HomeCrowd control in the Renaissance

HomeCrowd control in the Renaissance

Crowd control in the Renaissance

Le contrôle des foules à la Renaissance

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Published on Thursday, January 12, 2012


This seminar will discuss the notion of « crowd control » from various viewpoints, distinguishing « crowd controllers » and the « crowds controlled » in different loci : on the stage, in the Church, the royal entourage, urban / rural milieus, in the British Isles or elsewhere.


This seminar will discuss the notion of "crowd control' from various viewpoints, distinguishing "crowd controllers' and the "crowds controlled' in different loci : on the stage, in the Church, the royal entourage, urban/rural milieus, in the British Isles or elsewhere.

The seminar seeks to build on ideological and Foucauldian-based approaches to notions and instances of rebellion and social control, favored by critics in the 80s and 90s, by taking into account recent interdisciplinary research on manuscripts, law, iconography, film and performance studies, among others. Papers will discuss instances of crowd control, based on historical accounts, pamphlets, legal precedents, moral recommendations, or take fictional accounts from the stage or print culture. Theoretical approaches to the topic will also be welcome.

Comité scientifique :

  • Pascale Drouet, Professeur, Université de Poitiers, pascale.drouet@neuf.fr
  • Zenon Luis Marinez, Professeur, Université de Huelva (Espagne), luis@dfing.uhu.es
  • Yan Brailowsky, Maître de conférences, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, yan.brailowsky@u-paris10.fr

Échéancier :

  • Envoi des propositions : 31 janvier 2012, aux trois membres du comité scientifique.

  • Format : résumé en anglais. Longueur : 1/2 page environ.
  • Notification d’acceptation des contributions : avant le 29 février 2012.
  • Journée d’étude : entre le 4 et le 8 septembre 2012, à Istanbul. La date précise sera connue avant mai.
  • Publication prévue : remise des manuscrits au premier trimestre 2013.


  • Istanbul
    Istanbul, Republic of Turkey


  • Tuesday, January 31, 2012


  • Yan Brailowsky
    courriel : covid [at] yanb [dot] eu

Information source

  • Yan Brailowsky
    courriel : covid [at] yanb [dot] eu


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Crowd control in the Renaissance », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, January 12, 2012, https://doi.org/10.58079/jxw

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