HomeTerra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize. In Partnership with American Art
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Published on Friday, December 10, 2010


The Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize recognizes excellent scholarship by a non-U.S. scholar in the field of historical American art (circa 1500—1980). The winning manuscript submission should advance understanding of American art and demonstrate new findings and original perspectives. It will be translated and published in American Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s scholarly journal, which will also cover the cost of image rights and reproductions, and the winner will receive a $500 award.


American Art, Smithsonian American Art Museum

Washington, D.C.

Application Deadline: January 15, 2011

The Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize recognizes excellent scholarship in the field of historical American art (circa 1500–1980) by a non-U.S. scholar. The winning manuscript submission should advance understanding of American art and demonstrate new findings and original perspectives. It will be translated and published in American Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s scholarly journal, which will also cover the cost of image rights and reproductions, and the winner will receive a $500 award.

Essays should be submitted by e-mail to terraessayprize@si.edu. For more information regarding essay requirements and format for submission, please visit  www.americanart.si.edu/research/awards/terra.


  • Washington (États-Unis)
    Washington, America


  • Saturday, January 15, 2011


  • art américain, histoire culturelle, échanges tranatlantiques


  • Cynthia Mills
    courriel : millsc [at] si [dot] edu

Information source

  • Ewa Bobrowska
    courriel : travelgrants [at] terraamericanart [dot] eu


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To cite this announcement

« Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize. In Partnership with American Art », Scholarship, prize and job offer, Calenda, Published on Friday, December 10, 2010, https://doi.org/10.58079/hh5

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