HomeVisiting Scholarship: the Liberation collection (1944-46)

Visiting Scholarship: the Liberation collection (1944-46)

Programme de chercheur invité : collection de la Libération (1944-46)

Cambridge University Library

Bibliothèque de l’Université de Cambridge

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Published on Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Cambridge University Library is delighted to announce the launch of the Liberation Collection Visiting Scholar Programme. Generously supported by the Penchant Foundation, this new initiative will enable a Visiting Scholar to spend between two and four months undertaking research focused on the Chadwyck-Healey Liberation Collection held at Cambridge University Library. 



The Liberation Collection is a comprehensive collection of over 3200 books and pamphlets in French on the subjects of the Second World War, the Occupation and the Liberation published during a period of just over two years, from August 1944 to the end of 1946. 

The purpose of the collection, which led to an exhibition in Cambridge University Library in 2014, is to show how the French used the medium of the book to express what had happened to them over the previous five years. The collection encompasses a wide range of material, including novels, poetry, illustrated books, photographic albums, literature for children, testimonies from the camps, military works and political publications.  

 The Visiting Scholar Programme is a unique opportunity to expand on the work and study already undertaken on the collection, through new voices and a new critical perspective. The research associated with the Visiting Scholarship could include Résistance movements, war propaganda, “littérature engagée”, trauma and memory, diplomatic and military history, network studies (around collaborations between writers, printers, and illustrators, or social and cultural relationships demonstrated by marks of ownership and dedications), the history of the book, etc.

This programme is a collaboration between the University Library Research Institute and Clare Hall, a graduate college located at the heart of the University of Cambridge, renowned for its informal approach to college life and its international diversity.


  • Applications are welcome from postgraduate students, early career and experienced researchers who are not currently University of Cambridge staff or students.
  • The minimum requirement for applicants is to have, or be working towards, a master's level degree, or to have equivalent experience.
  • We particularly welcome proposals that are likely to result in new perspectives on the collection, and/or which use innovative methodologies.
  • Full details of the selection process and terms and conditions can be found in the call guidelines.

Submission guidelines

The deadline for applications is Monday 22 January 2024, 10:00 AM (GMT).

Applications are welcome from postgraduate students, early career (including postdoctoral) researchers and experienced researchers. Applications must be made in English, with the exception of letters of support and references, which can be in English or French.

Postgraduate students and early career researchers

Applications from postgraduate students and early career researchers should comprise a CV, research proposal and itemised budget, combined into a single PDF and submitted via email to researchdevelopment@lib.cam.ac.uk. A letter of support (from an individual who is familiar with your academic profile) should also be submitted as part of your application or emailed directly to researchdevelopment@lib.cam.ac.uk, by the author by the application deadline.  

Experienced researchers

Applications from experienced researchers should comprise a CV, publications list, personal statement, research proposal, itemised budget and details of three referees, combined into a single PDF and submitted via email to researchdevelopment@lib.cam.ac.uk. The references themselves can also be submitted as part of your application or emailed directly to researchdevelopment@lib.cam.ac.uk by the referees by the application deadline.


The maximum value of the scholarship is £6000 for UK-based applicants and £7000 for international applicants.

Full details of this opportunity can be downloaded here: https://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/liberation-visiting-scholar  


  • Cambridge University Library - West Road
    Cambridge, Britain (CB3 9DR)


  • Monday, January 22, 2024


  • deuxieme guerre mondiale, second world war, bibliotheque, bourse de recherches, visiting fellowship, Cambridge University Library, Chadwyck-Healey Liberatin collection (1944-46)


  • Irene Fabry-Tehranchi
    courriel : french [at] lib [dot] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk

Information source

  • Irene Fabry-Tehranchi
    courriel : french [at] lib [dot] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Visiting Scholarship: the Liberation collection (1944-46) », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, https://doi.org/10.58079/vdyv

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