Home"Le mécénat et la cour" et "Paris au Moyen Âge"

"Le mécénat et la cour" et "Paris au Moyen Âge"

Colloque annuel de l'International Medieval Society, Paris

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Published on Friday, June 24, 2005


Colloque international pluridisciplinaire sur le Moyen Age


Keynote Speakers : Professor Elizabeth A. R. Brown, Brooklyn College and The Graduate School, The City University of New York, and Professor Michael T. Davis, Mount Holyoke College

Day 1 - 30 June
9:00-10:00 Plenary Address
Springes to Catch Scholars: Patrons, Authors, and Artists in late medieval and early modern France
Elizabeth A. R. Brown, Brooklyn College and The Graduate School, The City University of New York

10:00-10:15 Pause Café/Coffee Break

10:15-11:30 Session 1/ Séance 1 - Patronage and the Court
Reflecting the Royal Soul: Blanche of Castile and the Speculum anime
Sean L. Field, University of Vermont (abstract)

Music for Louis d’Anjou
Alice V. Clark, Loyola University New Orleans (abstract)

Elite Charitable Patronage in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Rouen
Elma Brenner, Emmanuel College, Cambridge University (abstract)

12:30-2:00 Déjeuner/Lunch

2:00-3:30 Séance 2/Session 2 - Court Culture: Agency, Representation, Reception
Royne celestre: Gautier de Coinci, Ministre at His Lady’s Court
Donna Mayer-Martin, Southern Methodist University (abstract)

The Past Perfect of Saint Louis in the Future Imperfect of Philip the Bold
Donna L. Sadler, Agnes Scott College (abstract)

The Architecture of the Court and the Lord’s Authority
Danielle Gurevitch, Bar-Ilan University (abstract)

3:30-4:00 Pause Café/Coffee Break

4:00-5:30 Séance 3/Session 3 - Courtly Life Beyond Paris
Art and Court Identity in Papal Avignon
Cathleen A. Fleck, Washington University St. Louis (abstract)

The Political and Cultural Role of the Armagnac Household during the late Middle Ages
Timur Pollack-Lagushenko, Wright State University (abstract)

Les Leys d’amors de Toulouse, dépaysement de la poésie courtoise
Mary Brown, University of California, Berkeley (abstract)

5:30-6:00 Concluding Remarks

Day 2 - 1 July
10:00-12:00 Assemblée Générale

12:00-2:00 Déjeuner/Lunch

2:00-5:00 Séance 4/Session 4 - Special Session - Medieval Paris
2:00-3:00 Plenary Address
When the City was in its Flower: the Description of Paris by Guillebert de Mets
Michael T. Davis, Mount Holyoke College

3:00-3:15 Pause café/Coffee break

Le poète et la ville de Paris: autour de quelques poèmes d’Eustache Deschamps
Jean-Francois Kosta-Théfaine, Centre d’Etude des Textes Médievaux-Rennes 2 (abstract)

The Court as Physical Setting: the Genealogical Cycle of Philip IV in the Palace at Paris
Joan A. Holladay, University of Texas, Austin (abstract)

La Royne de France est a Paris venue: Queen and City as Created by Marie de Brabant and Adenet le Roi
Tracy Chapman Hamilton, Sweet Briar College (abstract)

Day 3 - 2 July
10:00-12:00 Séance 5/Session 5 - The University and Intellectual Life in Medieval Paris
Old Theology, New Theology, and the Cosmos in Hugh of Saint Victor's The Mystic Ark
Conrad Rudolph, University of California, Riverside (abstract)

Solere Divum Thomam amare divisiones; Scotum contra, uniones diligere: John Duns Scotus in Paris
Diego Fasolini, Tulane University (abstract)

Concluding Remarks

12:00-2:00 Lunch

2:00-5:00 Visit: The University of Paris: Spaces and Structures
L'activité intellectuelle universitaire à Paris: l'exemple de la musique
Pascale Duhamel, IRHT

5:00-6:00 IMS-Paris Symposium 2005 closing apéritif

Lieu : Ecole nationale des chartes, 19 rue de la Sorbonne 75005 Paris



  • Paris, France


  • Thursday, June 30, 2005


  • Agnès Bos
    courriel : agnes [dot] bos [at] louvre [dot] fr

Information source

  • Agnès Bos
    courriel : agnes [dot] bos [at] louvre [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« "Le mécénat et la cour" et "Paris au Moyen Âge" », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Friday, June 24, 2005, https://doi.org/10.58079/9ya

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