StartseiteLes chasseurs-cueilleurs du bassin du Congo
BeitragsaufrufEthnologie, Anthropologie
Les chasseurs-cueilleurs du bassin du Congo
Congo Basin Hunter-Gatherers
Veröffentlicht am Donnerstag, 26. November 2009
Themes and session titles will not be determined until paper titles and abstracts are received. We do not want participants to modify their research projects to fit into themes determined by the conference organizers. Potential topics and sessions: 1) History, Genetics and Archaeology; 2) Ecology and Daily Life (subsistence and settlement, ethnobiology, ethnoarchaeology, time allocation); 3) Health and Demography; 4) Cultural Transmission (innovation, childhood, social learning); 5) Forager-Farmer Relations; 6) Social Organization and Religion; 7) Expressive Culture (dance, music); 8) Contemporary Issues (conservation, human rights, lumber companies, missionaries). Only the last topic explicitly mentions development, but we hope these issues will be integrated into several sessions. We also hope to organize short open sessions where some of the following can be discussed: 1) field conditions and research opportunities in different Congo Basin countries; 2) potential collaborative (cross-disciplinary, cross-national) research; 3) theoretical and methodological approaches to research with Congo Basin peoples; and, 4) sharing research and communication with development agencies. Please visit our interactive website ( for more details and updates about the conference.
Paper Submission
We are interested in papers from any discipline. Please send your name, affiliation, paper title and abstract (250 words or less) in Word format to:
The deadline for paper submission is April 1, 2010. Papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and if accepted, will be grouped into a session. Each session will be about 2 hours long, including discussion, and will consist of 4-5 30-minute presentations (20 minute presentation, 10 minute discussion). Notifications of acceptance will be made by May 1, 2010.
If participants need a letter of acceptance before May 1, 2010 to apply for travel funds please contact conference organizers at:
If you want to organize a session of related papers on a common topic or theme, submit your name, session title, session abstract, list of papers and abstracts to:
English will be the official language of the conference. Please contact conference organizers at if this is not possible.
April 1 — Deadline to submit name, title and abstract
August 1—Deadline to register and submit paper or powerpoint. We plan to place papers or powerpoints online by September 1 so participants can read all papers before the conference begins.
You will be able to register online after January 1, 2010 and pay with a credit card or bank transfer. The registration fee is €100 or €50 for students and includes welcome drinks, coffee/tea and snacks between sessions and lunch for two days. Participants must register by August 1, 2010 to be included in the program.
Refunds will not be possible after September 1, 2010. Due to transaction costs, refunds will represent only 85% of total the payment. Any other costs (travel, local transportation, accommodation, breakfast and dinner meals, etc) will be borne by the participants.
Organizing Committee (please contact any of us if you have questions)
- Barry Hewlett (
- Kiyoshi Takeuchi (
- Edmond Dounias (
Scientific Committee
- Serge Bahuchet, Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle (France)
- Edmond Dounias, Institut de Recherche Pour le Développement, CEFE (France)
- Alain Froment, Institut de Recherche Pour le Développement (France)
- Barry Hewlett, Washington State University (USA)
- Mitsuo Ichikawa, Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University (Japan)
- Jerome Lewis, University College London (UK)
- Karen Lupo, Washington State University (USA)
- Kiyoshi Takeuchi, University of Toyama (Japan)
- Sponsoring Agencies
- Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE)
- Institut de Recherche Pour le Développement (IRD)
- Kyoto University, Center for African Area Studies
- University of Toyama, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Cultural Anthropology
- Washington State University, Department of Anthropology
- City of Montpellier
- Languedoc-Roussillon Region (Sud de France Label)
- Ethnologie, Anthropologie (Hauptkategorie)
- Gesellschaft > Soziologie
- Geographiscer Raum > Afrika > Subsahara-Afrika
- Gesellschaft > Geographie
- Gesellschaft > Geschichte
- Gesellschaft > Ökonomie
- Gesellschaft > Recht
- Grand Amphithéâtre, Délégation Régionale du CNRS, 1919 route de Mende
Montpellier, Frankreich
- Donnerstag, 01. April 2010
- chasseurs-cueilleurs, bassin du Congo, développement
- Edmond Dounias
courriel : edmond [dot] dounias [at] ird [dot] fr
- Edmond Dounias
courriel : edmond [dot] dounias [at] ird [dot] fr
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« Les chasseurs-cueilleurs du bassin du Congo », Beitragsaufruf, Calenda, Veröffentlicht am Donnerstag, 26. November 2009,