Learning with and through others: epistemic, ethical and political issues
Apprendre avec et par les autres : enjeux épistémiques, éthiques et politiques.
Published on Wednesday, March 06, 2024
The 7th International Colloquium on Education and Training (CIDEF), will focus on the various facets that characterise the notion of learning with and from others in the field of education and training research. It will focus on the processes of individual transformation and the dynamics of personal and/or collective trajectories.
CIDEF 2024 International doctoral conference on education and training
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 7th edition of the International Symposium on Education and Training (CIDEF), co-organized by the CREAD and the CREN. It will take place from October 24th to 25th, 2024, in Nantes. This event provides an opportunity to share your ongoing or recently completed research, discuss innovative ideas, and establish connections with peers and established researchers working in the field of education and training.
Who? With whom? What? Why? When? Where? How?
The symposium focuses on the various aspects that characterize the notion of learning with and from others in the field of education and training research. It places at the heart of reflections the processes of individual transformation and the dynamics of personal and/or collective trajectories. Several perspectives are conceivable, extending well beyond the following:
Proposal of a research topic studying collective learning
The role of the researcher in studies conducted in ET
Transformations in the relationships between teachers and students
Fields (professional/scientific/study) to explore in ET
We strongly encourage you as doctoral students and young researchers to submit papers exploring the epistemic challenges, ethical dilemmas, and political implications inherent in your research in Education and Training. Particular attention is paid to the diversity of disciplinary backgrounds that can be explored, including sociology, history, philosophy, digital, ecology, etc.
Possible thematic axes:
Epistemic Issues:
Innovative research methodologies
Interdisciplinary approaches in Education and Training
Relationships between group dynamics and learning
Reflections on the researcher's stance: between distance and proximity with others
Mechanisms facilitating knowledge sharing and co-construction
Ethical Issues:
Protection of research participants and social and legal responsibilities of shared knowledge, equity in educational exchanges
Recognition of different cultural perspectives and protection of diversity and inclusion
Prevention of cognitive and cultural biases in collective learning processes
Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education and Training: between limits and prospects
Political Issues:
Influence of research on local or national educational policies and society
Relationships between learning with and from others and personal or collective emancipation
Relationships between shared learning and the perspectives of a more equitable and inclusive society
The role of doctoral students in contemporary educational debates
Functioning and composition of the Scientific Committee
Each paper is anonymized upon receipt;
It is then sent to two researchers in the humanities and social sciences who will evaluate it according to the evaluation criteria (available on the CIDEF 2024 website);
Each author of a paper, whether accepted or not, will be notified by email. We will send you the program once the entire evaluation process is finalized;
Corrections may be requested by the scientific committee;
The paper will be validated once the corrections are integrated and submitted and then validated by the Committee;
The scientific committee consists of lecturers, researchers, ATER, and post-doctoral researchers. The complete list is available on the CIDEF 2024 website page.
Formulation of the communication intention
Two types of oral communication are possible depending on the progress of your research work:
Oral communication - 20 min (priority for doctoral students from the 2nd year onwards)
Poster (priority for doctoral students in the 1st year)
We invite you, as doctoral students or young researchers, to submit your proposal according to the following framework before April 1st on the website cidef2024.sciencesconf.orgCandidates selected for communications must produce an article by September 1st, which will be submitted for expertise with a view to publication in the review Recherches en Education.
Practical information
Languages of the symposium: French, English
Registration fee: €50 (excluding CREN and CREAD) (fee includes: lunch and symposium fees)
Submission deadline: April 1st
Notification date: June 2nd
Article submission date: September 1st
We look forward to your enthusiastic participation, hoping that CIDEF will provide a stimulating environment for exploring together the challenges and opportunities that drive research in Education and Training.
For any questions or information requests, you can contact the CIDEF team at the following address: cidef2024@sciencesconf.org
- Education (Main category)
- Mind and language > Education > History of education
- Society > Sociology > Sociology of work
- Society > Ethnology, anthropology > Social anthropology
- Mind and language > Thought > Philosophy
- Mind and language > Education > Educational sciences
- Mind and language > Psyche > Psychology
- Society > Sociology > Sociology of culture
- Nantes, France (44)
Event attendance modalities
Full on-site event
- Monday, April 01, 2024
Attached files
- éducation, formation, apprentissage, pairagogie, collaboration, collectif, terrain, pair
- Charlie Renard
courriel : cidef2024 [at] sciencesconf [dot] org
Reference Urls
Information source
- Charlie Renard
courriel : cidef2024 [at] sciencesconf [dot] org
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Learning with and through others: epistemic, ethical and political issues », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, March 06, 2024, https://doi.org/10.58079/vyjn