HomeCollecting War

Collecting War

Trench Art and Souvenirs. Manufacture and Representation

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Published on Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Cette conférence internationale réunit historiens, ethnologues, archéologues ainsi que collectionneurs et producteurs de « l'artisanat de tranchée » et les « souvenirs de guerre », y incluant les pratiques qui existent toujours, sur l'ancien front de l'ouest de la première guerre mondiale ou en Bosnie.


Friday 17 – Sunday 19 April 2009

Friday 17 April : Academic Programme 1

Conference Room, Town Hall, Ypres

 9.30-10.00: ‘Trench Art: the material culture of conflict’. Nicholas J Saunders (University of Bristol).

10.00-10.30: ‘In search of souvenirs. The Belgian army, the Army Museum and the collecting of war memorabilia after the First World War’. Joost Vaesen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel,  Brussels).

10.30-11.00: ‘Trench Art in the Imperial War Museum’. Paul Cornish. (Imperial War Museum)

11.30-12.00: "Gathering information" : soldier-artists, sketchbooks and surveillance on the Western Front’. Paul Gough (University of the West of England, Bristol)

12.00-12.30:  “A Peculiar Trench Art: Prisoners of war and civilians under occupation on the Western Front. “. Annette Becker (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense and Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne)

12.30-13.00: Questions and Discussion

14.00-14.30: ‘The peculiarities of French trench art’. Patrice Warin (collector & author, Paris)

14.30-15.00: ‘Greetings from the trenches” – Daily life and trench art at the South-Western-Front during WW1’. Isabelle Brandauer. (Tiroler-landesmuseen, Innsbruck)

15.00-15.15: ‘Bosnian trench art. Condition and perspectives’. Asim Donlic (Education and heritage Open network, Sarajevo)

15.30-16.00: ‘Trench Art and occupation: The Second World War in the Channel Islands’. Gilly Carr. (University of Cambridge).

16.00-16.30: ‘Iron-nail memorials of the First World War in Germany and Austria’.  Hans-Christian Pust. (Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, Stuttgart).

16.30-17.15: Three collectors and one art dealer on collecting: James Brazier, Jane Kimball, Andrew Tonge and David Cohen.

17.15-17.45: DISCUSSION

Saturday 18 April: Academic Programme 2

Conference room, Town Hall, Ypres

10.00-11.00:      Private Collections and the Origins of the In Flanders Fields Museum. Dominiek Dendooven. (In Flanders Fields Museum).

11.00-11.30:      Discussion/Coffee/Closing remarks.

11.30-18.00:      Tour of Café-Museums and their (Trench Art) Collections

Sunday 19 April: Public Programme

Cloth Hall - In Flanders Fields Museum (Royal Hall - Koninklijke Zaal)

11.00-12.00:      Public Lecture: ‘The Lost Worlds of Trench Art’, NJS.

Practical demonstrations: Ivan Sinnaeve (Belgium), Rik Ryon (Belgium) and Nasir Jabucar (Bosnia-Hercegovina). To be confirmed: Hamad Kalaf (Quwait & Bali)


  • Salle de Conférence de l'Hôtel de Ville - Musée In Flanders Fields
    Ypres, Belgium


  • Friday, April 17, 2009
  • Saturday, April 18, 2009
  • Sunday, April 19, 2009


  • représentation culturelle de la guerre, artisanat de tranchée, souvenirs de guerre


  • Dominiek Dendooven
    courriel : Stedelijke [dot] Musea [at] ieper [dot] be

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Dominiek Dendooven
    courriel : Stedelijke [dot] Musea [at] ieper [dot] be


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To cite this announcement

« Collecting War », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, February 03, 2009, https://doi.org/10.58079/dmr

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