The role of Start-ups and Business Incubators in Achieving Economic Development in Algeria
’الدور الاقتصادي لمؤسسات الناشئة و حاضنات الاعمال في تحقيق أهداف التنمية الاقتصادية في الجزائر’’
Published on Friday, March 08, 2024
Algeria, like other countries in the world, is full of many creative and innovative entrepreneurs, and at the same time they are eager to create institutions in which they embody their new ideas with the aim of creating various products and services that contribute to the diversification of the Algerian economy. Especially if they have financial support from experts and supporting financial institutions, as well as technical and administrative support from business incubators. The conference aims to answer the following question: To what extant can Start-ups and business Incubators contribute in economy diversity and economic development success in Algeria?
Algeria, like other countries in the world, is full of many creative and innovative entrepreneurs, and at the same time they are eager to create institutions in which they embody their new ideas with the aim of creating various products and services that contribute to the diversification of the Algerian economy. Especially if they have financial support from experts and supporting financial institutions, as well as technical and administrative support from business incubators.
Creativity is the spirit of entrepreneurship and need the collaboration of all of us to establish the right climate that instill confidence and encourage youths who hold genius projects and who dream to create successful enterprises if they find strong support and extended hands by the state and by experts in the field. No doubt that, Ambition and ideas are not enough to succeed if there is no concerted efforts and continuous coordination between the owner of the project, banks and incubators.
As it is known, Algeria did not give importance to the concept of entrepreneurship in the period between year 1963 and 1988 due to the nature of the political system at that time. However, in the year 2001, a new law 18/01 was issued on 12-12-2001, which tried to promote small and medium unfortunately it did not include startups clearly. Later, an executive Decree No. 20-254 of September 15, 2020 was applied and came to give a real view and importance to the establishment of startups and business incubators.
The National Fund for Financing Emerging Enterprises project, which was established to offer banking facilities and face bureaucratic obstacles in 2020.From the above listed ideas came our problematic which we try to sum up it in this international conference entitled as : The role of Start-ups and Business Incubators in Achieving Economic Development in Algeria, in order to shed light on most important modern strategies, policies and trends for the transition to a digital economy based on flexibility in exploiting emerging institutions and supporting youth in Algeria who are carrying projects as a path to achieving sustainable development and diversifying the national economy..
The conference aims to answer the following question: To what extant can Start-ups and business Incubators contribute in economy diversity and economic development success in Algeria?
The conference is a meeting place for academic researchers from various disciplines, professionals and researchers in the field of : Start-ups , business incubators, entrepreneurship, Innovation and creativity , Successful experiences in creating startups in the world. Therefore, we invite researchers from worldwide universities and research centres and PHD students ( all disciplines are concerned)and experts to submit their research in one of the following areas:
Conference axes
- 1st Axis: A conceptual framework on start-ups and business incubators and their role in shaping the future and encouraging entrepreneurs.
- 2nd Axis: a legal reading of the texts regulating startups and business incubators and an analysis of Executive Decree No. 20-254 of September 15, 2020.
- 3rd Axis: Mechanisms and strategies for managing, financing and accompanying emerging enterprises and their role in economic development.
- 4th Axis: Standard studies on startups and business incubators in moving towards the digital economy
- 5th Axis: Entrepreneurship and stimulating innovation in emerging enterprises.
- 6th Axis: Local and international experiences of successful startups.
Guidelines for submitting papers
- Papers ‘Language , English, French.
- Submitted papers must NOT have been previously published and should not exceed two authors;
- The abstract should not exceed 400 words.
- Including 3 keywords to 4 keywords is allowed. - Use Times New Roman 12- font, and 1.15-inch margins, single-spaced.
- The maximum length of the paper is 20 pages (including ALL tables, appendices and references).
Important Dates
Revised Paper submission: 25/04/2024
- Acceptance notification: 15/05/2024 Conference.
- Workshops: 21/22 October 2024. C
- onference Location: University of Ibn Khaldoun , Tiaret 14000, Algeria.
Far any information please contact
Mobile 0558364480
E mail
- Algeria Democratic and popular republic
- Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- Ibn Khaldoun University –Tiaret
- Department of Commercial Economics and Management Sciences
- In Collaboration With Laboratory for the development of the Algerian Economic Enterprise
- With PRFU Research Team : F02N01UN140120210001
- Honory Conference Chair Proffessor Belgoumane Berrezoug
- Conference Chair : Dr. Sissani Midoun
- Scientific Committee Chair: Prof.Yamani Khaldiam
- Vice-Chairman Scientific Committee Dr.Belkarcha Rabeh
- Organizing Committee Chair : Dr.Douis A.E.K
- Vice-Chairman Organizing Committee Dr.Zitouni Houaria
- Economics (Main category)
- Zones and regions > Africa > North Africa > Algeria
- Society > Economics > Economic development
- Tiaret, Algeria (14000)
- Thursday, April 25, 2024
Attached files
- Midoun Sissani
courriel : startups14inter [at] gmail [dot] com
Information source
- Midoun Sissani
courriel : startups14inter [at] gmail [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« The role of Start-ups and Business Incubators in Achieving Economic Development in Algeria », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, March 08, 2024,