Global Circulations of Jazz
Les circulations globales du jazz
Published on Friday, May 31, 2013
An international conference entitled "Global Circulations of Jazz" will bring together specialists, anthropologists, historians, musicologists, sociologists, the dissemination of jazz outside of its places of birth will be explored. We will look at this ‘other jazz’, whose history is little and poorly known. Jazz music circulated very early on and engendered particularly rich and fertile musical and cultural progeny around the world. The conference will clarify the concrete modalities of the international movement of a musical form, focusing, in particular, on exporters (foreign musicians, agents, cultural industries) and importers (local musicians, audiences, cultural institutions).
An international conference entitled "Global Circulations of Jazz" will bring together specialists, anthropologists, historians, musicologists, sociologists, the dissemination of jazz outside of its places of birth will be explored. We will look at this ‘other jazz’, whose history is little and poorly known. Jazz music circulated very early on and engendered particularly rich and fertile musical and cultural progeny around the world. The conference will clarify the concrete modalities of the international movement of a musical form, focusing, in particular, on exporters (foreign musicians, agents, cultural industries) and importers (local musicians, audiences, cultural institutions). The conference intends to highlight these cultural intermediaries, but also to examine the dynamics of broadcast networks, the role of national and international music industries as well as the essential role of places (night clubs, theatres, etc.).. Jazz established itself and developed, actually, in multiple arenas from South America to Asia to Africa.
This conference will take a fresh look at the sociology of cultural globalization and help synthetizing localized research studies, allowing us to transform our vision of jazz history focused up to this point on its major centres of creation (United States, Europe). This conference will thus actively contribute to a more precise definition of the contours of ‘global jazz’.
Thursday, June27
14h : Welcome
14h15 : Introduction by Catherine Servan-Schreiber (CNRS), Anne- Christine Taylor (musée du quai Branly) et / and Stéphane Dorin (Université Paris 8)
14h30-15h00 : Plenary Session Damon Phillips (Columbia University) Shaping Jazz: Cities, Labels and the Global Emergence of an Art Form
15h00–16h40 : Session I - Beyond Rhythm Changes: Jazz Cultures and European Identities in Global Context
Chair : Marco Santoro (Università di Bologna)
- Nicholas Gebhardt (Lancaster University) From Jazz Warriors to Afropeans: Sonic Identities and Cultural Practice in Black British Jazz
- George McKay (University of Salford) Winifred Atwell, 1950s Pianist and Chart-Topper: Trinidad-England-Australia
- Walter van de Leur (University of Amsterdam, Conservatorium van Amsterdam) Barrel-organs, Forrest Paths and Jazz Behind the Dikes: Dutch Jazz in the 1960s and 70s
- Tony Whyton (University of Salford) Belonging: Re-Imagining Europe through Jazz
16h40-17h : Pause Café / Coffee Break
17h-17h50 : Session II - Networks and Distribution
Chair : Jean-Louis Fabiani (CEU-Budapest, EHESS)
- Anaïs Fléchet (Centre d’histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) Jalons pour une histoire du jazz au Brésil (années 1920-années 1950)
- Andrew Dubber (Centre for Media and Cultural Research, Birmingham City University) Shift Left: From Cultural Cringe to New Aesthetic in Aotearoa New Zealand
17h50-18h40 : Session III - Sources and Sound Archives Président
Chair : Catherine Tackley (The Open University)
- Mark Holston (Jazziz Magazine, Berklee College of Music) Caribbean Currents & Beyond: The Dissemination of Jazz in Caribbean Basin Nations, Chile and Argentina
- Rainer Lotz (Independent researcher and historian, Birgit Lotz Verlag) Black Europe – The First Comprehensive Documentation of the Sounds and Images of Black People in Europe pre-1927
18h40–20h : Screening I - Accra Trane Station, a film by Steven Feld (University of New Mexico)
Presentation by Panagiota Anagnostou (IEP Bordeaux)
20h-20h45 : Cocktail
Friday, June 28
9h15 : Welcome
9h30-11h00 : Session VI - Historical Approaches
Chair : Olivier Roueff (CRESSPA-CSU, CNRS)
- Mischa van Kan (Institute for Cultural Sciences, Göteborg University), How can jazz from the land of Vikings and the midnight sun be authentic jazz?
- Juan Carlos Franco Gamez (Groupe de recherche Artes y creación Université El Bosque), Les principaux acteurs de diffusion dans l’histoire du jazz en Colombie
- Kristian Feigelson (Université Paris 3), Les paradoxes du jazz en URSS
- Panagiota Anagnostou (IEP Bordeaux), Le jazz en Grèce
11h00-11h15 : Coffee Break
11h15-12h15 : Plenary Sessions
- Goffredo Plastino (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Jazz Napoletano: A Passion for Improvisation
- Catherine Tackley (The Open University), Race, Identity and the Meaning of Jazz in Britain, 1935-1948
12h15-13h20 : Lunch
13h00-13h20 : Screening 2 - Learning Jazz in Malaysia, a film by Gisa Jaehnichen (University Putra Malaysia)
13h20-15h00: Session IV - Intermediaries and Go-Betweens Président
Chair : Tim Dowd (Emory University)
- Matthew Boden (University of Tasmania, Conservatorium of Music) The Globalisation of Jazz: An Australian Perspective
- Marcos Câmara de Castro (Université de São Paulo) Zimbo Trio et le samba-jazz brésilien
- Lorraine Roubertie Soliman (Université Paris 8 Vincennes/Saint-Denis) Afrique du Sud : la thérapie du glocal
- Clifford Korman (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte) Paulo Moura’s Quartet and Hepteto: A Consideration of Two Seminal Brazilian Jazz (música instrumental brasileira) Recordings
15h00-15h15 : Coffee Break
15h15-16h30 : Session V - Places
Chair : Wenceslas Lizé (Université de Poitiers)
- Myrtille Picaud (CESSP, EHESS), Circulations du jazz au sein de l’espace musical parisien
- Colombine Parthoens (Laboratoire d’Anthropologie sociale et culturelle, Université de Liège), Un relais pour les jazzmen américains à Liège : la maison sur la colline de Jacques Pelzer.
- Tim Dowd (Emory University), Jazz in the Trenches: Jazz Musicians and the Challenges of Careers in Three US Cities
16h30-18h : Screening 3 - Finding Carlton. Uncovering the Story of Jazz in India, a film by Susheel J. Kurien
Presentation by Stéphane Dorin (Université Paris 8)
18h-18h45 : Round-table: Towards a Social History of the Global Circulations of Jazz
- Musée du quai Branly, salle de cinéma - 37 quai Branly
Paris, France (75007)
- Thursday, June 27, 2013
- Friday, June 28, 2013
- jazz, histoire, circulations, globalisation
- Stéphane Dorin
courriel : stephane [dot] dorin [at] gmail [dot] com
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Information source
- Stéphane Dorin
courriel : stephane [dot] dorin [at] gmail [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Global Circulations of Jazz », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Friday, May 31, 2013,