Consumption studies
Estudos do consumo
Sustainable living: everyday consumption practices
Vida sustentável: práticas cotidianas de consumo
Published on Friday, May 25, 2012
In most contemporary societies, socio-environmental sustainability has become a central topic of discussion over the past few decades. The impact of carbon emissions, consumption of non-renewable water and energy, the loss of biodiversity, or the need for residue reduction and recycling - among many other issues - have become the object of international agreements, public policies, business initiatives, media reportage, action by social movements, and heated academic debate. Today, there seems to be some consensus over the fact that, even with dramatic changes in public policies, production technologies, and energy sources, these environmental impacts will, to a large extent, continue.
This is mainly because such impact is also produced in the domestic sphere, that is, in how natural resources and the planet's energy are used by a "global consuming class" of 1.7 billion people spread over all continents. What this means is that, more than ever, sustainability needs to be discussed with the final consumer as a starting point. Sustainable living is the concept that summarizes the relationship between quotidian consumption practices and sustainability. On the one hand, this concept encourages us to rethink the very relationship between consumption and production. On the other, the task of redefining and changing social practices is more complex than what media campaigns and public policies would lead one to believe. After all, practices are constituted through sayings and doings that develop and are then reassembled and dismembered into other practices; each of which implies new forms of consumption.
The 6th National (and 2nd Portuguese-Brazilian) Meeting on Consumption Studies seeks to discuss, both theoretically and methodologically, the concept of sustainable living, and to analyze, sociologically, the social practices and lifestyles that make up contemporary living. As such, we are interested in theoretical and empirical papers covering topics such as domestic practices; water and energy consumption; urban mobility, transport and logistics; the use of ecological technologies in the domestic sphere; particular modes of living; or new ways of articulating production and consumption. At the same time, we also welcome papers engaging in discussions over symbolic and practical conceptualizations of what it means to "live sustainably" in contemporary societies.
We invite researchers and graduate students (Master's and Ph.D.) to submit abstracts based on theoretical-conceptual discussion and/or empirical research. Each abstract should be submitted to one of the panels listed below and should engage with its proposed themes. Authors and co-authors are welcome to submit as many abstracts as they wish. Panel chairs will then review all abstracts submitted to their panel and make their decisions about presentation. Upon notification of acceptance, authors are expected to submit the complete paper in accordance with the dates below.
Deadline for abstract submission: May 30, 2012
Results of abstract submission announced: June 30, 2012
Deadline for submission of completed papers: August 15, 2012
Authors should send their abstracts electronically, formatted in Microsoft Word. Abstracts should be between 3,000 and 4,000 characters long (spaces included).
Languages accepted are Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
Further information on abstract and paper submission will soon be available at
Each abstract should include the following information:
Paper title;
Title and number of panel to which abstract is being submitted;
Name, title, institution, and contact information (complete address, phone numbers, E-mail) for first author;
Name, title, institution, and contact information (complete address, phone numbers, E-mail) of co-authors (if written in co-authorship);
Abstract formatted as above;
Up to 5 keywords.
1 Politicization and Environmentalization of Consumption
- Fátima Portilho (CPDA/UFRRJ)
- Fabián Echegaray (Market Analysis)
2 Consumption and Social Inclusion
- Letícia Veloso (PPGS and PPGSD/UFF)
- Sandra Rubia da Silva (UFSM)
3 Fashion, Taste, and Aesthetics
- Lívia Barbosa (CAEPM/ESPM-SP)
- Mylene Mizrahi (PPGSA/IFCS/UFRJ)
4 Globalization and the Circulation of People and Goods
- Marta Rosales (CRIA/FCSH/UNL - Portugal)
5 Trends in Food Consumption
- Renata Menasche (UFPel and PGDR/UFRGS)
- Janine Colaço (UFG)
6 Consumption, Marketing, Communications, and Society
- Eduardo Ayrosa (FGV-RJ)
- José Carlos Durand (Grupo FOCUS/ Unicamp)
7 Citizens and Consumers on the Web: Drama, Confrontation, and Participation
- Laura Graziela Gomes (PPGA/NEMO/UFF)
- Eliane Tânia Freitas (UFRN)
8 Informal, Illicit, and “Alternative” Markets
- Rosana Pinheiro Machado (ESPM-RS)
- Lênin Pires (FD/InEAC/UFF)
All participants should register online at Registration costs are different for each category and for pre-payment:
Until August 15th
During meeting (Sept. 12, 13, 14)
150,00 Reais
200,00 Reais
Student (Graduate)*
100,00 Reais
150,00 Reais
Student (Undergraduate)*
60,00 Reais
100,00 Reais
* Payment receipts should be sent to organizing committee.
- Fátima Portilho (CPDA/UFRRJ)
- John Wilkinson (CPDA/UFRRJ)
- Laura Graziela (PPGA/NEMO/UFF)
- Letícia Veloso (PPGS and PPGSD/UFF)
- Lívia Barbosa (CAEPM/ESPM-SP) – President
- Marta Rosales (CRIA/FCSH/UNL – Portugal)
- Veranise Dubeux (CAEPM/ESPM-RJ and PUC-RJ)
- Camila Batista (MA student – CPDA/UFRRJ)
- Daniel Coelho (Ph.D. student – CPDA/UFRRJ)
- Daniel Wanderley (Undergraduate student – ESPM)
- Flávia Galindo (Ph.D. student – CPDA/UFRRJ)
- Layla Miranda (Undergraduate student – UFRRJ)
- Michele de Lavra Pinto (Ph.D. student CPDOC/FGV; Prof. ESPM-RJ)
- Patrícia Gonçalves (Ph.D. student – CPDA/UFRRJ)
- Taís Queiroz (MA student – PPGA/UFF)
- Eduardo Ayrosa (FGV-RJ)
- Eliane Tânia Freitas (UFRN)
- Fabián Echegaray (Market Analysis)
- Fátima Portilho (CPDA/UFRRJ)
- Janine Collaço (UFG)
- John Wilkinson (CPDA/UFRRJ)
- José Carlos Durand (Grupo FOCUS/ Unicamp)
- Laura Graziela Gomes (PPGA/NEMO/UFF)
- Lênin Pires (FD/InEAC/UFF)
- Letícia Veloso (PPGS and PPGSD/UFF)
- Lívia Barbosa (CAEPM/ESPM-SP)
- Marta Rosales (CRIA/FCSH/UNL – Portugal)
- Mylene Mizrahi (PPGSA/IFCS/UFRJ)
- Renata Menasche (UFPel and PGDR/UFRGS)
- Rosana Pinheiro Machado (ESPM-RS)
- Sandra Rubia da Silva (UFSM)
- Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM-RJ/SP)
- CAEPM — Centro de Altos Estudos em Propaganda e Marketing
- Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)
- CPDA — Programa de Pós-Graduação de Ciências Sociais em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade
- Núcleo de Estudos Redes, Mercados e Valores
- Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
- PPGA — Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia
- PPGS — Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia
- PPGSD — Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia e Direito
- NEMO — Núcleo de Estudos da Modernidade
- Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL)
- FCSH — Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
- CRIA — Centro em Rede de Investigação emAntropologia
- Rua do Rosário, 90, Downtown (ESPM)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Wednesday, May 30, 2012
- Estudos do consumo
courriel : estudosdoconsumo [at] gmail [dot] com
Reference Urls
Information source
- Marta Maia
courriel : martamaia72 [at] yahoo [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« Consumption studies », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, May 25, 2012,