Published on Friday, May 10, 2013
The International Conference State and Societal Challenges in the Horn of Africa is one of the outcomes of the CEA-IUL Project entitled ‘’Monitorization of Conflicts in the Horn of Africa’’. The Project (PTDC/AFR/100460/2008) is financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Ministry of Science and High Education. The project started on 4 January 2010 and finishes on 3 June 2013.
This Conference and the Final book that will be published in its aftermath bring into fruition the research developed in the context of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) funded Project on ‘’Monitorization of Conflicts in the Horn of Africa’’. The papers are based on first-hand data collected through fieldwork in the region’s countries. The Project Team members and consultants will be debating their research findings and Conference’s overall theme. The research team is comprised of 8 members: Alexandra M. Dias (Principal Investigator), Alexandre de Sousa Carvalho, Ana Cascão, Elsa Gonzalez Aime, Isabel Boavida, Manuel João Ramos, Pedro Barge Cunha, Ricardo Sousa and three consultants Patrick Ferras, Aleksi Ylönen and Gonçalo Mota.
ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon University Institute, Auditório Afonso de Barros, Ala Autónoma
April 29th
10:00-10:45 Welcome and Introduction by Clara Carvalho, Director of CEA-IUL and Alexandra M Dias, Principal Investigator of the FCT sponsored Project ‘’ Monitorization of Conflicts in the Horn of Africa’’
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Panel One: Ethiopia at the Crossroads: Past and present trends
Genealogy of religious violence’s narratives in Ethiopia
Manuel João Ramos, CEA-IUL.
Conflicts in Ethiopia, 17th century: Scales and discourses.
Isabel Boavida, CEA-IUL and Camões Institute
The Ethiopian “operation” in Somalia.
Elsa González Aime, Autonomous University of Madrid.
Stories from the Baro River" (15-minute Teaser)
Directors Gonçalo Mota & Ana Cascão
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Panel Two: Horn of Africa’s security dynamics
Security Stakes and Challenges in the Horn of Africa
Patrick Ferras, Observatory of the Horn of Africa
Subsidiarity and APSA in the Horn of Africa - the case of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
Ricardo Sousa, CEA-IUL and International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (EUR)
The Horn of Africa as a market for Private Military and Security Companies: definitions, agents and services
Pedro Barge Cunha, CEA-IUL.
16:00-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-18:00 Panel Three: The Future of the Horn of Africa’s Stability: Somalia, Kenya, Sudan & South Sudan
International intervention in Somalia (2006-2012)
Alexandra Dias, CEA-IUL.
The Legacy of Power Sharing in Kenya
Alexandre de Sousa Carvalho,CEA-IUL.
In War Again: The Nuba and Conflict Dynamics between the Two Sudans
Aleksi Ylönen, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt & African Studies Group, Autonomous University of Madrid
- Africa (Main category)
- CEA - Ed. ISCTE-IUL, Av. das Forças Armadas
Lisbon, Portugal (1649-026)
- Monday, April 29, 2013
- Centro de Estudos Africanos
courriel : cea [at] iscte [dot] pt
Reference Urls
Information source
- Marta Maia
courriel : martamaia72 [at] yahoo [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« State and societal challenges in the Horn of Africa », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Friday, May 10, 2013,