HomeArchitectures of Peace

Architectures of Peace

Architectures of Peace

Call for paper for the third issue of Boundaries-International architecture magazine

Call for paper for the third issue of Boundaries-International architecture magazine

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Published on Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Boundaries-international architecture magazine- introduces the second call for papers for the third issue of the review (January - March 2012) on « Architectures of Peace ». We encourage authors to explore any aspect of this topic, on which we wish to open a wide interdisciplinary debate. The deadline for submission of abstract in English or Italian is November 18, 2011 and be should sent by email to redazione@boundaries.it. Please see our website for further information: http://www.boundaries.it/



Boundaries is a quarterly international magazine on contemporary architecture, with texts in English and Italian. The first issue, July- September 2011, is centred on the Contemporary Architecture in Africa and the second, October - December 2011, on the Architectures for Emergencies. The aim of the project in Boundaries is to offer a panoramic and critical view of the architectures that today face, in many different ways, the challenges of modernity, and of sustainability intended as a
balance between problems of cultural, environmental, economic and social nature.

For more information, see : http://www.boundaries.it

Architectures of Peace

The third issue of Boundaries International Architectural Magazine will focus on the meaning of « Architectures of Peace ».

Peace as a process, rather than an aim or a condition, is something difficult to define. Nevertheless, in this new era of local – and global – wars and conflicts it is not just rhetoric to reaffirm the importance of dialog values and peace. Architecture has a deep effect on human beings. Consciousness, places and memories are all deeply involved in the process of creation and re-creation of the environment. Architecture not only provides a shelter but contributes to the organization of the society and reflects our perception of reality. There are many different ways in which the dialogue between architecture and peace could take place: not only through reconstructions, not only through memorials, not only through reconciliation statements.

We encourage authors to explore any aspect of this topic, on which we wish to open a wide interdisciplinary debate. All kinds of approaches to this topic are welcomed, and papers can be case studies oriented, or methodological and/or theoretical in focus.


The deadline for submission is

November 18, 2011.

Contributors are invited to submit a title, an abstract (no more than 500 words and from one to three images), and a short biography stating their affiliation and professional interests (maximum 100 words), in English or Italian.

All submission of abstracts should be sent by email to redazione@boundaries.it (up to 15 Mb) before November 18, 2011.

The papers will be selected by the editorial board and subjected to evaluation with the blind peer review system. The authors will receive an answer before November 24, 2011. Articles should be sent to the editorial board, in the definitive form and with illustrations (free from reproduction rights), before December 8, 2011.

Articles length must be at least 2 and no more than 4 pages (between 4000-8000 characters), notes and bibliography included. Contributions must be original and should not have been previously published, even in part. All articles must be illustrated (at least eight images).


  • Friday, November 18, 2011


  • contemporary architecture, architectures of peace


  • Editorial board
    courriel : redazione [at] boundaries [dot] it

Information source

  • Luca Sampò
    courriel : editorialboard [at] boundaries [dot] it


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To cite this announcement

« Architectures of Peace », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, https://doi.org/10.58079/jjc

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