HomeThe EC/EU: a world security actor?

The EC/EU: a world security actor?

An assessment after 50 years of the external actions of the EC/EU

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Published on Thursday, September 29, 2005


International Conference, Fall 2006.


This is one of 6 conferences to be held before the March 2007 Brussels meeting entitled ‘The European experience: 1957-2007’. Our preliminary conference is examining the record on external relations of the EC/EU. It will focus upon external relations, and how these have contributed to European security over the period under consideration. We take the widest interpretation of security: economic, peace, development, diplomatic and military contributions, and neighbourhood security. Our perspective is largely that of the efforts of the EC/EU institutions, although we realise that the member states are also major external players, both independently, and through the EC/EU.

Although overlaps are inevitable, we will divide our preliminary conference into four themes. Within each, we suggest certain areas that we may examine, although these are not exclusive suggestions:

1. The EC/EU and the great powers from the 1950s.

--What role did the EC/EU play in the ending of the cold war?

--In what ways, and why, were relations between the EC/EU and the US unequal?

--The EC/EU and the communist world from the 1950s and the 1990s.

--EC/EU relations with China and India.

--Have successive enlargement created an EC/EU that can be considered as a great power?

2. The economic and social dimensions of EC/EU external relations.

--The EC/EU in GATT and the WTO.

--How has the EC/EU dealt with the question of free trade areas and of association with its neighbours?

--What contribution has the EC/EU made towards the economic growth and human development of the ACP and other developing countries?

--Do developing EC/EU migration and immigration policies undermine the influence of its external relations.

--Has the EC/EU contributed to the development of human rights in the world, and amongst its neighbours?

--Is there an EC/EU social and economic model that has underpinned external economic and social relations?

3. The birth of an international actor: principles and interests.

--What role does the Western European Union have in postwar international security policy?

--Is the EDC a genuine antecedent of the ESPD?

--How have multilateral relations – with UNO, NATO, Council of Europe, the European Economic Commission, the CSCE/OSCE – increased the influence of the EC/EU in the world?

--How effective was European Political Cooperation in the 70s and 80s.

--What role have EC/EU external diplomatic representations had in extending its influence.

--Does the EC/EU have a special responsibility towards Africa? If so, how has this been demonstrated?

--Has an effective environmental dimension to external policies been developed by the EC/EU?

--Has multilevel governance within the EC/EU acted as a break upon the emergence of the EC/EU as an effective international actor.

4. Conflict resolution, peace enforcement and peacekeeping.

--Is the EC/EU an effective ‘humanitarian actor’ in the world? Does the European Security Strategy reflect this?

--Has ESPD had a positive effect upon the role of the EU in the world?

--How has ESPD affected EU-US relations in the NATO context?

--What lessons have been learned for the EC/EU in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia?

--How well have EU policies on non-proliferation, anti-mines actions, border controls etc been conceptualised and developed ?

--Is there an EU conflict resolution model? Can it be applied elsewhere?

Modus operandi.

This is a call for papers from historians, international relations and political science experts, economists and economic historians, human rights and security scholars, and those with an interest in these topics who are prepared to look at the development of the EC/EU in these areas over time. We expect some papers to cover the whole period, and others to focus on particular periods since the 1950s. We welcome contributions from established scholars in the field, and also from junior researchers whose work reflects the interests of this group. Our conference at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (North-West of Paris) will take place on Thursday 14th September, Friday 15th September and Saturday morning, 16th September, 2006.

We should like to hear from you if you have a topic you would like to propose for a short research or discussion paper to present at this conference. These papers will be drawn together for a second, larger conference in Brussels in 2007, where the external relations group will work with the five other thematic groups. A major book will then be published to assess the overall place of the EC/EU fifty years after its creation.

Housing and travel expenses, within reason, will be met by the organisers of the conferences. The conference will be funded by UMR IRICE (Paris-1, Paris-4, CNRS); the French Minister of Research (ACI); the European Commission (Action Jean Monnet); the CICC of Cergy-Pontoise University; the Fonds de soutien de la Communauté d’Agglomération de Cergy-Pontoise.

Working languages: English and French. Please contact before the 15th December, 2005 [warning : the date has been changed]

Gérard Bossuat : gbossuat@aol.com ; gerard.bossuat@lsh.u-cergy.fr

Anne Deighton: anne.deighton@wolfson.ox.ac.uk

for further information, proposals, or any further questions relating to these themes.



  • Cergy-Pontoise
    Cergy, France


  • Thursday, December 15, 2005


  • Gérard Bossuat
    courriel : Gerard [dot] Bossuat [at] lsh [dot] u-cergy [dot] fr
  • Anne Deighton
    courriel : anne [dot] deighton [at] wolfson [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk

Information source

  • Valérie Aubourg
    courriel : direction [dot] recherche [at] univ-catholyon [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« The EC/EU: a world security actor? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, September 29, 2005, https://doi.org/10.58079/a2g

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