Déchelette’s trademark: open-mindedness, intellectual rigour, practicality and international experience.

The language of the thesis writing is indiff erent. Candidates will provide a document in French or English in 25,000 characters including a summary of the thesis and work perspectives for the year following the award of the prize (preparation of a publication, development of a research project, etc.), a curriculum vitae indicating their date of birth and including a bibliography of their work, an article published or accepted and the thesis defence report or, failing that, two letters of appreciation for their doctoral research by recognized specialists in the subject. The presentation of the work perspectives will be divided into fi ve parts: general objectives, one-year objectives, method, means and partnerships to be mobilized, expected form of results (publication, round table, etc.). This presentation will specify how the project is linked to doctoral research and to the future of the candidate’s expected career.

Submission guidelines

The winner will be chosen by an international panel which will convene in Spring 2024.

Applications should be sent by email by 1 March 2024 to: prixdechelette@bibracte.fr

The prize

The prize money is €10,000, brought by Association Déchelette, the LEIZA and the French ministry of Culture. Additional benefi ts in kind to be used in the year following the award of the prize include:

  • a one-month research residency provided by the LEIZA
  • a one-month research residency provided by Bibracte
  • a one-month research residency at the library of the Musée Déchelette off ered by Roanne City Council
  • a one-month research residency provided by the Laténium, in partnership with the Maison Borel foundation
  • the organization of a round table by the MAN
  • membership to the SPF and the Prehistoric Society (the host institution will off er accommodation or accommodation and board, depending on the case).

The prize will be presented to the winner at the Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’Archéologie Joseph Déchelette, the municipal museum in Roanne, the town where the scholar was born and worked all his life.

2024 Prize partners

  • the French Ministry of Culture
  • Roanne City Council / musée Joseph-Déchelette, Roanne
  • the Musée d’Archéologie nationale (MAN), Saint-Germain-en-Laye
  • the Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA), Mainz
  • Laténium, Archaeology Park and Museum, Neuchâtel
  • the Association pour les Recherches sur l’Âge du Bronze (APRAB)
  • the Association française pour l’Étude de l’Âge du Fer (AFEAF)
  • the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)
  • the Prehistoric Society
  • the Société préhistorique française (SPF)
  • Bibracte EPCC



  • musée des Beaux-Arts et d’Archéologie Joseph Déchelette
    Roanne, France (42)


  • Friday, March 01, 2024


  • prix ; déchelette ; protohistoire ; europe


  • Vincent Guichard
    courriel : vincent [dot] guichard [at] bibracte [dot] fr

Information source

  • Sébastien Durost
    courriel : sebastien [dot] durost [at] bibracte [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Fifth Joseph Déchelette European Archaeology Prize », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Friday, December 15, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/1ce5

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