HomeLanguages for Special Purposes and Professionalisation

Languages for Special Purposes and Professionalisation

Langues de spécialité et professionnalisation

35th APLIUT Congress

XXXVe Congrès de l'APLIUT

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Published on Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The 35th APLIUT Congress will be held at Montpellier Institute of Technology, from 30 May to 1 June 2013. It will be on “Languages for Special Purposes and professionalisation”. The Congress will provide the opportunity to explore the relationship between teaching and learning Languages for Special Purposes (LSP) and professionalisation. Among the themes which we will examine are the following: 1- LSP and graduate employment; 2- Professionalism and LSP teachers; 3- The crossover between industry and LSP learning and teaching at university level.  


35th APLIUT Congress , “Languages for Special Purposes and Professionalisation”, IUT de Montpellier (Montpellier Institute of Technology), 30, 31 May and 1 June 2013

Call for papers

In the last 2 decades, some of the key concepts of market economics have made their way into the world of education; we come across them in teaching and learning theory, in such European publications as the White Paper on growth, competitiveness and employment: The challenges and ways forward into the 21st century[1]and the White Paper on Education and Training - Teaching and Learning - Towards the Learning Society[2]. In 2000, the Council of Europe adopted the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages[3]. This framework, in addition to the six levels for measuring language performance (A1 to C2), provides a structure for language teaching based on needs analysis, programme objectives, target skills and assessment – themes traditionally associated with the world of work. The declared aim is to bring together the worlds of education and employment to improve the life chances of students in their chosen fields.

The 35th APLIUT congress will provide the opportunity to explore the relationship between teaching and learning Languages for Special Purposes (LSP) and professionalisation. Among the themes which we will examine are the following:

  • LSP and graduate employment (work experience, projects, professional courses, sandwich courses, lifelong learning programmes, etc.): the roles of foreign languages and LSP in particular; new developments in LSP teaching tools and practices; English as an international language[4]; models and standards; multilingualism and professionalisation.
  • Professionalism and LSP teachers: teacher training; professional development; research; the role of institutions; cross-curricular and inter-disciplinary issues; repercussions on teaching and learning.
  • The crossover between industry and LSP learning and teaching at university level: business culture; management policies; representations of industry in LSP teaching, integration of external instructors from industry and commerce.


Communications will fall into one of 3 categories

  • Synthesis or reflexion on the theme of LSP and professionalisation
  • Fundamental research in the didactics of languages and in domains appertaining to linguistics, psycholinguistics, cognition, neurolinguistics, multimedia didactics and ergonomics in the teaching of LSP.
  • Presentation and comparison of pedagogical practices in LSP.

Propositions will be considered in French or English

Papers must be submitted on the attached form and sent by e-mail to Marie-Annick Mattioli: marie-annick.mattioli@parisdescartes.fr

before the 15 February 2013

Scientific Committee

  • Mathilde Arino, PRAG, université Toulouse 3 (IUT)
  • Laurence Colange, PRAG,  université de Montpellier (IUT)
  • Dan Frost, Maître de conférences, université de Savoie
  • Noëlla Gaigeot, PRAG, université du Mans (IUT)
  • Marie-Annick Mattioli, Maître de conférences, université Paris Descartes (IUT)
  • Marion Prost, Chargée de cours, université de Saint-Nazaire
  • Linda Terrier, Maître de conférences, université Toulouse 2


  • [1] European Commission (1993). Brussels: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • [2] European Commission (1995). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • [3] Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (2001). Council of Europe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • [4] Jennifer Jenkins (2000). The phonology of English as an international language , Oxford: Oxford University Press & Sandra Lee McKay (2002). Teaching English as an International Language: An introduction to the role of English as an international language and its implications for language teaching, Oxford: Oxford University Press.


  • IUT de Montpellier
    Montpellier, France (34)


  • Friday, February 15, 2013


  • langues de spécialité, professionnalisation, APLIUT, enseignement, apprentissage


  • Marie-Annick Mattioli
    courriel : marie-annick [dot] mattioli [at] parisdescartes [dot] fr

Information source

  • Marie-Annick Mattioli
    courriel : marie-annick [dot] mattioli [at] parisdescartes [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Languages for Special Purposes and Professionalisation », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, January 22, 2013, https://doi.org/10.58079/m9g

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