HomeSymposium on TEI and Scholarly Publishing

Symposium on TEI and Scholarly Publishing

Symposium sur la TEI et l'édition scientifique

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Published on Monday, April 26, 2010


This symposium, to be held in conjunction with a meeting of the TEI Council, will explore such questions through a series of presentations outlining the current state of the art in institutional publishing operations such as those of universities in the UK, France, US, and Australia, from the point of view of private sector publishers (among which the NLM DTDs are increasingly adopted), and from international initiatives where interoperability has been identified as a major factor (e.g., PEER, which includes European research institutions, repositories, and STM publishers). The objective is to identify current difficulties in making publication systems interoperable and identify priority actions for the TEI to intervene in this arena.


The growing trend toward open-access publishing and toward funder mandates for deposit of preprints in archives such as PubMed Central (PMC) has led to interest in the interchange of scholarly literature in XML created by different parties.

This symposium, to be held in conjunction with a meeting of the TEI Council, will explore such questions through a series of presentations outlining the current state of the art in institutional publishing operations such as those of universities in the UK, France, US, and Australia, from the point of view of private sector publishers (among which the NLM DTDs are increasingly adopted), and from international initiatives where interoperability has been identified as a major factor (e.g., PEER, which includes European research institutions, repositories, and STM publishers). The objective is to identify current difficulties in making publication systems interoperable and identify priority actions for the TEI to intervene in this arena.

Questions to be addressed include:

  • What role could or should the TEI have in asserting itself as a standard format for author manuscripts, published manuscripts, or both?
  • Should it be involved in building systems for sharing and commenting on such manuscripts?
  • Should it create a TEI customization for scholarly publishing or broker a relationship with a vendor for discounted conversion of content to XML?

A tentative programme for the day follows:

9:30-10:00 Refreshments 10:00–10:10

Welcome from Chair of the TEI Council

  • Laurent Romary (INRIA & HUB-IDSL)
10:10–10:40 Introductions 10:40–11:20

Use of TEI in publishing workflows I

  • Susan Murray-Smith (Sydney University Press)
  • Dominique Roux & Pierre-Yves Buard (Les Presses universitaires de Caen)

Chair: Daniel O'Donnell

11:20–11:40 Coffee break 11:40–13:00

TEI for aggregated content

  • Marin Dacos (Centre for Open Electronic Publishing (Cléo), CNRS)
  • Ronald Snijder (OAPEN)
  • Laurent Romary (INRIA & HUB-IDSL)
  • Friederike Kleinfercher (Max Planck Digital Library)

Chair: Gabriel Bodard

13:00–13:40 Catered lunch 13:40–14:20

Tools for TEI in scholarly publishing

  • James Cummings (Oxford University)
  • Sebastian Rahtz (Oxford University)

Chair: Matthew Driscoll

14:20–14:40 Coffee break 14:40–15:20

Use of TEI in publishing workflows II

  • Kenneth Reed (University of North Carolina)
  • Martin Holmes (University of Victoria)

Chair: Brett Barney

15:20–15:40 Coffee break 15:40–16:40

Prospects for broader adoption of TEI

  • John Maxwell (Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing)
  • MJ Suhonos (Public Knowledge Project)
  • John Shaw (SAGE Publications)

Chair: Lou Burnard

16:40–17:00 Closing discussion

During the presentations, there will be simultaneous discussion in the backchannel #teipublishing and in a publicly readable and editable Google Docs file, where participants will formulate a way forward for the TEI in scholarly publishing. To avoid infestation by spambots, we will not include the actual URL. Please type "" into your browser and then paste the following after it:


We encourage participation on the backchannel and in this collaborative writing exerise by all, even those unable to attend in person.

Registration to attend in person is free but required. Registration is open online until the end of the day on 20 April 2010 or until the venue capacity is reached (whichever occurs first).

Accommodation is available at the Temple Bar Hotel and Buswell's Hotel, both of which can be reached from Dublin Airport by taking Aircoach to Trinity College (see directions for Temple Bar Hotel) or Kildare Street (Buswell's Hotel).


  • Dublin, Ireland


  • Wednesday, April 28, 2010


  • XML, TEI, édition

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Marin Dacos
    courriel : contact [at] openedition [dot] org


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Symposium on TEI and Scholarly Publishing », Study days, Calenda, Published on Monday, April 26, 2010,

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