HomeStructures of the XXth Century: architectural heritage and patrimonialization

Structures of the XXth Century: architectural heritage and patrimonialization

Structures du XXe siècle : patrimoine architecturale et patrimonialisation

*  *  *

Published on Wednesday, March 07, 2012


The evolution of the architectural languages of the XX century, from modernist to post-modernist, has often stressed the importance of structures in expressing and fostering innovation. However, in the patrimonialization processes identities, memories and languages, prevail on structures and materials, due to new uses, new norms and standards adaptation.


Structures of the XX Century: architectural heritage and patrimonialization, University of Minho, 24-26 July 2013, Guimarães (Portugal)

Heritage, as the outcome of a dynamic process of dialogue, between local identities and communities, national and supranational organizations, is often used as an instrument of political communication (Leniaud, 2003). Patrimonialization, as a medium for political constructs and identification, or as a support to economic development, is a negotiation over meanings and values and a selective representation of culture, which frequently pays little or no attention to the importance of the critical history of the building, its structures and creation processes. The patrimonialization process changes the nature of the buildings, objects and contexts on which it intervene, and needs to be careful verified, and critically supported, to make is sustainable from all points of views.

The mini-symposia wish to offer an overview, and a first assessment, on different critical points of view over the actual status of the discipline and, in the search of continuity between past and future, a perspective over the possible approaches to structures in architectural heritage patrimonialization. The main focus themes will be:

  • The role of structural design in XX century architectural languages
  • Modernist versus Post-modernist approach to structural design
  • Modernist approach to structural design: theories and practices of conservation
  • Structural design as a meeting point between Architecture and Engineering
  • Infrastructures of the XX century: heritage and patrimonialization perspectives.

Papers focusing on case studies, with a theoretical/methodological approach, are particularly welcomed.

All submissions of abstracts must be sent to both session co-organizers, clearly indicating the theme in which the proposed paper is expected to be included before April 10.

Submitted papers must describe work not previously published in a peer reviewed venue, or which is not under review at a journal or at another conference.

Contributors are invited to submit a title and an abstract (with no images) of about 500 words, a short biography stating their affiliation and professional interests (max. 100 words).

The language for papers and presentation is English.

One of the authors of an accepted paper will expected to present their work at the conference.

Please take note of the following important dates and go online – – to see all details about the International Conference organizations, venues, registration fees and dates.

Important dates :

  • Abstract Submission - April 10, 2012
  • Preliminary Abstract Acceptance - May 21, 2012
  • Full Paper Submission - November 15, 2012
  • Final Paper Acceptance - February 15, 2013
  • Early Bird Registration - March 15, 2013

Session presented and co-chaired by

  • Luca Sampò, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
  • Clarisse Lauras, University “Lumière” Lyon 2 (France)

Registration and Fees

It is expected that for every accepted paper at least one author is attending ICSA2013.

The registration fee will be collected in euros only.

Before March 15, 2013

Authors and participants* 


Accompanying persons*** 

After March 15, 2013

Authors and participants* 


Accompanying persons*** 

(*) Fee includes technical documentation, reception, lunches, coffee-breaks and conference gala dinner.
(**) Institutional certification required. Student fee does not include participation in the conference gala dinner.
(***) Including reception, social program tours & gala dinner.


  • University of Minho
    Guimarães, Portugal


  • Tuesday, April 10, 2012


  • Études urbains, histoire de la patrimonialisation, architecture, ville, heritage


  • Luca Sampò
    courriel : editorialboard [at] boundaries [dot] it
  • Clarisse Lauras
    courriel : laurasclarisse [at] yahoo [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Luca Sampò
    courriel : editorialboard [at] boundaries [dot] it


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To cite this announcement

« Structures of the XXth Century: architectural heritage and patrimonialization », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, March 07, 2012,

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