AccueilCitizenship, national identy, race, diaspora

Calenda - Le calendrier des lettres et sciences humaines et sociales

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Publié le mercredi 07 mars 2001


CITIZENSHIP, NATIONAL IDENTITY, RACE, AND DIASPORA IN CONTEMPORARY EUROPE Radical History Review invites contributions for a special issue on contemporary Europe, broadly construed to include the (post)colonies of Europe as well as the USSR and its suc



Radical History Review invites contributions for a special issue on contemporary Europe, broadly construed to include the (post)colonies of Europe as well as the USSR and its successor states since 1945.

We encourage both monographic articles and broader essays that place Europe in global, diasporic, and transnational perspective; foreground issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, and cultural/ethnic/religious identity; recognize the existence of many "Europes," not just Eastern and Western; address questions of public history, collective memory, and the "history wars"; examine problems of political economy, state formation, social movements, and political contention from below as well as from above;
suggest new directions in European history; and deal self-reflexively and politically with what it means to be a historian of "Europe."

Time is of the essence. Submissions are due 2 APRIL 2001. Please send copies of your submission to Ian C. Fletcher, 505 Brookhaven Way, Atlanta
GA 30319 USA *and* Van Gosse, 2933 Hickory Street, Alexandria VA 22305 USA.
Decisions on acceptance will be prompt.


  • lundi 02 avril 2001

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« Citizenship, national identy, race, diaspora », Appel à contribution, Calenda, Publié le mercredi 07 mars 2001,

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