HomeEducational reforms: contributions from subject didactics

Educational reforms: contributions from subject didactics

Réformes éducatives : apports des didactiques des disciplines

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Published on Thursday, February 22, 2024


La réforme du système éducatif reste par excellence un choix stratégique pour répondre aux exigences des changements socio-économique et socioculturel locaux et des mutations de l’éducation dans le monde. Toutefois, la question est de comprendre la collaboration entre les différents acteurs du secteur de l’éducation et de l’enseignement et la société. Réformer ou apporter des améliorations aux systèmes éducatifs nécessite donc autant de recherches sur et pour l’éducation. Mettre l’accent sur l’apport des recherches en didactiques et la rendre intelligible dans la réforme éducative requiert une analyse selon les orientations suivantes : une orientation productive visant la construction des politiques de l’éducation, une deuxième orientation explicative-compréhensive qui aborde les choix éducatifs (contenus, choix curriculaires, pratiques professionnelles, etc.) et une troisième orientation prospective ayant pour but de dégager les lignes de force pour penser les réformes des systèmes éducatif.



The launch of a national consultation on the reform of the education system ("Consultation nationale sur la Réforme du Système Educatif") was the important event of the month of September 2023 in Tunisia. As the reform of the educational system is a strategic choice of Tunisian education policy at different levels (pre-primary education, primary/elementary education, secondary education, vocational training and higher education), this consultation will contribute to generate a global vision for education and to respond to changing requirements within the local socio-economic and socio-cultural context, as well as changes in scientific education worldwide. However, the question of reforming the education system is not just a political choice, but rather the manifestation of collective intelligence, i.e., the share of meaning (De Ketele, 2020). The fulcrum is therefore the collaboration between the various actors in the education sector and society. In the same context, Lebeaume & al (2011) postulate that didactic research may provide the possibilities and conditions for implementing educational reforms.  The two co-authors highlight the importance of a number of didactic research studies that "have helped to manage inventory activities and characterize teaching-learning situations" (p. 8). Reforming or improving education systems therefore requires as much research on education (Meuret, 2020) as research for education (Gomez et al., 2020).

The aim of this conference is therefore to highlight the contribution of didactic research to educational reform, based on three orientations or perspectives:

  1. The first orientation (a productive perspective) consider didactic research as the starting point for reforming the education system. They are therefore called upon for prospective analysis of political decisions and choices. According to Raulin (2006), this positioning between science and politics is part of the construction of educational policies.
  2. The second orientation (an explanatory-comprehensive perspective) approaches educational choices as an object of research for didacticians. In particular, it looks at the content of these reforms, curricular choices, appropriate professional practices, etc.
  3. The third orientation (a forward-looking perspective) is designed to identify the main lines of thought in the reform of education systems. Didactic research can guide reforms in favor of certain values: guaranteeing lifelong education, reducing inequalities...

Conference axes

This international axes is aimed at teacher-researchers, PhD students and education professionals, and will feature session papers and posters. Paper proposals must fall within one of the following axis:

  • Axis I: Reforming the education system: insights from didactic research
  • Axis II: Reforming the education system for more equitable access to education


This conference will take place from May 3rd to 5th, 2024 at the Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines in Jendouba (Tunisia). The aim is to enable meetings between researchers, experts and practitioners in the field of education.In addition, the scientific committee encourages proposals bringing together researchers from different disciplines.

Communications will be presented in Arabic, French or English. Abstracts will be submitted to the scientific committee for review.

Timetable and submission procedures

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 10 March 2024 at 23h59
  • Notice to authors: 31 March 2024
  • Detailed programme available : 15 April 2024

Proposals for papers should be sent to the scientific committee via the symposium website: https://didareforme.sciencesconf.org/

by 10 March 2024 at 23h59

  • The text must respect the standards required by the educational research community and the rules presented below:The abstract should include, after the title: first and last name of the author(s), affiliation, e-mail address.The general title should be as short as possible (≤ 60 characters).A list of no more than 5 keywords is required.The abstract should not exceed 500 words excluding bibliographical
  • The expected content of the abstract is as follows: problem, methodology and principal results.
  • References must comply with A.P.A. standards (7th edition).


