HomeSocial Movements, here and there, from the past and the present

HomeSocial Movements, here and there, from the past and the present

Social Movements, here and there, from the past and the present

Mouvements sociaux, ça et là, d’hier et d’aujourd’hui

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Published on Monday, May 27, 2013


Never has the world been so irrigated by social movements. Some are global, claiming transnational identities and changes; others are local, resisting the homogenizing effects of globalization. Some favor pacifism, others armed tactics. Some fight for reforms, others for revolutions.



Never has the world been so irrigated by social movements. Some are global, claiming transnational identities and changes; others are local, resisting the homogenizing effects of globalization. Some favor pacifism, others armed tactics. Some fight for reforms, others for revolutions.

As globalization unfolds, time has come to assess the status of social movements in the world. Are they the fiber of life, as claimed French sociologist Alain Touraine? Or are they mere epiphenomena?

The theories of collective behavior, resource mobilization, identity and more recently the theory of structural opportunity and the so-called emotional turn, all tend to explain the emergence, the take-off, the maintenance, the decline and finally the demise of social movements.

The goal of this issue of Etudes Caribéennes dedicated to the study of social movements is to test these theories, using specific case studies. Prospective authors are free to suggest the social movement, from the past or the present, of their choice. All disciplines and themes in the social sciences will be considered, including, but not limited to, (by alphabetical order): environment, gender, health, immigration, inequalities, music, peace, regional languages, religion, sexualities, work, etc.

In keeping with the scientific requirements of the CNRS, which supports the journal Etudes Caribéennes, articles must rigorously spell out the theoretical and methodological frameworks of the research, situating it clearly within the scientific literature.

While Etudes Caribéennes generally prioritizes articles about the Caribbean area, this issue accepts articles about any region of the world, in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Failure to comply with the editorial instructions provided on the site of the journal will automatically result in the rejection of the article:

Submission guidelines

Articles (45 000 characters, spaces included) should be sent to Gilbert Elbaz :

before December 31, 2013.



  • Tuesday, December 31, 2013


  • mouvements sociaux, mondialisation, identités, sociétés, luttes sociales, révolutions


  • Gilbert Elbaz
    courriel : gilberelbaz [at] yahoo [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Anne Pajard
    courriel : anne [dot] pajard [at] martinique [dot] univ-ag [dot] fr


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« Social Movements, here and there, from the past and the present », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, May 27, 2013,

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