Published on Friday, February 09, 2024
The symposium "Accounting and Sustainable Development: What about Tomorrow's Challenges?" aims to highlight the current and future issues of accounting in the context of sustainable development. It offers a platform for exchange and sharing of experiences between accounting professionals, researchers, policymakers, and actors in sustainable development.
The world has recently faced economic disruptions and crises that have exposed the fragility of traditional accounting systems. In this context, the concept of sustainable development has emerged as an essential approach to balancing the economic, social, and environmental aspects of our actions, thus guaranteeing the satisfaction of current needs without compromising future generations.
In this perspective, accounting plays a crucial role in providing relevant financial and non-financial information for decision-making. Sustainable accounting consists of integrating environmental and social dimensions into accounting practices, thus making it possible to assess and measure the impact of economic activities on society and the environment. This requires the adoption of new standards and new tools to report transparently and reliably on the sustainable performance of organizations.
The symposium "Accounting and Sustainable Development: What about Tomorrow's Challenges?" aims to highlight the current and future issues of accounting in the context of sustainable development. It offers a platform for exchange and sharing of experiences between accounting professionals, researchers, policymakers, and actors in sustainable development.
Conference objectives
- Understanding the importance of accounting in promoting sustainable development
- Reviewing current accounting practices related to sustainable development
- Exploring the challenges and opportunities of integrating environmental and social issues into accounting systems
- Identifying tools and methods to measure and report on the sustainable performance of organizations
- Axis 1: Integrating environmental issues into accounting.
- Axis 2: The integration of social issues in accounting.
- Axis 3: Tools and methods for measuring sustainable performance.
- Axis 4: The challenges of implementing sustainable accounting in organizations.
- Axis 5: Environmental audit and verification of sustainable information
- Axis 6: The fiscal implications of sustainability
- Axis 7 : Sustainable Managements
Submission guidelines
- Papers must be part of one of the axes of the colloquium
- The articles must not have been published or communicated at other scientific events.
- The accepted languages are Arabic, French, and English.
- Communications in Arabic language must be written in Traditional Arabic size 14, while communications in French or English language should be written in Time new Roman size 12, with a line spacing of 1.5 and a margin of 2.5 on all four sides
- The number of participants should not exceed three participants.
- Papers containing qualitative and quantitative studies with practical examples will be prioritized
- Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages, including references and appendices.
Abstracts and full papers must be sent to the following email address: EMAIL:
by March 08, 2024
Scientific committee
- Pr. Bernard Colasse Paris Dauphine University-psl
- Pr. Nathalie Hilmi Monaco Science Center
- Pr. Alain Safa Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
- Pr.Nicolas Antheaume Nantes Université
- Dr. Jessica Northy Coventry University in UK
- Dr. Guemar Latifa Narimane Coventry University in UK
- Dr. Mohamed Elashery Al-Azhar-university, Egypt
- Dr. Bassam Samir Al-Romeedy University of Sadat City, Egypt
- Dr Kartallozi.Indira Coventry University in UK
- Dr. Ayash Suad Université de Sirte, Libye
- Dr.AMRI Fethi University of Gabes, TUNIS
- Dr.Khadija Hassan Jasim University of Bagdad IRAQ
- Pr.Ferhaoui Mustapha Oran2 University
- Pr.Benhammedi AEK Oran2 University
- Pr.Lahlou Cherif Oran2 University
- Pr.Abassi Saber Skikda University
- Pr.Boudjeni Malika Oran2 University
- Pr.OUYAHIA Zoubida Oran2 University
- Pr. Benbayer Habib University of Oran 2
- Pr.Chouam Bouchama Oran2 University
- Dr.Matalah Siham Oran2 University
- Dr.Mesbah Yakout Oran2 University
- Dr.Djalel. Ameur Nezha Oran2 University
- Dr.Belhachemi Amina Oran2 University
- Dr.Boumediene Mohamed Rachid Oran2 University
- Dr. Kerkar Malika Blida University
- Dr.Belhadj Ahmed Nadjia Ecole supérieur de l’économie
- Dr.Ouguenoun Hind Oran2 University
- Dr.Ibbou Amina Oran2 University
- Dr.Belouti Nabil Oran2 University
- Dr.Djabellah Houda Oran2 University
- Dr.Boudaoud Souhila Oran2 University
- Dr.Benichou Mouffok Oran2 University
- Dr.Fella ayachi Oran2 University
- Dr. Boutifour Zohra ENPO
- Dr.Chaachoua Karim Oran2 University
- Dr.Allaoua Selma Oran2 University
- Economics (Main category)
- auditorium - université oran 2 , BELGAID, ORAN
Oran, Algeria (31000)
Event attendance modalities
Hybrid event (on site and online)
- Friday, March 08, 2024
Attached files
- accounting, environmental audit, sustainable
- Mustapha Ferhaoui
courriel : mustapha [dot] ferhaoui [at] gmail [dot] com - Houda Djabellah
courriel : colloquecedd [at] gmail [dot] com
Information source
- Souhila Boudaoud
courriel : boudaoud [dot] souhila [at] univ-oran2 [dot] dz
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0 .
To cite this announcement
Souhila Boudaoud, « Accounting and sustainable development: What about Tomorrow's Challenges? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, February 09, 2024,