President of the conference

Kaouther Rassaa : University of Tunis El Manar

Vice-president of the conference

Afifa Mahjoub: University of Jendouba

Scientific Committee

President : Inen Akrouti: University of Jendouba

Vice-president : Mouna Hidoussi: TELUQ University

  • Afifa Mahjoub: University of Jendouba
  • Anouar Kouki: University of Jendouba
  • Atf Azzouna : University of Tunis El Manar
  • Béatrice Pudelko: TELUQ University
  • Chiraz Kilani: Virtual University of Tunis
  • David Cross: University of Montpellier
  • Eugène Okè: Abomey-Calavi University
  • Fatima Bousadra : University of Sherbrooke
  • Hajer Ben Jomaa: University of La Mannouba
  • Hakim Hariti: University of Algiers 3
  • Hallouma Boussaada: Virtual University of Tunis
  • Hatem Ghrab : Virtual University of Tunis
  • Imed Mahnane: University of Jendouba
  • Kaouther Rassaa: University of Tunis El Manar
  • Karine Molvinger : University of Montpellier
  • Manel Barouni : Virtual University of Tunis
  • Mariem Harabi : Virtual University of Tunis
  • Monther Marzouki: University of Kairouan
  • Nabil Ben Yahia: Souk Ahras University
  • Najoua Ghriss: Tunis Virtual University
  • Narjes Aouani: University of Tunis El Manar
  • Neila Rassaa: Université de Carthage
  • Otilia Holgado: University of Sherbrooke
  • Radhia Nefzi Houimli : Tunis Virtual University
  • Rahma Dahmani: Paul Sabatier University
  • Wafa Hmissi : University of Tunis

Organaizing committee

President : Meïssa Ouerghi : Virtual University of Tunis

Vice-president : Salem Saaidia : Virtual University of Tunis

  • Afifa Mahjoub : University of Jendouba
  • Ahlem Oueslati : Virtual University of Tunis
  • Anouar Kouki : University of Jendouba
  • Fayçal Bouzazi : Virtual University of Tunis
  • Hatem Ghrab : Virtual University of Tunis
  • Hayet Mehouachi: Virtual University of Tunis
  • Imed Mahnane : University of Jendouba
  • Inen Akrouti : University of Jendouba
  • Jamila Mimouni : Virtual University of Tunis
  • Kaouther Rassaa : University of Tunis El Manar
  • Mariem Harabi : Virtual University of Tunis
  • Monia Mannai: DVV International 
  • Mouna Hidoussi : TELUQ University
  • Oumayma Kefi : DVV International
  • Rached Chakhari : Virtual University of Tunis
  • Radhia Nefzi Houimli : Virtual University of Tunis
  • Rahma Dahmani : Paul Sabatier University
  • Youssef Aouadi : Virtual University of Tunis


  • De Ketele, J. (2020). Réformer l’éducation. Revue Internationale D’éducation Sèvres, 83, 13‑22. https://doi.org/10.4000/ries.927
  • Gomez, L. M., Bryk, A. S., & Bohannon, A. X. (2020). La fiabilité :une voie vers l’équité ? Revue Internationale D’éducation Sèvres, 83, 195‑204. https://doi.org/10.4000/ries.9447
  • Lebeaume, J., Hasni, A. & Harlé, I.(2011). Recherches et expertises pour l'enseignement scientifique: Technologie- sciences- mathématiques. De Boeck Supérieur.
  • Meuret, D. (2020). Légitimation et légitimité des réformes. Revue Internationale D’éducation Sèvres, 83, 113‑121. https://doi.org/10.4000/ries.9372
  • Raulin, D. (2006). De nouveaux rapports entre science et politique : le cas des programmes scolaires. Revue Française de Pédagogie, 154, 61‑72. https://doi.org/10.4000/rfp.127


  • Insitut supérieur des sciences humaines de Jendouba, Dar Ismail Nour Elain Hotel (Ain Draham, Tunisie)
    Jendouba, Tunisia (8100)

Event attendance modalities

Full on-site event


  • Sunday, March 10, 2024


  • réforme éducative, curriculum, didactique générale, pratiques enseignantes, savoirs scolaires, approche didactique


  • Salem Saaidia
    courriel : atedistconf [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • Anoir Kouki
    courriel : anoir [dot] kouki [at] isshj [dot] u-jendouba [dot] tn


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To cite this announcement

« Educational reforms: contributions from subject didactics », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, February 22, 2024, https://doi.org/10.58079/vvxw

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